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pilotfly.gif ........



I did one, but in air superiority grey. Yours looks great

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suicidal, if I remember somebody talking, may be your card overheating, I've seen some of that bleed before myself when testing pureblue's terrain.

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Qinetiq desert testing, bonus marks to those who notice the exterior differences.



Edited by Jimbib

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Qinetiq desert testing, bonus marks to those who notice the exterior differences.




...A British Hip??? :huh:

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Indeed, there are two in fact, currently being used at MoD Boscombe Down, they are ex-Bulgarian examples.

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I had similar...

I found it due to excessive use of the pc with memory intensive programmes and not restarting to clear the ram etc,before playing the sim...I exprerimented a few times doing some memory intensive stuff with no reset and same result...

gfx card was operating below its normal temp at time...(GF8800gtx@)1gb mem

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I've been a long time with the machine on.

And working with 3D-MAX.

He forced the card and the surcharge.

I am a bit scared, touch the cabinet and he was pretty hot.



I was expecting much this helicopter.

Thank you very much for your work.

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No wrinkles, no face - or booblifts, no make up, no bad teeth, just plain and simple beauty forever !!


Derk bye.gif

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Look at this that I miss.

I was testing some new models and animations.

And when I finish loading this surprise I found the whole terrain has absorbed all the skins and use as tiles.

Worst of all, the 3D file in which I was working on broke.



Do my eyes decive me a Saab 37 Viggen trainer?

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yes :) mission CAS is coming :)



As suicidal says:


"ANIMAL" very nice :smile:

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Do my eyes decive me a Saab 37 Viggen trainer?



This in the final stretch.

This 90% complete.

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That's looking nice, and the cool thing is, it'll be available here! :clapping:

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Soulfreak, what terrain is that in the middle picture? It looks awesome!!!!!

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the screen on the ground is Germany_CE with Pureblues outstanding airfield mod (WIP).

And the other two are both the Anatolia terrain (WIP).

All Gen2!!!

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