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DaNang, AB. SVN.

Mission E501-1/2. 10 Oct.1968. Brief at 0700. TO at 0840. TOT 0900. CAS Mission. Weather was Clear. Ingress at 20000ft. Egress at 30000ft. Target, Bunker Complex in the I Corps Area. Province, Quang Nam. Pilots LtCol.Vitali/Lt McCaffrey and Capt Hadley/Lt Cunningham....Target destroyed, No secondarys reported. Mission Completed.



Callsign, "Castor Oil Nine and One Five"





(Not YAP2 Generated)


Semper Fi! :wink:



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strange resolution...


Turn it upside down.......Might look better.... :blink:

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Turn it upside down.......Might look better.... :blink:


Your shots do look pretty squished horizontally...do they look normal on your end?

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probably screen ratio, I have mine at 4:3 and used to have issues with LOMAC, but not with WOI.

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wow I just thought the world was stunted! :biggrin:

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Oh hell....My bust. I forgot. I'm 16:9 in SF2.....I didn't think that made a Diff.......My Bad...I'll try redoing them in 4:3.


(16:9 1080p HDMI Samsung 32")

Edited by 331Killerbee

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This one is in 4:3 Standard........Let Me know if this shows up better. I had no idea....My Bust. Let Me know if this is any better on Yall's end......



Edited by 331Killerbee

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Turn it upside down.......Might look better.... :blink:


My applogies (76.IAP-Blackbird and All) I had no Idea...... :blink:(Thinking I'm a DumbA$$, Old Geezer)

Edited by 331Killerbee

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Flying a strike mission with VF-43 over Paran during Operation Desert Shepherd in 1986. The scarcity of operational aircraft meant that even the visiting aggressor squadron had to play the part of bomb couriers as well as fighter jocks...



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High above Taiwan...




and a bit lower





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Hunter FGA.Mk61 of No.1 squadron (The Panthers) Royal Dhimari Air Force.

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Flying a strike mission with VF-43 over Paran during Operation Desert Shepherd in 1986. The scarcity of operational aircraft meant that even the visiting aggressor squadron had to play the part of bomb couriers as well as fighter jocks...




EHI what terrain is that!

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EHI what terrain is that!


That's my HEAVILY modded Desert terrain that I copied over from SFG to SF2. Like a lot of other members here, it's oh so hard to leave behind a terrain that you've put a lot of work into :yes:

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NATO Fighters IV


No one expects the SPANISH INQUISITION!!!!




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NATO Fighters IV


No one expects the SPANISH INQUISITION!!!!


The Inquistion, let's begin

The Inquistion, look out sin

We have a mission, to convert the Noobs.....

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OH NO, not the Comfy Chair. Anything but the Comfy Chair.

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High above Taiwan...




and a bit lower





you never stops :ok:

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Gonna get you wherever you are


I still love that skin by Phamtuam. One of my all-time favorites.

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NATO Fighters IV


1962. A CL-13B Saber Mk.6 of 1/JG72 patrols the morning skies over northern Germany.




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>IMG< Cool Warthog created explosion shot >/IMG<


Diggin' this shot, and I look to the left to see who posted it. Did a double take when I saw your name, as I did the Night shift

a lot in 1982, while I was working on?


You guessed it, the wunnerful Warthog...



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