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Why I dislike the new James Bond movie

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Dalton was an awesome bond, he still had some sillyness, but had more seriousness.


But Daniel Craig is doing a great job. At first I didn't like the idea of him doing bond, but after watching Casino Royale I was quite satisfied. The only thing was , he didn't quite have the bond swagger or any of the classic bond things like moneypenny and Q that had been around even for the sean connery films.


The Gadgetry was going beyond over the top in the latest movies, but its been a staple of the series since the beginning, just not as rediculous. The invisible car and all that s**t was just too much. The earlier gadgets were better, more plausible and more like the crazy things the CIA really was cooking up during that era.

But the last two movies pierce brosnan did(and the ones roger moore did) were becoming terribly comic, barely distinguishable from its austin powers parodying or Get Smart. Though the bad blond chick was pretty hot.

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The first two Moore films were not the out-of-control gadget fests that the next two were, but they did not fare well at the box office. A survey performed by Eon Productions in late 1975, showed that Bond fans wanted to see "more action and gadgets", and "The Spy Who Loved Me" was the result. It did very well, especially when one takes into account that (at the time) it was competing with Star Wars for ticket sales.


With MoonRaker, it appeared that Eon adhered to the principle of "If a little action & gadgetry is good, then a lot more of the same must be great!". It tanked....and Eon went back to basics with "For Your Eyes Only", which was probably the best of the Moore films, though Moore seemed a bit out of his element, attempting to portray Bond in a manner that was more suited to Connery, or even Lazenby.



Moore was more (he he) of a comedian than anything. While I like Live or Let Die and spectre's jaws being indestructible , you all are correct, during the his era it was a gadget fest. Gadgets that could have easily ended the movie with one switch (the villain's hide out could been destroyed in a barrage of missiles from the sub car.


Connery (the best bond) used gadgets to help him along (i.e. scale the side of the building or bust out of prison) but he was more of a hands on type Bond. Dalton was more of an intel operative and had the "Bond" look and was very serious and dry. *He is a trained classical/theatrical actor. His gadets were used in surveillance and gathering of information.


Brosnan, took the concept of "Renaissance Man" to new heights. Most either love him or hate his guts, stating he was both witty, smart, always in control, and could charm the pants off M. Others will say is has an smart mouth invincible action star who should have been hospitalized from VD and hid behind his tech. Personally I think the tech in the last movie was a bit of a stretch.


I say you have to look at the generation and demographic each film was trying to appeal to...in Bronsnan's case it was the 90s tech generation and women.


Craig, I can not say to much about him. He is a great action and hands on star, however he still seems to gruff too me (and does not have that Bond look from the movies.) Is he closer to Ian Flemming's concept? More or less so, for he was an intel operative who access and knowledge of special ops during WWII, personally I still think that the studio is trying to capture this generation by going down the route of "Crank" style almost super human action that keeps going.

Edited by ironroad

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Bronson, Charles Bronson, played James Bond? :yikes::swoon:


Better correct it, the man's name is Brosnan, Pierce Brosnan. :rofl:

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From a Bond-centric website :biggrin:


"The Bond of Ian Fleming's novels – widely held to be a romanticised projection of Fleming himself – was a violent, sardonic man of a dry humour and formidable appetites. "I hate small portions of anything," he once declared. He particularly likes scrambled eggs, which he will eat at any time of day, and – until recently – he liked smoking. In Ian Fleming's novels, he smokes 60 untipped, oval-profile cigarettes a day – a blend of Balkan and Turkish tobaccos mixed specially for him by Morland's. In recent years, he seems to have given up.


He's particular about his drinks – insisting that they be "very large and very strong and very cold, and very well-made". His stipulation that his martinis be "shaken, not stirred" is controversial among connoisseurs of the tipple (it results in a cold, but unacceptably dilute drink). He has been known to drink both gin and vodka martinis – though for reasons of product placement, recent films have seen him favour vodka.


Bond's romantic appetites, like those of his creator, are marked by a streak of sexual cruelty. Rosamond Lehman speculated that Fleming "gets off with women because he cannot get on with them"; his fictional alter-ego had a highly questionable attitude to sexual violence, noting of the first ever Bond girl, Vesper Lynd, that "the conquest of her body, because of the central privacy in her, would each time have the sweet tang of rape".


Bond's sexual tomcattery didn't preclude more serious attachments, though. In Casino Royale he contemplated leaving the service to be with beautiful, troubled Vesper Lynd; a course of action thwarted by her suicide. "The bitch is dead now," he reports, sentimentally. In On Her Majesty's Secret Service he went as far as to get married to beautiful, troubled Countess Teresa "Tracy" di Vicenzo – a union, again, thwarted by her death, this time in a drive-by shooting."

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Bronson, Charles Bronson, played James Bond? :yikes::swoon:


Better correct it, the man's name is Brosnan, Pierce Brosnan. :rofl:



Ehh Palie...wouldn't make difference to me. Bond wouldn't stand a chance it takes a cool customer to blow a mugger away while eating an ice cream sandwich.



Edited by ironroad

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Bronson, Charles Bronson, played James Bond? :yikes::swoon:


Better correct it, the man's name is Brosnan, Pierce Brosnan. :rofl:


Have you guys seen this?



The advert was popular in Asia a few years back when Pierce Brosnan was still James Bond in the movies.

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Or Dirty Harry still chewing his hot dog while stopping a bank robbery. :smile:

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I think that Daniel Craig was an inspired choice to play Bond.


Great actor, plus he's hawt!!


Judi Dench as M is again, superb casting. She has made the part her own.


As for the old films. Well, Connery is Bond. No doubt about that.


Roger Moore played it for laughs, I think he did a great tongue-in-cheek Bond-esque character.


Dalton. A good actor but not Bond.


Brosnan. Oh no. What were they thinking. The worst of them all. Cannot stand to watch any of his bond films.


Lazenby. Nah.


Desmond Llewellyn as Q was simply untouchable. "I never joke about my work, Bond". Classic.


The old baddies were the best. Gert Frobe as Goldfinger, Donald Pleasance as Blofeld. Ah, they don't make em like that anymore.


Haven't yet seen QoS but I do like the actor who plays the baddie in his other work. Can't be bothered to google it but I think he's called Daniel Almaric or something. Liked him in Munich. Hey, Daniel Craig was in that too.


See. Great actors. Great films. :biggrin:

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"Connery is Bond, Bond is Connery....anything else is less........! "


period...I mean, Ian Fleming liked Connery's portrayal so much that he CHANGED the character (added that his mother was from Scotland since we all know that Connery does not "do" accents) to better match Connery...speaks volumes...

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What I didn't like about QoS was that you had to remember what happened in Casino Royale to make sense of the "plot".


Aren't they trying to emulate the Bourne franchise at the moment?

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What I didn't like about QoS was that you had to remember what happened in Casino Royale to make sense of the "plot".


That is the point of the movie and thus the title.

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What I didn't like about QoS was that you had to remember what happened in Casino Royale to make sense of the "plot".


Aren't they trying to emulate the Bourne franchise at the moment?


Who's the unseen guy with the white cat in the first two or three Bond movies? Who's the bald guy with what appears to be the same white cat (but this time, in a wheelchair), that Bond drops down a factory chimney at the beginning of "For Your Eyes Only"? Who's grave was it, that Bond visited at the beginning of the same film?


Wait, could there be a storyline here? One that a newcomer to the series may have not picked up, unless they've seen the first seven or so Bond flicks, beforehand? :rolleyes:

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Well, uh, the new Bond films are kind of about the person he is before he turned into the womanizer etc. that we all know from the previous movies. So it kind of makes sense if Craig's acting is kind of 'bland', because the swagger and stuff wasn't kind of there until Bond rake up more statistics (blowing up stuff etc.). Took time for people to understand that Casino Royale and QoS is about the Bond before the Bond we knew, at least that is what I think.


At least, the switch to a more novel-focused Bond is a welcome change.

Edited by kct

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Roger Moore will always be a fav for me even though some were corny. He epitomizes the 70's and 80's, an era I grew up in, along with Star Wars, Star Trek movies I-IV and Raiders of the Lost Ark.

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have to agree since i grew up in the 80's.....will always love Connery as Bond but i thought Moore was pretty good to.....IMO Thought Dalton damn near killed bond for me

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Bondathon right now on Spike.

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I saw casino royal yesterday, had a nice salami pizza some nice wine and my girl friend and I have to say the movie is great! I liked it, it has a nice "old" atmosphere

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