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I was putting together a nice big weapon pack for myself. I have morphed the MF with the Bunyap's and added SEVERAL different weapons, and such here at Combat Ace, and others around the net. I edited Bunyaps weapon pack so that the individual country coded weapons (PAK,IRAN,NV,NETH,and etc) are not there. I also went in and Nato/WP'ed EVERY single entry so that they show up properly for the aircraft that have NATO/WP as it's weapon attachment type. I would like to add Lindr2 packs as well. I have the nuke addons he made already in there already. IT TOOK ME 4 HOURS to renumber almost every [weapondataxxx] entry. I know it works too, I have a MASSIVE weapon selection for any aircraft I use. I have Install Creator Pro, and I can make a nifty installer, not unlike the original Bunyap offering. I can make it for different versions, and everything. I also have tons of nifty effects already included from Lexx, and from CA Stary. I can also add my SAMs mod in there too.



So what do you think Dave, and other admins, would you salute a universal weapon pack? It would make the headache of answering all the weapon install questions less. I can send a beta to anyone that would want to test it here before I upload it.


It is OCT08b certified!





Edited by WombRaider

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I think you outta call this weaponspack=WMD=Weapons of Mass Destruction :yes:

Also,wouldn't mind being a beta tester either.

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And now, to make your life even more miserable... :wink:


have you put them in seperate folders, ala TMFs pak?? That work REALLLY well, and creates an unbelievalbly clean /Weapons folder, with the only 'stray' files the weaponsdata.ini and weaponsdata.dat.



kevin stein

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Oh man, I think this is a great idea and service.


I will gladly test it for you. Let me know how you want to distribute.



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And now, to make your life even more miserable... :wink:


have you put them in seperate folders, ala TMFs pak?? That work REALLLY well, and creates an unbelievalbly clean /Weapons folder, with the only 'stray' files the weaponsdata.ini and weaponsdata.dat.



kevin stein


That would be pretty bad ass now that you think about it. That would take quite the task to do though! IF THAT IS WHAT IT WOULD TAKE TO GET THE BLESSING, then I might just go and do that.




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Did you add all of FastCargo weapons? Because no wep pack would be complete with that the SDB's, hellfires, brimstones, alarms, ALCM, AGM-142's......me thinks you gots more work to do Lucy.... :lol:

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Anyone know what's going on with TMFs WoE WepPak???? That's what I'm waiting on...



kevin stein

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Anyone know what's going on with TMFs WoE WepPak???? That's what I'm waiting on...



kevin stein


Have to ask bpao, Sony T, or Crusader.

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And now, to make your life even more miserable... :wink:


have you put them in seperate folders, ala TMFs pak?? That work REALLLY well, and creates an unbelievalbly clean /Weapons folder, with the only 'stray' files the weaponsdata.ini and weaponsdata.dat.



kevin stein


you mean like this :crazy:



plus replacing some weapons from bunyap and even from tmf with some new ones like the uv-16/32 and lau-10a / lau-10c an a lot more :grin:



included are weapons from bunyap / TMF / FastCargo / Lindr2 and from many more

Edited by ravenclaw_007

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That's no moon, that's a space station!

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I started on my own WP a couple days ago (although at the rate that I work at it would probably take a couple years...) in addition to putting them into individual little folders, I was thinking that they could be seperated into eras and types, so that the user could mix and match... more specifically, there could be a layout like this:


Modern (relatively modern; 60s, century series up to present day)

Guided Bombs

Unguided Bombs

A-A Missiles

A-G Missiles

Unguided Rockets

Gun Pods

Weapon Racks


Ground Object Weapons


Pre-Modern (pre-WWII, 1930s, up to early jets, 1950s or so)

much of the same, except guided weapons and nukes might be questionable


Each would have their own weapondata.ini, so the end user could use the import/merge function of the weapon editor (or an installation can chose from the different weapons). They should probably be broken up into countries, or at least NATO and WP, but I was going to focus on NATO first.


Fuel tanks are questionable; I decided to leave them out, since most aircraft come with their own fuel tanks in the download, and I find highly annoying to go into the weapon selection screen and find 20 different fuel tanks that I can load onto my aircraft...


This a good layout? Suggestions?


I've got the modern guided bombs done, with most of FC's weapons, so if whoever is doing the WP now, shoot me a PM and I'll hand it over.

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Oh well, it looks like there are other projects in the makes, lol! Even with all the folders, it is still a huge freaking cluster of folders, I fail to see the difference, or the point of separating them. Ravenclaw, did you have to make a new INI for every LOD, or can you just put the different LODs with their respective texture folders without them? I was in the process of sorting it all out, and that is one question I had. Removing all the useless stuff from Bunyap's pack was a pain in the ass enough.




Edited by WombRaider

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As long as the majority of the new weapons, JDAM, LGBs, and so forth are included I would like it too..

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Oh well, it looks like there are other projects in the makes, lol! Even with all the folders, it is still a huge freaking cluster of folders, I fail to see the difference, or the point of separating them.


I can bet you TK will change the format, like he did with the ground objects. i.e. add the folder, weps automatically show up. If does that, you wont have a choice. So I would suggest you and ravenclaw pool your efforts. Or Warren I think you may be doing a lot of work for nothing.

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Oh well, it looks like there are other projects in the makes, lol! Even with all the folders, it is still a huge freaking cluster of folders, I fail to see the difference, or the point of separating them. Ravenclaw, did you have to make a new INI for every LOD, or can you just put the different LODs with their respective texture folders without them? I was in the process of sorting it all out, and that is one question I had. Removing all the useless stuff from Bunyap's pack was a pain in the ass enough.




i still work on them , yes for each folder you have to make the ini , the point is that there is so much useless stuff if each weapon has his on folder it is much cleaner and much more easy to find


but it takes time i still have a lot of work on it , plus removing or replacing the out dated stuff with new model´s is not done in two weeks

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Find what? I usually do not go pouring over my weapon folder too much. I only grab the weapondata.dat file, and hit the cntrl+f function to find what weapon I am looking for, and I rarely do that! I fail to see how 2000 folders is cleaner than 2000 files, lol!




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Find what? I usually do not go pouring over my weapon folder too much. I only grab the weapondata.dat file, and hit the cntrl+f function to find what weapon I am looking for, and I rarely do that! I fail to see how 2000 folders is cleaner than 2000 files, lol!





Did you even read my post? Also folders will always be easier to manage than little un-kept individual files. Once again I point to the way TK changed ground objects format....it used to look just like the weapons folder (as far a 3rd party ground objects were concerned.) In the end ravenclaw007's method is the same way TMF is doing it to. I suggest you do the same. Biggest problem with modding this sim is people refuse to conform to whats easier....and people wonder why noobs have problems. Keep it standardized WR, it would make everyone's life easier. As I said, pool your efforts with ravenclaw007.

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I've got the lod and a skin (kind of) for the Swedish Rb-04 anti-ship missile if you are interested in adding it. I was planning on releasing it with the Lansen model but it would be easier for it to be included in a general wep pack. The Viggen used that missile also.

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I've got the lod and a skin (kind of) for the Swedish Rb-04 anti-ship missile if you are interested in adding it. I was planning on releasing it with the Lansen model but it would be easier for it to be included in a general wep pack. The Viggen used that missile also.


i have the one from lindr2 included but i will have a look at it and the best will win just send it over with a pm

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Didn't know there had been one built. It's not a competition - I don't care which one you use - just as long as we have one to use!

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Didn't know there had been one built. It's not a competition - I don't care which one you use - just as long as we have one to use!


we have some swedish missiles but the are not allways correct so if you have a model please send them over , it is not a competition but why you think i make all the new model because the old one are not that good and i dont have the time to redo all by my self

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Hello from Russia, guys!

I have many highly detailed models of Soviet/Russian weapons which I made by myself for personal use. I've just decided to release some of them. But I hesitate would it be a separate pack (INI work isn't my preference). What do you think?



A-A missiles for example...

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Wow those are nice krizis.

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Wow definitely nice... maychance an AIM-9X?

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