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:blink: Can you cut & paste a face? That requires surgery or censorship

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Apparently there is no subtle way to let someone know their squeeze is a troll...


Between the teeth, eyes/makeup, and the skeleton'esk physique... I'm wavering between an uncontrolled shudder or violently vomiting.



Let this be a lesson to you all... Unless your woman (or man for our lady members..) is above an 8 on a 1-10 scale (and this has to be confirmed by a non-bias source)... DO NOT POST HER PICTURE ON THE INTERNET!!!

Edited by Zurawski

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OH DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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My first requirement for a lady is that she have a pleasant face - that's the part I have to look at all the time.



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The face looks a little bit like a mask - her expression never changes even a little bit...

Wasn't Halloween in October?

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Thanks for the laugh. My stomach hurts and I've got tears rolling down my face.



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That is definately not good. Normally you would have a good car but unfortunately that is rubbish as well

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düdes, be nice...remember that is a bodybuilding website forum...and if you look at his avatar...he may possibly be "juicing"...if so then they are most likely very happy together...and that is all that really matters :smile:

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Cruel bar-stewards.


You should all be ashamed.

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lol, i don't know about that female type person......but I love Acuras, so much that I own one just like it, in black tho. And i managed to get a much better looking g/f then that, without all that body-building.

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though this was a funny quote: "more like got your car to model for your girlfriend"

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lol, right!

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There's a dog driving the car!



Yeah, and that cute pet animal too!

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Cruel bar-stewards.


You should all be ashamed.



Wait a minute, if i wasn´t sober IT (leave SHE for nice ships) wouldn´t turn my stomach,

and i wouldn´t feel ashamed but just drunk and happy.

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Cruel bar-stewards.


You should all be ashamed.


I may be LMAO at some of those comments - but yes truly ashamed :wink:

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So this guy or his girl probably wont read this, but is their really any need to be so nasty? I think its cool this guy thinks enough of his girl to put her up (not something i'd do but meh) Probably a lot of our girls wouldn't turn everyone on here either but the kind of excitement and rejoicing almost at the "ugliness" of someone else probably betrays insecurity with ourselves, as in quick lets laugh at that because then i look cool, wont be laughed at. Very mature guys.

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Just got to page 6 and totally lost it where someones swapped hers and dogs heads over!!

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So this guy or his girl probably wont read this, but is their really any need to be so nasty? I think its cool this guy thinks enough of his girl to put her up (not something i'd do but meh) Probably a lot of our girls wouldn't turn everyone on here either but the kind of excitement and rejoicing almost at the "ugliness" of someone else probably betrays insecurity with ourselves, as in quick lets laugh at that because then i look cool, wont be laughed at. Very mature guys.


Some of the posters believed this was a fraud anyway (checking the extension on some of the pics). Additionally, the OP's comments/rebuttals were quite tame in response to the barrage.

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I don't think I could drink enough to make her even a 4.

That'd be a double bagger for sure!! :blink:

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So this guy or his girl probably wont read this, but is their really any need to be so nasty? I think its cool this guy thinks enough of his girl to put her up (not something i'd do but meh) Probably a lot of our girls wouldn't turn everyone on here either but the kind of excitement and rejoicing almost at the "ugliness" of someone else probably betrays insecurity with ourselves, as in quick lets laugh at that because then i look cool, wont be laughed at. Very mature guys.


Are you serious?


For most of us the small voice of common sense would have kicked in and informed us that posting our "significant other", on a format as wide-reaching as the world-wide-web, is asking for public humiliation...


Worse yet, because of the anonymity of said internet... It can, is, and shall always be a callous and unfeeling beast.


In short... You better have a "set" the size of beach balls and you need to be prepared to weather some severely harsh critisism... no matter how luscious your "significant other" is.


I seriously doubt our comments require psychoanalytical analysis or some deep introspective.

Edited by Zurawski

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