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Just a thought...

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No,no,no!Baby moon hubcaps goes on the camper ya pulling with the woody!Outlaw II rims 8"inches wide by 15"inches on the front and Outlaw II 10"inches by 15"inches on the back.Complimented by White Lettered BF Goodrich T/A's 225 15 70's on front and 235 15 60's on the back.Lowered 1 1/2"inches in front and 1" inch in the back.Hi-Lo-Boy suspension,Dual Brady-Flo exhaust with echo tips,Ladder Bars for Traction,426 Hemi,600cfm Carter carb,Hookers Headers and a California sunroof.Now that's the "Hillbilly Way" of making a "Woody"!



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Along with the terrain itself, you have to have airplanes to fly over it...


Here's a mod of the DATs A-20C/Boston III into a slightly more accurate A-20A from the 58th BS (L), as based a Hickam. You'll note I figured out the mesh name for the exhaust 'nipples' surrounding the cowlings, and have removed them via data ini edits




Wheeler is just above the tail fin, and Haliewa just above the port wing. Ewa is in the square near the ocean, top left. Opana Point is just off screen to the right.


Insufficent data to determine if the stars were in all 6 positions (like B-17, B-18 and B-25), and I'm not sure of the GHQ designator (58BS) would be on the tail fin. Still need to create 'plane in group' numbers for the nose. 12 of these were at Hickam during the attack; 2-5 reported destroyed/damaged. There were the first USAAC aircraft 'out and about' trying to find the IJN attack force.


And of course, what Pearl Harbor mod would be complete without a properly skinned P-40B/C Tomahawk?...




47th PS, Haliewa, detached to 'dispersed' fields. A/C #316 is either Welch or Taylors ... my reference books don't say which. Skins for the P-40B should be ready early next week and will be uploaded here; the A-20A mod will be a 'semi complete' set of inis and skin ONLY, and will be uploaded to my site only. Of course, full instructions will be in the respective readmes for creating the new aircraft/aircraft folders.



kevin stein


ps: still decieding if I want to add an Easter Egg or not. I DO have one in mind....actually 2. :biggrin:

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Here's link to all aircraft at pearl harbor during the attack; http://www.ww2pacific.com/aaf41.html

I can almost bet you already know this.



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Here's a mod of the DATs A-20C/Boston III into a slightly more accurate A-20A from the 58th BS (L), as based a Hickam. You'll note I figured out the mesh name for the exhaust 'nipples' surrounding the cowlings, and have removed them via data ini edits


And of course, what Pearl Harbor mod would be complete without a properly skinned P-40B/C Tomahawk?...


Nice work. Sometime, I would like to play around with the A-20.


I'm really a WW2 guy, I just start sooner than most propheads - in 1937 instead of 1939. :biggrin:

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Off Topic:

We've got an glass nosed A-20G and a later 2-piece glass nosed A-20J, both of which I've never finished. (ETO skined). One day....


regarding your PM, Geezer: I'll try to get the stuff assembled, and uploaded to my site, and shoot you the link. Sorry, I don't have the UVMap for the Havoc, just a home-grown multi-layered skin template. Capun would have original map.



kevin stein

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This all looks really impressive. Is this going to become an All-Inclusive Pearl Harbor mod?

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regarding your PM, Geezer: I'll try to get the stuff assembled, and uploaded to my site, and shoot you the link.


Great. I have gotten the Ford Island model looking the way i want it - finally! One problem was the otherwise excellent recon photo that you posted had a lot of reflected light that sometimes made bare earth and concrete appear the same. Anyway, progress shot below. I can send an interim version to you (for testing) with half-finished textures, and then send the final textures to you later?



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Is someone going to model the Kingfisher or the Duck ? ?

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Actually, it's just a terrain mod!


I'd not given any thought to anything else...albeit in single mission testing, you DO get a lot of 'theatre in-appropriate' aircraft; like Oscars over the Islands. I'm sure the campaign guru's can fix that.

In real life, the IJN would consist of the


D3A Val

B5N Kate

A6M2 type 21 (all of which exist)

E13A Jake floatplane (of which a stand in in ready, just need DAT permission for distrubution - as it's a fiddled with Ar-196)




P-26 (will need redecling for correct squadron markings)



A-20A (all existing or mods of existing)


missing the





and that's would be the entire plane set.


You could 'What If..' it with ENTERPRISE and LEXINGTONs air groups; adding a reskinned F2A of Lex, as she still carried them aboard for her main fighters...missing TBDs of course


But rest assured, I'll do up as many of the 'correct' aircraft as possible - one of the advantages of having scads of skin templates, and hordes of decals :biggrin:


Geezer: PM sent!



kevin stein

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Yamashiro and Hyuga off Kure.




Wrench, all that's left to do with the 'Fuso' is setting up the guns, so early next week I'll send it to you.


Any need for a fake Nagato?

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Hey this is a really nice and interesting project, can the Island in the middle be used as an airfield? or is it just a object?!

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BB: in Real Life ™ it's actual name IS "Naval Air Station Ford Island" ... ENTERPRISE's SBDs were landing there during the attack (those that didn't get zapped by Zeros or our own AAA); PBYs & OS2Us were based there, although most WERE at Kanehoe . You'll note in the photo, and Geezer's model, the seaplane ramps.


Once I get it, and get it positioned properly, Gepard's Invisible Airfield ™ will most likely be used for it. Historically, nothing was flying out of there during the attack (not counting Michael Bey's 'imported' planes and those from Tora Tora Tora -- oh, wait -- they were the same planes!)


Hinch: you KNOW we'll take ANYTHING!!!!


Veltro: no one's got one planned, that I know of. If you got one....I'll even offer to try and help out skinnig the Kingfisher



kevin stein

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Veltro: no one's got one planned, that I know of. If you got one....I'll even offer to try and help out skinnig the Kingfisher


I'm planning on doing a Dave someday. If that would be a suitable substitute, I could move it up to the top of the pile.



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Nagato/Mutsu to follow in the next week or so.


Just sent the Kaga to you for evaluation, and sent Wrench a test version of Ford Island.



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Now, THIS is what I'm talkin' about!!!




Swapped out the Brooklyn's for Hinch's repurposed Iron Duke, standing in for the 2 BB classes...have to still change the upper flag for something else (still flying the Texas state flag, left over from ASW map!)


Nevada's position is slightly off, due to scale considerations; Vestal needs to be moved slightly inboard towards Arizona, Cassin/Downs moved 'eastwards', cause their bows are up on the 'dock', DATs Liberty stanind in for Neosho.


Also debating on swapping out Iron Duke for Hinch's new BBs, suitably reflagged, as they look just a might closer to the US BBs.


Side note: interestering to note the size variance between Iron Duke and Brooklyn, down at the bottom. Was the ID really that small, or the Brooklyn's that large? (guess I'll be visiting 'Haze Gray' to research this a bit more, just for S & Gs)


Still have to place the hangars, barracks and whatever else will fit on Ford. Still debating weither or not to use Gepard's invisible airfield for it...it may change the facing of the ships and such...but I'll definately experiment.


On the other side of the coin, one MUST have the Oppossing Forces...




2 of Hiryu's flock heading out for a morning's mayhem.


Good thing I was already reskinning the Zeke and Val for Midway...still have to do up Shokaku and Zuikaku's, plus the Kates (homemade template is nearly done, after that it's just decaling)


Something you probably WON'T be seeing on the IJN aircraft are the colored tails, and probably the Squadron/Flight leader stripes on the vert fins. I have enough data to make an 'educated guesstimate' as to where the stripes should occur, but...


Geezer: super job man!

Hinch: gotta love these ships!!


Note to Colmak: are you doing up the Omahas and other US BB??? Just curious...as the terrain will need some work by a more experienced 'guru' than I to remove some tusanmi looks, and the odd "humping" of the ocean due to flattening for airfields (such as Baltika is doing for my Marianas map). Just can't quite figure it out ... if I smooth the height field, the airfields hang over the edge, or become 'draggy'. So much to learn...



kevin stein

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Iron Duke was just over 622' long: I believe a Brooklyn cruiser was some 608'. The faux IJN battleships were approx 700' long, so they might be a bit big.

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POOP!!! :haha:


Well, I'll just leave them as is then. They look really good close up.


Interesting how the Game Engine ™ allows for 'repurposing' items....



Name=Arizona <--name to use in targets.ini

FullName=USS ARIZONA <-- name that shows up in-game





GroundObjectType=IronDuke <--base object used












Apparently it (the engine) dosn't care what it's called, as long as it points somewheres (ie: existing terrain or ground object)


Well, back to work... :biggrin:



kevin stein

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On the other side of the coin, one MUST have the Oppossing Forces...


Something you probably WON'T be seeing on the IJN aircraft are the colored tails, and probably the Squadron/Flight leader stripes on the vert fins. I have enough data to make an 'educated guesstimate' as to where the stripes should occur, but...


Hinch has been an immense help to me in providing better references. He slapped a quick texture job on the test Kaga - you can see where my "eyeballing" the details has many items in the wrong location.

Also, I may have some refs on aircraft squadron markings for the Pearl Strike. If you are interested I'll go looking for them.



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That was just an uncoordinated slap of paint to see how things might look in game. No reflection on where you placed things. The carrier looks good. :good:

Edited by Hinchinbrooke

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More Ford Island...just about done (targeting that is)


one of VMF-211's Wildcat's passes over, on the home to Ewa (yes, that's a new skin*)




Another view (compare with the photo some posts above)




You'll note that BB Row is no longer enshrouded with smoke from the ship's...I tweakalated the Iron Duke's data ini to reduce the smoke emitter size. Will probably have to include that with this terrain (which will include a couple of other GroundObjects as well. Still have to get permission from the DAT for the heavily edited/reskinned Liberty into Solace)


Now, all we need are some static PBYs....for this ramp and Kanehoe's...(like the P-40E and B-17 I 'borrowed' from other terrains)...and we're set!


Once I get all the targets 'installed', I'll still need a Terrain Guru to fix the 'oceanic humping' and some tsunami effects down by Honolulu -probably caused by airfield flattening and the (unseen) location of Diamond Head -- sadly, it's not there.



kevin stein


*=which means expect an update for the "Wake Island Defenders" Wildcat skin I did in 2005, in honor of the Corps 235th birthday

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