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What do you think is missing from this sim?

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Of course, the Jane's sims from Origin all had much larger budgets and graphics were simpler, leaving them more time to do things like that.


Graphics approaching photo-realism has resulted in art resources for games going up exponentially, leaving less manpower for things like UIs, a "living" world, and so on.

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...heheh, yeh, um, how about an ACTUAL HELICOPTER FLIGHT MODEL??!!! :mad::grandpa:


[sERIOUSLY :dntknw: ]


I'll second this!We need a Rotors over Europe,Rotors over Vietnam,Rotors over Israel ..........etc.

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Maybe TK is sick of rotors after having worked on LB2? :biggrin:

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Maybe TK is sick of rotors after having worked on LB2? :biggrin:


What is LB2?

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Mig-29UB Fulcrum-B



Agreed. While it is very limited in a combat capability, it still would be fun to fly.

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Long Bow 2


Thank you couldn't put it together!

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What's missing from the sim? Anything on the Israeli Air Force list that's got a 'No' next to it! :wink:


Seriously though, I think TK has spoiled us with his open architecture as it means that virtually anything can be added to the sim, be it new aircraft, ground objects, terrains, a simulation of mid-air refueling and so much more. I'm sure TK will improve upon everything in time, we just have to be patient.


So what I'm trying to say is that I'm more than happy with what we've got and everything else that comes out, be it from TK or our talented community, is just much appreciated gravy.

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Agreed. While it is very limited in a combat capability, it still would be fun to fly.


Fubar is making an ALL-NEW MiG-29. Might as well start from there?


And yeah, someone mentioned about some of us here liking to fly only modern jets...well, not me, I've learned to go all eras (save for WWI).


In the modding sense, practically everyone can learn to do something. I feel pretty glad when I got the F-14DI out, since that was the first time I ACTUALLY did something. It might be simple, but it is a major source of inspiration to continue modding.

Edited by kct

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What would I like to see?


A Campaign that felt a bit more 'real'. The current Campaign just doesn't do it for me. In that end I'd like the ground war to be really in depth, target rich and to give a feeling that you've gotta hit all those important targets to start having an effect. YAP is along the right lines. I'd like that outta the box for Israel and Central Europe.


I'd also like radar and ECM to be frequency specific and for the ECCM stuff to be tweeked to give more depth/variation as well, ie not a set %chance to decoy but a variation specified, eg 20 to 30% chance. Then you'd really have to 'weapon-eer' the target with the right ECM pods for the right threat and get your strike packages together.


A better Mission Editor as well - I'd echo that one.


More ground objects: Challenger 1, Chieftain, Warrior, FV432, Tracked Rapier, M-109, Abbott, etc etc to do a real-good Brit Central Europe Campaign where if my Harrier doesn't whack that T-55 AVLB letting a whole Sov tank Rgt across that river then 'Der-Boyz' are in trouble. Rebel Ryders doing good getting us some of the missing objects, as are others. Just want more :)


And yeah - E-3s, missions for para drops and helicopter insertions (think of Mt Hermon/Golan Heights '73 with that one?), datalinks to see what tactics Link16 could enable, and air-to-air refueling.


Cor - just let your imagination start running :yes:


CA_Stary & Foobs - I used 'Loran C' on the RAF C-130 Sim in the mid-80s. They were still using it in DS-1 before GPS turned up. The Sim had a good 'ghosting' effect. Cor, they don't make 'em like that any more.

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There's a T-55 bridge layer in the Pasko Pak...we've had it since 2004, at least!


I've been crying out for more tanks/vehicles/ships since at least that long!!!


Incomplete (ie: not updated) Ground Object listing:





kevin stein

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Thanks Wrench - yeah, I've got the T-55 bridge layer, but it usually turns up with 10 or 12 other T-55 bridge layers :yes: .


I was trying to make the point about a mixed and representative target environment. I'd love for an attacking Sov Tank Bn to have not just the tanks but the mobile SAMs, the BMPs, the BRDMs, the 2S1's, the Vasileks, the 120mm Mortars deployed and banging away, the MRLs softening up the target etc. Hell, what about the field kitchen and the Battalion commanders personal 'Mercedes' that he's acquired on rout as well?


At the moment I just get 10 tanks and maybe the odd Shilka in the vicinity, the Shilk not neccessarily part of the attacking tank force.

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Whats Missing? That's a no brainer. MULTIPLAY!

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Icarus, an interesting thought...


Boxed games today cost the same number of "dollars" that they did 15 years back, while real money/debt inflation has maybe doubled (not .gov cpi). The same games should cost 100$ now. There are two ways businesses handle inflation...


(1) Increase prices.

(2) Decrease package size for the same price -- cereal boxes come to mind.

...or a combination of both.


I think game devs reduced package size: No more thick paper manuals, and now "online" sales which have no boxes at all.



Icarus (last page)::

I don't know about the rest of you but i would pay 40 or 50 bucks for an add on to the game that brings the weapons capability of the game more up to date. i am not talking about Lock on or F4 style

ultra realism, I am talking about the same type of " lite sim" but with a few modern additions like realistic cruise missile performance, the ability to use loiter missiles lite the tacit rainbow, the ability to have ships with multiple missile launchers ships and that launch harpoon or tomahawk missiles . AI Aircraft that use guided weapons well no matter what type of ground attack category is selected for them.

friendly bases that are well defended by multipe types of SAMs The ability to target missiles with other missiles such as AHM/SAHM vs cruise missile, or patriot missiles targeting scuds. or how about a way to model helmet mounted aiming systems- using Trackir. Pesonally I would pay more than 50 bucks to have those features added to the game, maybe it is worth bringing it up in a thread over at third wire.

I'd pay 100$ or more. Considering the "dollar" has lost about half its value since the 1990s, 100+$ would be a normal price.

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What is missing?

What we NEED is a better mission editor. CA_Stary wrote it better than me.

What I'd like?

-more interaction

- Red Crown really manages the mission (vectors sweeping and escorting AC into bogies, etc..)

- FACs really "rock their wings" and do the other FAC stuff (like mark targets)

- more comm chatter - Feet dry, wet, carrier LSO guides you down

- your WSO/EWO/RIO does something (at least call out bogies)


- some light simulation of eras weapons delivery systems (LABS, DIANE, Thundestick...)

- ILS, ACLS, Ball...

- support for ECM, AEW, AAR, transport aircraft and missions


I very much like the sim as it is and deeply respect what TK and out modding community has already done for us, so all this are only unimportant details.

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AP-2Hs. TRIM Neptune. Ooh....Ahh!


:ph34r: CL

Edited by charlielima

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