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Does the "Crisis" affected you (or your country) yet?

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Has somebody here lost money investing in the stock exchange, or money in bank or lost the job?

i'm asking because here we still "growing" , in a slower rhythm but no panic at all...the industrial production is reduced and some people lost their jobs(IMHO isn't a sufficient number to get worried about to get in a panic state).

Some times i feel shamed for my country's atitudes facing-off International crisis... as encourage people to get more loan, and increasing the federal spent(instead of reduce it) :blush:


well...whatever what do you think about it all?


(^ ps:that is weird , the oil price get lower and they increase the gas price :fuk: )

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Work has talked about days off,without pay.Just talk for now


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here it is the opposite with the gas prices. It was $4.23 USD here in the summer, now it is $1.73.

Edited by Sakai

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Hmm, well here in Australia, fuel prices have fallen, which is a good thing, but our house in england isnt selling, and its been on the market i think for around a year now. This means we cant buy a house over here so we have to rent. So, is anyone interested in a lovely 4 bedroom house in lincolnshire, its down the road from RAF coningsby. Spectacular views from the Master bedroom, also en suite. PM me for more details :P

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Has somebody here lost money investing in the stock exchange, or money in bank or lost the job?

i'm asking because here we still "growing" , in a slower rhythm but no panic at all...the industrial production is reduced and some people lost their jobs(IMHO isn't a sufficient number to get worried about to get in a panic state).

Some times i feel shamed for my country's atitudes facing-off International crisis... as encourage people to get more loan, and increasing the federal spent(instead of reduce it) :blush:


well...whatever what do you think about it all?


(^ ps:that is weird , the oil price get lower and they increase the gas price :fuk: )


I told you man, Coming over to Israel is very much like staying home.

Same here .

While oil prices drop down around the world, gas prices are getting higher in here.


The crises effects us here just as anywhere else.

I hear of workers getting fired all the time.


Just a sample of something that took place real close to me.

My father in low is a supervisor in some factory here.

A month back the management called him over and told him that they have decided to cut his pay in HALF.

Ether that, or the boot!


He's 62 years old. what choice did he have? :dntknw:

He had to agree to the new terms.

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Mannie, I've read about the history of monetary inflation in Israel. Wow!!! Some say we (Ussia) might soon be inflating our paper to get out of this.

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In Poland crisis not affected 95% people.

Affected only some VERY VERY rich people.

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Mannie, I've read about the history of monetary inflation in Israel. Wow!!! Some say we (Ussia) might soon be inflating our paper to get out of this.


Lexx. FYI.

I don't know to when do you reefer, but inflation is not something we suffer from in a long time now.

Last time it was a major problem was in 1985 when it has reached 1000%.

Now days inflation in Israel is no different then western Europe and the US.

BTW. what is Ussia?



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Absolutely.... the economy of the entire region sucks people are loosing jobs left and right many close friends and co workers have been laid off or worse .... often the tactic used is to give a person a workload far beyond the capability of one person then ramp up the pressure and pile it on until they crack. It is a sneeky way to get rid of a position with out laying some one off.... see if you quit you are not entitled to unemployment insurance and many corporations

will go to great lengths to avoid a situation where the employee has a valid claim. So far I have been lucky in that the quality of my work has been recognized at the corporate level ( last year I won our corporations most prestigious award)but things are getting so bad that my entire department may go part time until the economy improves... hell for all we know they might just shut us down for good.

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Well so far with my wife being active duty Army and me being in the USAFR (and a GS8) it really hasn't affected us at all that much. Lower gas prices have been a benefit. We aren't selling a house, we got our mortgage through USAA so we won't fall into that housing crisis. We have been living on my wife's paycheck since I got off active duty and have been making it. Money was tight but now that I am fully employed again anything I make is extra. I guess the only secure job in the military.

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often the tactic used is to give a person a workload far beyond the capability of one person then ramp up the pressure and pile it on until they crack.


It seems like the same tactic is used here, in Russia :mad: In the town where I live, thousands of people lost jobs during last months. The pay of many of my friends was reduced or delayed...

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In Poland crisis not affected 95% people.

Affected only some VERY VERY rich people.


I read an article in the papers this morning that Polish people are now leaving the UK en-masse due to the economic downturn.


P.S. anyone with a pension has been ever so slightly affected by the huge drop in asset prices. Best not to look at the statements or retire in the near future.

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read an article in the papers this morning that Polish people are now leaving the UK en-masse due to the economic downturn.

Yes-it's true.

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Sweden has been affected too for 2 weeks ago many big industries was fireing employees and one smaller industri went bankrupt because of the troubles in the car industry. My mother and her husband(Not my dad) was loosing money at his stocks, so they have to wait with there plans to build out their house in the countryside for a time.

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Both my brother in laws have got pink slips for their jobs at the airport. So it looks lie we might be taking in some relatives if they can't find work in Michigan.

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The crisis affects me. I feel it very strongly in my small enterprise. The people fall in a typical german behavior called "Angstsparen" (fear savings would be the word by word translation) The people dont spent the money, but hold it back for worser times. And so i sell much less than in the years before.

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Both my brother in laws have got pink slips for their jobs at the airport. So it looks lie we might be taking in some relatives if they can't find work in Michigan.

I told my wife I could've had an OCC Chopper for what I have lost in the past three months. My son's business, Overhead Garage Doors of Lexington, has had to let go about 60% of the work force and will do well to stay afloat if things don't pick up soon. I told my wife that I am glad we kept a big house, just in case some of the kids need a place to sleep.


The saddest thing about it is that it is just all about confidence. We'll prosecute the offenders, put back in place the laws that were supposed to prevent the things that have happened in certain sectors, Auto workers and the US auto companies will have to tighten their belts, but probably need some chapter 11 court guidance since they cannot get there by themselves, and people will have to realize that you can only own what you can afford, not more. Some consumer common sense, a positive outlook, and a confident attitude could turn this thing in the US around in a heartbeat.


My thoughts and prayers are with those who are struggling. There are only two categories here, those who have been there and done that and those who are going to....

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Well, i've read in newspaper today some SOBs are firing people using the crisis excuse, but they aren't being afffected and some of them are geting gonvernamental help....It's impressive how some people act this way in a potential chaos cenario in my country,those what i call betrayer and 100% opportunist.

Edited by Silverbolt

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I'm a contractor and it's hit me pretty hard. I'm fortunate that I've picked up a couple big jobs to help me catch up. I was really slow for about 3 months, almost no work whatsoever.

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A lot of jobs are going here thats for sure - and unemployment has reached the highest level here for 10 years - so everybody seems to be making a big thing of it here, the house prices are falling finally - and the news says a 2 year recession is a coming - but u never know!.


Hasnt affected me personally yet - they even gave a pay rise in line with the RPI to make up for it - although they are making redundancies, and not getting in any more staff. Since then the petrol has gone from 115p down to 85p per litre and the gas electric company's have been told they have to reduce their prices :)


Still it wont be a happy Xmas for a lot of people this year.

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It luckily hasn't affected me, but as I realise now it cannot be worse than it already is now...

Rock bottom is rock bottom.

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Retirement accounts gone in my family, with parents reaching retirement age, or used to be at least.


Beyond that, nothing so directly, but we're worried about the future. All four of us are working (brother and two parents) me and my brother less so, since we're both full time college students. Both of us will still be in school a while (med and law school) so no idea what jobs will be like, or even if the loans will be available for either.


It's pretty much the consensus here that the financial situation is too screwed up to fix. It gets so complicated the way they shift investments around and create money out of nothing that you have to just wipe the slate clean in order to stop the downward spiral.

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The crisis affects me. I feel it very strongly in my small enterprise. The people fall in a typical german behavior called "Angstsparen" (fear savings would be the word by word translation) The people dont spent the money, but hold it back for worser times. And so i sell much less than in the years before.


I looks the same here in France, with all people holding onto their money AND further stopping the economy. Of course, the fact that banks are doing the SAME does not help (Has anyone been checking liquidity of some top European banks? Or their profit margins since the sh$t hit the fan???).


Personally, it does affect me by culling all opportunities within my company and driving top management into a "savings frenzy" (which IMHO is beyond reason since some "savings" involve wasting more money than the savings themselves!).

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Im in the commercial construction trade here in Louisville. I have been laid off for the first time in 18 years at my company, and I'm at the top of the food chain. It seems to be happening all over the city here. Have a merry Christmas huh. Guess I'll tell the kids Santa had to lay off most of his little munchins to save on his overhead. Deer food prices were to high this year to deliver toys. It costs to much to do his sleigh repairs.

Seriously though. Everyone is saying it will get better after the new year. Lets hope so. We are squeekin by here on my wifes income and unemployment. And a really close family!

Happy Holidays to all.

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The crisis affects me. I feel it very strongly in my small enterprise. The people fall in a typical german behavior called "Angstsparen" (fear savings would be the word by word translation) The people dont spent the money, but hold it back for worser times. And so i sell much less than in the years before.



We have a say in Hebrew.

You keep the bright buck for the dark day.

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