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My Drawings

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Heya guys, i really wanna share my works.LOL.I really like to draw but i think i don't have the skills :)























Comments appreciated! :)

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Not bad, but proportions are a bit messed up sometimes :yes:

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Wow they are ace, i wish i could draw like that, but i struggle with a stick man haha

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Wow they are ace, i wish i could draw like that, but i struggle with a stick man haha



Me too. I was never allowed to host any hangman games after that first one...

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Still better than what I can make!



x2 :yes:

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looks good try to draw longer better lines not the short mass of line wich creates sometimes a shape of something... longer full lines (pressure just light to see it slightly) Studied 2 years Industrial design and working as grafik artist now for some people..

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You really need to think more in terms of volumes. Build the drawings up with skeleton/mannikin frame etc instead of going for the outlines. Essential reading would be the Structure of Man DVD's and the books of Andrew Loomis.

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'struth! Better than me! I can't draw a straight line with a ruler!!


I don't think they're that bad at all


I like the cat!!



kevin stein

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Btw one of the best things you can do in order to really evolve your skill is take a course or two in croqi (sp?) - ie drawing from a live nude model.

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Btw one of the best things you can do in order to really evolve your skill is take a course or two in croqi (sp?) - ie drawing from a live nude model.


NOOO!, imma just 15 yrs old :)

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If you don't have a problem showering with nude guys in school, you shouldn't have a problem with nude models.

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I think those drawings are pretty darn good too. Much better than I could ever do. My drawings of anything tend to resemble the tracks made by a drunken spider. Keep up the good work.


You shower nude in school ?


How bohemian ! :biggrin:


We had to keep our cozzies on in the shower if we'd been swimming, or if we'd done PE. Oh and we had to get changed in cubicles, none of this locker room malarkey you see in films. They wouldn't let us shower nude, and that was right through from first year at secondary til we were sixteen...and no-one at our school ever did anything remotely sporty if they stayed on in sixth form.


Anyhow, as I said before, really good drawings. I wish I could draw like that.

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Haha,thanks but no shower here :) I'm from the Philippines and HS doesn't have showers :).private school though.

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Heya guys, i really wanna share my works.LOL.I really like to draw but i think i don't have the skills :)


You have the skills allright. I used to draw alot of technical subjects. Vehicles, railroad equipment, and naval and aviation subjects. The aviation fan thinks in outlines, the shape of the plane, panel lines, and markings. The art insructor or critique thinks about how the shape of the object is portrayed by how it reflects light, When drawing airplanes, vehicles and such I always got gigged on leaving and outline. Heavy outlines are a very common style of art for advertising and animation. That line got me absolutly nowhere in my college rendering class. The best advise I ever got was think about the fundamental drawing stuff. Drawing the sphere or the fruit and portraying the shape by the way light playes on it. Bare Metal Soviet aircraft are a spendid subject for you to try this on. When you do your shading, shade up to the edge but don't leave a line drawn edge. This advice worked good enough for me to survive a formal art class rendering "war monger" subjects in a free thinking peace loving culture. Any way whatever you do don't throw out your previous work or change them. They are good studies and quite splendid drawings. You'll miss them if you do toss or change them. Fortunatly we have them here. Thank you for sharing them.

Have fun with it, :ph34r: CL

Edited by charlielima

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Drawing the sphere or the fruit and portraying the shape by the way light playes on it.

Egg, two eggs then apple, then some onions... draw everything one might toss in a salad. :biggrin:

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You have the skills allright. I used to draw alot of technical subjects. Vehicles, railroad equipment, and naval and aviation subjects. The aviation fan thinks in outlines, the shape of the plane, panel lines, and markings. The art insructor or critique thinks about how the shape of the object is portrayed by how it reflects light, When drawing airplanes, vehicles and such I always got gigged on leaving and outline. Heavy outlines are a very common style of art for advertising and animation. That line got me absolutly nowhere in my college rendering class. The best advise I ever got was think about the fundamental drawing stuff. Drawing the sphere or the fruit and portraying the shape by the way light playes on it. Bare Metal Soviet aircraft are a spendid subject for you to try this on. When you do your shading, shade up to the edge but don't leave a line drawn edge. This advice worked good enough for me to survive a formal art class rendering "war monger" subjects in a free thinking peace loving culture. Any way whatever you do don't throw out your previous work or change them. They are good studies and quite splendid drawings. You'll miss them if you do toss or change them. Fortunatly we have them here. Thank you for sharing them.

Have fun with it, :ph34r: CL


thanks for the tip :)

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It's better then I could ever do all the pictures are great but I must say the Cat & Dogs was really good


Yeah, me too i think the cat and dogs are the best, but as for the aircrafts I think i got the Foxbat, wad do you think?

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Yup, Foxbat got more straight lines that others. :good:


You can try a different approach to drawing fur :biggrin:

>Like this<

Mind, that it requires either madness or patience and a pretty sharp pencil.

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