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Fruit Helmets

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...This obviously comes to mind:



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Well I guess its better than summers in Rangoon where we would make meat helmets.


What is wrong with meat helmets?

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What is wrong with meat helmets?



They start to stink after awhile. Then drip.

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They start to stink after awhile. Then drip.


Not if you properly salt them. They get a bad rep because of all the damn amateurs out there.

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It involves Nigeria, so, we must place the blame squarely where it belongs. It's all Sparko's fault :haha:

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It involves Nigeria, so, we must place the blame squarely where it belongs. It's all Sparko's fault :haha:


Like most everything else on this hell-planet.

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Like most everything else on this hell-planet.



I blame sparko as well.

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"We will not tolerate this. We gave them enough time to purchase helmets. Six months ago the price of helmets was below 800 naira so complaints about non-availability and high prices are no excuse,"


Looks like I just found my new internet scam, err, umm... new investment market.

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They are definitely 21st century helmets. They're 100% bio-degradable. :rofl:

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"Newspapers quoted passengers as saying they feared the helmets could be laced with magic spells so as to knock the wearer unconscious and make them easier to rob.."


Uh, what century is this?



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These 3rd world countries often have a large number of superstitious people that think it's 1699 or something still.

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I blame sparko as well.


You mean it's not my fault anymore? :blink:

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You mean it's not my fault anymore? :blink:


you enabled him



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"We will not tolerate this. We gave them enough time to purchase helmets. Six months ago the price of helmets was below 800 naira so complaints about non-availability and high prices are no excuse,"


Looks like I just found my new internet scam, err, umm... new investment market.


Industrialized / Ag nations are allready spooling up for this.




Is this another tentacle of the green movement?


It seems some comprimises have been made for shipping over ergonomics.


Americans scaming Nigerians on helmet issues would be a hoot.

:ph34r: CL

Edited by charlielima

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Better than tin foil hats I guess.... :rolleyes:

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No, those are simply meant for a Gallagher show. Square mellons are easier to hit with a sledgehammer.

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It's all in preparation for when the eels attack.


The cat I posted near the top is THE preparation.

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The cat I posted near the top is THE preparation.


Cruel inhumane animal testing?

:ph34r: CL

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No, the preparation for the epic battle against the eel menace.

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What is wrong with meat helmets?

Some firefighter helmets are made of cow hide

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