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Your greatest missions

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Post the results of your greatest missions here

Here are mine:



Arma: Weapon

Disparos: Shots

Blanco: Impact

Bajas: Kills


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How about that? :biggrin:


What if IDF/AF got Hornets? Would have been cool :cool: thought too late for Lebanon 1982

Edited by macelena

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The Pres of USA gives MOH to IDF pilot? :blink: Great job anyway. :biggrin:

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Exhange progarms, doncha know!!! :wink:



kevin stein

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What if IDF/AF got Hornets? Would have been cool :cool: thought too late for Lebanon 1982


The bug was at one time a candidate but it was decided by the ministry of defense to equip the IDF/AF with the F-16C/D and later the F-16I.

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How about that? :biggrin:

I only get that when i drop a nuke on something

Edited by thundercheif

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I have gotten a few MoHs in the game. Mostly when I shoot down an impossible number of aircraft.

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The best I could find was a DFC for taking my A-6E (SWIP) and pasting an enemy runway. It was a nice run-in, got lined up with the runway and came screaming in and dropped 6 bombs - cratered down the length of the thing. Then, for good measure, I came back around for one pass and pickled 6 more into a pack of MiG-21s just parked out on the ramp. Nice secondaries.


Could've sworn I had a Navy Cross around for something, but I must have uninstalled and reinstalled over it.




Had quite the hairy sortie yesterday, though. A recce run over an enemy airfield - I mistakenly thought "milk run." Me and my wing in our EA-6Bs - we loaded up with tanks, so we can't even shoot enemy ground threats. I figured we'd just jam the s**t out of everything anyway, and if that didn't work, we could get low and haul ass. We headed off, everything was fine. Got up to about 8k for the short trip into indian country, then dropped down to about 1k for the run-in.


All was going well until we had to overfly the field. We were lined up a little off so had to come back one more time for a better pass. About this time, I look back over to my wing and I see some tracers whizzing by him - I thought from the airfield. Then, he called out, "Bandits." We got jumped by a pair of MiG-21s. I told him to break while I pulled around for the run over the airfield and threw the left hand forward all the way. Success for the recce run, time to get out of there alive. Wing was engaged defensive and then I got jumped by the second MiG. I wrapped it up in a sharp turn, while the MiG overshot. Then, I started for the deck and home all at once. Wasn't a long trip (distance-wise) but I couldn't get home fast enough. I thought, maybe I can sucker the MiG down here and run him into something. So, I got low - as in less than three digits on the radalt, and even that didn't seem low enough. The MiG popped all 4 of his heaters off at me over the next 4-5 mins. That was really disconcerting - intermittent RWR tones followed by missile calls from my wing. All I could do was pop chaff and flares and keep it on the deck.


Eventually, we got close to home and I had the clever idea of leading this bastard over one of my AAA batteries to shake the sucker (maybe kill him) - since he was intent on hounding me all the way to the runway. About that time, wing got back over near me - apparently having shaken his pursuer. Either my MiG knew what I was planning, or just lucked out, but he bit off on my wing and got behind him. Since my tail was now clear, I thought maybe I could help out my wingman, so I peeled off the deck and swung it around behind the MiG. I figured, maybe I could scare him off my wingman, and if not - it was safer to be behind the MiG than in front of him. Unfortunately, the MiG got a good guns shot on my wing and he went spinning out over the water, smoking on the way down. I closed behind the MiG and eventually overshot, so I broke low and out of the fight. The second MiG had shown up, but the pair apparently had had enough and kept trucking off NE over the sea. I came back on the deck and made an uneventful landing. I felt bad for my wingman.

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I don't have the debrief or any screenshots, but I once fired an SRAM from my F-111 at an enemy airbase with multiple bad guys overhead. I got an insane number of kills including all 4 MiGs! It was a true lucky shot.

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I wont say it was a great mission but my wingman had a kill, it was a Mig, while airborne...with a bomb. :dntknw:


Edited by Jaman

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I jut completed Burning Sands in SF2 as a mercenary. On one flight in the F-4B, I had a perfect shot for guns, but as we all know the B doesn't have them! (and the pods were not available). Since I had expended ALL of my weapons, I figured "What the Hell?".










...and YES, the kill was counted, but since I didn't have FRAPS running, I could not get a copy of the stats.

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Also, when I was beta testing WOI, I had a good day with guns...


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Just flew this one. Had a pretty good time and my flight were pretty competent too. Flying F-86s against two flights of Mig 15s. One was Chinese the other was NKorean. Needless to saw, the sidewinders were useless.

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No screenies, but I just had to mention the flight I just finished. I was checking out Wrench's latest version of the Libya terrain, and working on decal placement for my .ini-hacked CS2F-2 Tracker (A-Teams S2F with basically a name change and a RCN paintjob...). It's 1962 for the game date - and my anti-shipping mission turned into me heading off to somebody's HQ over the desert (I really should read those briefings...!)


Next Thing you know, we're jumped by 4 Yak-28P's... I order wingie to run for home... A Yak goes flashing past the office, headed directly at my homeward bound number two, firing away... I've got six pods of LAU-61's under the wings, so I crank it 'round on a wingtip, and fire off a salvo to distract him from my wingie, and wouldn't you know it, I hit the bloody Yak! Smoke is coming out of wingies number 2 PW, but he's still flying...


Before you know it, I'm tangling with 3 Yaks, 2 MiG-15's, and even a couple silver russian jobs I simply didn't have time to I.D.... all the while trying to get out over the coast. I ended up chasing another Yak into the drink, but never managed to nail anybody with the rockets again... but after (no kidding) an hour, everybody decided to let the little Canadian Stoof to live, and wandered off home... Wingie made it home two!


Score: RCN Trackers 2

Yaks, Migs, and Friends... NIL!!!


Of course, I'd probably get told off by the CO when we got home... what the heck was I doing on an Anti-ship mission over the desert... looking for camels ? They're "ships of the desert" aren't they ???


Never thought I'd be dogfighting in a Tracker... don't even have a gunsite!



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I don't have the debrief or any screenshots, but I once fired an SRAM from my F-111 at an enemy airbase with multiple bad guys overhead. I got an insane number of kills including all 4 MiGs! It was a true lucky shot.


I once killed 2 MiG´s with 1 sparrow, luckiest shot I´ve ever had.


Edited by coolpilot

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subarblue's story sounds like me earlier today...in a U-2.


Head out for recon over Cuba, thinking "ok, simple, stay high." But, I get some SA-2s firing at me. Both miss. Now me, usually flying Thuds, Vipers, or Rhinos at low level, dives for the deck. Mind you, I've completely forgot I'm unarmed (not to mention I still hadn't eaten breakfast so I was getting impacient.) Zoom down to about 8,000 feet. Level out. Take some pretty pictures of the airbase/city I'm over. Then, I notice several silver flashes. After an F6 or two, I see that these are two rather pissed off MiG-21F-13s, already on full burner, most likely coming down to dive on me. Now, I decide it's time to run. So, I hit the throttle, and I try to zoom up, but then I remember "Oh right...SA-2s." So, I go back to 5-8 thousand feet. MiG no.0 reaches me, and fires his R-3s at me, both missing. He comes in for guns. I get frantic, and lightly tap the stick in hopes of confusing him: nope. I did however, lower his airspeed to the point where he's flying with a high AOA to not stall. He goes burner and flies up. I fly up, slower of course. I go to external view, and notice that Comrade Captain Dmitri is too close! But, it's too late, and he smashes into my tail, and goes down. I somehow am alright, and continue towards the Gulf. MiG no. 1 now reaches me, and fires of his R-3s, not as rapidly, with one nearly getting me. He goes for guns. I try to do the same thing, but this guy is smarter than his commander. He goes left, and leaves me thinking I'm safe. So, I get over the water. And go external. I F6. See MiG no.1 in burner. I figure he's flying home. Well, he levels out. I start panning around, see a shiny object infront of him. A wingie? No. Me. By that point, it's to late. I recall saying, "Hey that's me! Come on, escor.....oh sh**...". The latter as he fired his gun. I became a POW. I heard that Junior Lieutenant Nikolai became a Hero of the Soviet Union after that encounter.


Moral of the story: If your in a U-2, and the map has SA-2s or MiG-21F-13s, stay at 50,000ft+ and take the SA-2s.


He's the photo that made into Krasnaya Zvezda two days later.



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I once killed 2 MiG´s with 1 sparrow, luckiest shot I´ve ever had.


I've done that before, but with an AIM-9. I hit the first guy and he flew into his wingie.



Another time I was flying an intercept mission in an f-106. I was taking out Su-7s. I kill all of them but two and I was out of falcons and gun. So I hit full burner and decide to let physics take control. The first one I went right through and he exploded. I emerged without a scratch somehow. The second one I dived on and knocked out his port wing. Unfortunately I lost my vert stabalizer and went into a flat spin. He hit the dirt first and I ejected. Luckily I was over freindly territory (it being an intercept and all) so I got away with a purple heart and a great story.

Edited by zmatt

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by the way, how do you take pics witha recon plane? i have just goten a recon phantom and dont know how to take pics.

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by the way, how do you take pics witha recon plane? i have just goten a recon phantom and dont know how to take pics.



You dont take pics, all you have to do is fly over the specified zone and thats it mission complete. If you really want to take pics just do a screenshot as you fly past, it wont make any difference what so ever, but your more than welcome to do it. And hey, if you get a good screenshot as you fly past, post it on here :good:

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dwcace, did you recieve any damage in the collision? Every time I touch another plane I either recieve lethal damage or blow up.


This are the results from my last mission:

Sluffs 7 , MiG´s 0 (but i got damaged)


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2 SPADS. 2 MIG 17s




I splashed my Mig right after my wingman did.

My SPAD gets 1 a month, but twofers are sweet.

:ph34r: CL

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Just had a very successful Mission. Took on Su-27s and Mig-23s with a flight of F-4Es.

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Kind of a strange one. Flew an Armed Recce with 2 F4U-4B Corsairs and got jumped by four MiG-15s. I thought we were as good as dead, but the MiGs started coming down low and slow to try for a kill, and we splashed all four. Flew the same mission with F-86's and had my a** handed to me.


Guess sometimes low and slow is the way to go.

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