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OMFGOD!!!! I just finished flying my first mission (F-4E MIGCAP) Flight of 4, lost one right off the bat (SAM) lost #2 to fulcrum. I took down 2 Mig 23's and a Fulcrum(AIM-7) but i had to dodge sam's all the way and hide behind F-15's to keep the 29's off me! Hair raising fun. This Mod ROCKS!!!! To ALL the men that have made this possible words are not enough!! This is absolutely beautiful!!

Edited by Viper6

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The South Carolina ANG isn't fairing to well so far, 2 missions, while both successful, have cost 2 F-16s and 2 pilots POW.


Great MOD.

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Wow... :blink: This is THE most impressive mod I've ever played, thanks to everyone involved in creating this beauty!

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Wow... :blink: This is THE most impressive mod I've ever played, thanks to everyone involved in creating this beauty!
for sure...and then some! :clapping::clapping::clapping:

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The Iraqis are a MUCH tougher advisary in this mod than in the real conflict!

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The Iraqis are a MUCH tougher advisary in this mod than in the real conflict!


This doesn't last very long. After the first 6-7 campaign missions, there isn't much of an enemy air threat.


Watch out for the SAMS though.

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The Iraqis are a MUCH tougher advisary in this mod than in the real conflict!


The Iraqis had a decent AF, with well trained pilots. Their command and control was targeted right at the onset of the campaign, and that essentially crippled them for the remainder of the conflict.

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A superb mod!I was scared about the new patch,this is the right environment to test it and it's pretty good!

This mod is moooooooooooooooore than awesome,I like it sooo much!and my best compliments to everyone involved in the development,only thing I did...keep the stratofortress flying in my hands :biggrin: and change the default pilots to appropriate ones!

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It's time to make your donations to Combat Ace, for giving us such an impressive mod! :clapping:

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It's time to make your donations to Combat Ace, for giving us such an impressive mod! :clapping:

Hear, Hear to that. My heartiest congratulations to all who contributed to this marvelous campaign. Thank you all.

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Were any Coallition aircraft shoot down by Iraqi Air Force planes? On real life of course

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Were any Coallition aircraft shoot down by Iraqi Air Force planes? On real life of course
I don't think so...our Eagles were all over them like a cheap suit!

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Guest pfunkmusik

The radio chatter in the cockpit is unlike anything I've ever experienced. It is more lifelike than the ATC traffic in FSX. Hands down.



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Guest ruhzyo
Were any Coallition aircraft shoot down by Iraqi Air Force planes? On real life of course
The first night an F-18 was downed by a Foxbat. I do believe that was it, though.

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One F/A-18C from VFA-81 was shot down by a MiG-25 about 30 nm southeast of Baghdad, on the 17 of January.

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The sick thing about the lost Hornet was that multiple aircraft had tracked the MIG and had it locked. They were waiting for permission to fire that never came.

Edited by Lt. James Cater

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The sick thing about the the lost Hornet was that multiple aircraft had tracked the MIG and had it locked. They were waiting for permission to fire that never came.
WTF? Now THAT is some SAD ish!!

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The sick thing about the lost Hornet was that multiple aircraft had tracked the MIG and had it locked. They were waiting for permission to fire that never came.


At least in a game we don't have to put up with that kind of frustration, see mig, shoot, kill, go home and fly another day..

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I don't think I've enjoyed a campaign this much since the days of Fleet Defender. SAM calls left and right, air threats, ground threats, enemies popping up 10NM from the flight (happened to be 2 MiG-29's on the last mission I flew, exchange of shots: Turkeys - 2, Fulcrums - 0, though my wing got it from an SA-3 about a minute afterward), and some totally awesome new planes! (Those that I've noticed in-country are the F-117, B-52H, and EF-111)


Bravo Zulu on the mod, gents!

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Guest pfunkmusik

I am getting my ass kicked more in this mod than I've ever had it kicked before.



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Downloading now, after a day of standing at attention, can't wait to kill some MiGs. But damn, I don't know what to fly in first! F-15 or EF-111....AHHHHHHH!

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I am getting my ass kicked more in this mod than I've ever had it kicked before.





Good, that was the goal. :yahoo:

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