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You were right, Bullet! Those "Kommisköppe" (army blockheads) were upset!

As they couldn't really do very much - I shot those SPADs down, that attacked one of our fields - they decided

to give me only 3 from 7 claims confirmed! Man, am I upset!

Next time I'll make sure it's a bomber with full load, that I'll shoot right into the CO's office building!

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Posters are great looking but I don't think they'll increase OFF sales much

Problem is Posters are static and don't covey the exhilaration and intensity that is BH&H


Posters can only go as far as our local travels

I've talked to many people but have never interested anyone in OFF

Even simmers give me a squirrely face when I mention WWI


Don't think we'll have much success if we try to bring simmers to OFF

Best idea is to bring OFF where the simmers are

OFF will sell itself if we can get the word out


Only people I know that have the simming world at their fingertips are the website/magazine reviewers

Who are these people?

What are the most the most prominent websites?

What are their email addresses?


Let's bombard them with requests, videos, etc. until they start reviewing OFF

We won't be able to make T-Shirts fast enough then!


Wow. so the visual advertising market isn't effective in the media? Hoho.. Oh well... reading.gif


Again, I hope more of you will get involved in what ever ways you personally think will help the most.

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Hey, thanks Rabu. I printed up a dozen for now and will carry them in my truck. There is an airport nearby, hobbyshops and various bulletin boards. They are laid out well for legal sized paper. I'm going to post some in my house, I like 'em. Thanks for your efforts. I'll do what little I can. I think we can hit this campaign from all angles and it's a matter of doing it. I go forth in good faith and hope for the best. Again, thanks for your work.

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Hey, thanks Rabu. I printed up a dozen for now and will carry them in my truck. There is an airport nearby, hobbyshops and various bulletin boards. They are laid out well for legal sized paper. I'm going to post some in my house, I like 'em. Thanks for your efforts. I'll do what little I can. I think we can hit this campaign from all angles and it's a matter of doing it. I go forth in good faith and hope for the best. Again, thanks for your work.


And a big thanks to you, RC! :good: That's the type of optimism that's contagious.

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Wow. so the visual advertising market isn't effective in the media? Hoho.. Oh well... reading.gif.

No criticism here Rabu

I think efforts to increase sales are great and you have been a leader here


My point is that I think efforts towards the internet will be far more productive

Place our resources where they'll get the most bang for the buck

I'd be willing to bet that 99% of us found out about OFF through the net ...I did


The net has forums, websites, etc. exclusively dedicated to simmers

Like trout in a northern stream ...we just need the right bait

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Evening All,


Got a bit of stick time in my new Camel tonight and was able to take a few screenies of an encounter with Baumer's DR1.










He got some lower wing damage on my bird in our first pass but I was able to turn the tables on him and eventually sent him down.


MAN...I love this sim! :biggrin:





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Next time I'll make sure it's a bomber with full load, that I'll shoot right into the CO's office building!


Even better, arrange for it to crash into the latrines adjacent to the trench used by the pencil-pushers :rofl:

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Well Duce you are right to a point. I would suggest though not to overlook any options. Rabu has the talent and I for one can afford the cost of some posters. I got wheels in my ass and will enjoy putting the posters up. Not much spent and no harm done so why not? I love my time with OFF so much I want to get the word out there. There are many things we can do. Let's just do it. Cover as many bases as possible. Oh... we have the bait. Do we have the determination? Best wishes.

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Baumer thought he was hot s*** with his extra set of Iron Crosses eh? Now that he's seen your Dragon Camel he'll have to wash those pants twice!

Great screens and skin Lou.



Edited by Rooster89

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Normally, Baumer is a very good ace. He must have just been too impressed by your skin.

A very beautiful plane!

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Thanks for the kudos on the Camel skin folks, it is available in the downloads section if you would like to give it a go. (And ignore the "3" star rating on the download. I noticed last night someone had given it a "5" star rating and I clicked on it to see if there was any feedback and ended up rating my own skin at "3" stars. LOL! Chalk it up to arthritic fingers and a late night.)


Olham, Paul Baumer was indeed a top notch ace and seems to be a very good "virtual" pilot as well. He got hits on me immediately when we met, but I was lucky in that he only punched a few holes in my lower wing canvas. I was able to eventually turn inside him and got a good burst into his engine and cockpit which ended the fight. It seemed like it lasted forever but I imagine it was only two or three minutes. :smile:





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Olham, Paul Baumer was indeed a top notch ace and seems to be a very good "virtual" pilot as well. He got hits on me immediately when we met, but I was lucky in that he only punched a few holes in my lower wing canvas. I was able to eventually turn inside him and got a good burst into his engine and cockpit which ended the fight. It seemed like it lasted forever but I imagine it was only two or three minutes.



Well I'ld have been pissed. Someone, anyone trying to disfigure and generally cause harm to my spanking new dragon crate. The nerve of some people.

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Here's a German dragon. Ltn Joachim Von Hippel Jasta 5...



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That's a great looking plane Red-Dog, and any Green Tail worth his salt would be happy to fly her. Well done Sir!





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Here's a rare shot of "Olham's 5-Pack" - mostly I have to make do with 2 or 3 wingmen.


And my everyday prey - SPAD XIII. Must be able to kill them in my sleep by now...

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Jasta 11, Brayelles, February 14th, 1917

Leutnant Detlev Mahlo


On this morning's patrol, we came across a flight of four BE2c from RFC-4, north of Lens.

I attacked them from underneath, and shot all four planes down within 6 minutes.

On our way back to Brayelles, I spotted 3 more BE2c, following the road from Douai to Arras.


Having less than 100 rounds left, I ordered my flight to attack them. I also fired the last

rounds into the last plane, but couldn't destroy it.

My flight attacked in several waves, and could bring one craft down. They were just about

to down the second two-seater, when we were taken under ground fire. In my hunting fever,

I had not realised, how deep we had gone into enemy terrain already. Also, the BE2c crew

had lured us over one of their airfields. We had to break off and return zig zagging to our lines -

fortunately no one got hit by the fierce Flak fire.


[The last picture shows the lucky BE2c crew, that escaped our hunt. I like the idea, it was Bullethead...]

Edited by Olham

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Very nice pictures Olham! Love the snow, smoke and sun combination. Oh, and nice shooting by the way!

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The last picture shows the lucky BE2c crew, that escaped our hunt. I like the idea, it was Bullethead...


I dunno, I hardly ever make it home :).

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Heres a couple of that I did a little tweaking to.








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Finally got my new dog and here he is. Have good laugh guys it's my first skinning attempt. It commemorates my last dog. He was a french bulldog named Jack. And true to the last pic he never met a tree he didn't like well enough to lift a leg on. I was able to skin this puppy thanks mainly to the fine tutorials that Gous made available for us. Thanks Gous! I'll try some more.

Edited by Rickitycrate

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I dont see anything funny here. Its a great commemoration to a trusty side kick. Congratulations on a skin well done Rickity.




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Rooster, no knock on the dog, I loved him dearly. My words are meant to be self defecating... did I mean depracating? That mornchip is over heating again.

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