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Outstanding work as always Gents! We are getting quite a collection of additional skins for our beloved sim, and here is another I just finished, (a fun one for all you Tripe flyers who desire a bit more colour in your lives.


Resized to 74% (was 1300 x 900) - Click image to enlargepost-45680-1254055661993.jpg


Resized to 74% (was 1300 x 1100) - Click image to enlargepost-45680-12540556279304.jpg


I have added this skin to our downloads page, but if you wish to grab it right away and give it a go, here is a direct link:

1917 RNAS Tripe "Where's the Bratwurst?"


Let me know what you think and if there is anything than needs tweaking. Enjoy.





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That is a mighty fine looking Tripe, Lou. Much appreciated. I'll be flying it later tonight. I would be at it right now but taking care of some grandchildren. Speaking of which, I have a 4 year old that just loves to pull the trigger...CONSTANTLY. Even with the unlimited ammunition setting, the gun still freezesgrin.gif

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Lou: Really nice work on the Tripe skin! :good:


Rickity: Those photos are pretty amazing.. guess I'm going to have to update my video card. What is your system set up and what are your settings in OFF?



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I remember (as a small kid) my grandfather, who did not serve during the war, had some "postcards" he kept in an old album. After he passed away, I remember my father and I were looking through his stuff.


Found a few cards similar to the...........uh..............lovely young lady writing to her intended. Some of the other young ladies were not as fortunate to have as much clothing on while being photographed.


I guess, regardless of the time, or the conflict, the "Boys" need to be reminded of some of the reasons why they go to war!


Ce le Guerre


Hehe.. yes indeed, I'm convinced now the female is the smarter sex. :heat:

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Wunderbar! Zee crumpetz hav zee allowance to pint nicer cratez now!

Ziss one iss so very beautifull, zatt I can't vaitt to shoot it down!


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Oh my word! Fantastic! You must have worked long and hard Beard. It looks very accurate to the information I have. And there just so happens to be a special spot in the Rickity hangar for this loely bird. I'll be taking her up soon. Many thanks!

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Great shot Rickety,


Ok, I have a likely stupid question. Are the Gotha's in the main sim..ie "campaign", or do you only see them in special missions, or missions you create yourself? Just curious, cause I've never seen one.



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The Gotha's are not OBD product but are 3rd party download. There are user made missions that have the gotha and it is flyable and accessable in CFS3 QC in the OFF Workshop. To install find MadMatt's installer. Everything you should need is in there. Look in the other OFF forums here at CombatAce. You should find it easily. It is nice to have this Gotha but it is unfinfinished. Your question is not stupid ZZ. I wish you well with the big birds. I think you will enjoy.

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My New Camel Skin on a Balloon Mission good.gif




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"A FRONT WESTERN" by Lonesome Olham


Our lonesome heroe is pulling his sturdy Albatros D III into a tight turn. He is closing in to the turn

of William Hargrove 'Harry' Chisam's Tripe. Tracers wizzing past him; three other RNAS-1 elite pilots

try to shoot him off 'Harry's' tail. In vain! Banked hard, nose below horizon, Leutnant Mahlo screws

into the turn of the ace and hits him with a terrible burst! The Tripe shudders, falters, falls away.



But the whole story:

My flight of 5 Albatros D III from Richthofen's Jasta 11 spotted 4 Fees on patrol, and engaged them.

I had just downed one, and my wingmen shreddered a second, when I spotted lots of craft coming

down not far away. First I though, they came to get us, but they did a ground attack.

I counted 6 more FE2b, but above them: Triplanes! Our worst enemies!

I led my flight into a climb, and soon we where above the Tripes. Some of them went low for joining

the Fees. I counted at least ten Tripes. I still ranged between leaving and doing one blitz attack,

when the higher Tripes made the decision - they approached us. With our altitude advantage, we

got behind them like that! I hit two craft in a turn, both two or three times, and one was smoking

and crawling away. The other was the craft of our above 'Harry'.

At almost the same time with Chisam, the other Tripe crashed, that I had hit before.

Our heroe looks around - no other Albatros near anymore. All killed or driven off. Around him three

Tripes as upset and buzzing as Hornets. Our lonesome heroe estimates: he might have 200 - 250

rounds left. Enough to kill another! He goes really low, at full risk, and the Tripes don't like that.

They had already got in the way of each other, and now there are even trees involved.

As soon as one of them tries to zoom out, our pilot is there behind him, plastering the dark fragile

three-winged beauty; the RNAS pilot pulls up even steeper and gets it all - slow motion, almost a

halt, our heroe hits and gets hit; TAC TAC TAC TAC TAC - he tries to break away, but Newton says

'not yet', the chasing Tripe almost crashing into his bird now, rushing past! 'Harry's' craft crashing!

My, what a moment!

The Albatros can take up speed again, dives, hopping over tree tops, that the pilot could pick apples,

two really mad Tripe pilots chasing him; he gets hit again, an open inbetween the trees - touch down,

gear breaking, a crushing slide, halt! - - - Alive!

Gee, I know I'm not the Richthofen type at all - I just can't resist it!



Edited by Olham

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Gee, I know I'm not the Richthofen type at all - I just can't resist it!


Audentes Fortuna iuvat! drinks.gif

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The "Rising Sun" meets the setting sun.

I finally got the time to take up my latest addition, curtesy of Burning Beard. Lt. John Jeffers Spad XIII, U.S. 94th 1919. I will let the pics speak for themselves. Thanks again Beard, Jim










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A Marine sergeant, who knows Latin - how was that saying about deep waters?

No, wouldn't fit; I think it was: Silent waters are deep. But you're not really silent, are you?


Wow, wonderful design on the SPAD, Burning Beard, I wish I could meet it in the sim - and

shoot it down! (We're Barbarians over the lines, you know? Huns!)

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I think you're referring to the saying, "Still waters run deep" Olham.

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My god, CJ - where have you been all the time? Nice to hear from you!

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It is clear you have, as Richtoffen stated "overcome the inner schweinehund!", now you've just gotta work on reigning him in!grin.gif




Now that I mention it, I always wondered what exactly he meant by this? Is this supposed to mean the inner schwienehund was an impetus towards fear and inaction that had to be overcome? Or is it of haste and impetuos rushing in ill advisedly that he is referring to? Any thoughts?

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I don't know the context, in which Richthofen used it.

But generally, it means for Germans, to overcome you negative part, mainly used for lazyness.

If you find it hard to do something, like jogging every day, cause you got too much weight on,

or walking the dog, although would much prefer to sit on your couch with a beer in front of your

TV - then you have to overcome your "inner Schweinehund".


The inner Schweinehund stands for a weak will, a lack of motivation.

The word Schweinehund was used since long as a cuss word for an unfriendly, sinister person.

It comes from the Sauhund (sow hound or boar hound), that was used for hunting wild boars.

The Sauhund's character was, that he chased and tired his victims, and finally bite and held them,

until the hunter arrived.

Edited by Olham

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Enlightening! I knew I could count on you Olham.


Looks like an Anglicized translation of the "Sauhound" would be "SowHound", as female pigs are termed Sows in English. Reminds me of the Monty Python-Holy Grail episode where the French soldier yells over the wall, "We're not afraid of you, you English Pig-Dogs!!" Now go boil your bottoms....your father was a Hamster, and your Mother smelled of Elderberries"...etc etc etc.grin.gif



Edited by zoomzoom

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Everytime I see Gous make a post and his signature I think he is "farting in my general direction" haharofl.gif I hope I have it right as I am not a Monty Python officianado.

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The Holy Grail - never seen that one, honestly.

But I think they are difficult or impossible to translate really; a German would

miss many of the jokes, cause they would get lost in translation.

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Now that makes me very sad, because you are missing out on some truly funny stuff.


Here is an excerpt from The Holy Grail:




and here is another general "funny" not Holy Grail related.



Perhaps they won't work well in German, but it was worth a try.



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And I was thinking of altering my sig...now I won't :grin:

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