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Returning to base, after missing the bombers, I should have escorted, and shooting down an R.E.8 over

La Lovie, well behind the lines. The gunner shot up my engine, but it still carried me back over the lines.

Made in Germany! :grin:




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Olham you've outdone yourself! Wonderful fight with pics to tell the tale, wunderbar! :drinks::clapping::salute:


I flew the Walfisch tonight. I was killed but my valiant gunner continued to pour lead into the Nieuport 16 until he too seemed to have enough and broke off pursuit trailing heavy smoke.





Great pics everyone. Keep them coming :good:

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Great Stuff.


I do look a little warm in ur cockpit.







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Great shots, you all! Olham, those outings of yours cause quite some destruction. What DM do you use?

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Thank you all!


Bordeauxred Baron: My Damage Model? Twin 08/15 "Spandaus" - Mmuahahahahahahaaaaa!!! :grin:


Not sure anymore, foreigndevil. I had the DM of Herr Prop-Wasche & Fortiesboy installed

on my previous rig, but I'm not sure anymore, if I had it installed on this new one, too.

I think, this might be the OFF Damage Model.


Rickitycrate, this was nice; to see a "Walfisch" here is so rare - even if it went to hell.

I'd still have to fly one - have only been in it as the gunner; but the AI gunner seems to

do that job much better. This one is with additional "shark mouth" from your hands?

Edited by Olham

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The Roland CII "Walfisch" pictured is the craft of Rudolph Windisch and is available to all as it is a stock skin in OFF. The sequence of picks with the pilot dead at the stick were possible because of the ability to view until crash that the devs changed for us some time back. My endless thanks to OBD and I look forward to more of the developers great work in the future.


Edited by Rickitycrate

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"Stirling" work instead of "sterling", eh? You don't know how literally correct you are there, sir, because I've got beaucoup Stirling blood in my viens. My ancestors started calling themselves that about 1746, in hopes of disguising the fact that they'd been on the losing side of the 1745 attempt to restore the legitimate ruling house of the UK. Prior to that, they'd been Skirlings, but with the bagpipe classified as a treasonous weapon of war at the time, you can see why a good Jacobite piping family might want to change its name to something a wee bit less seditious, but still rather patriotic. Around Arbroath, you can still see a few tombstones from just before the Rising with the original "k" replaced by a "t" in hopes of proving we'd always been "Stirlings" and to keep Grandpa's remains from being desecrated by the damned sassenachs. And it worked. Instead of all being hanged, a few of us were deported this way. And thus I exist to trouble the world today lol.gif .


To the King! drinks.gif (with "over the water" implied by holding my glass over scotch whisky over my glass of water as I say this).


Surely, living where you do, you can understand grin.gif .


But anyway, 3D modeling is like skinning, at which you're an expert. Remember when you 1st started skinning and had the tools but didn't know how to use them properly? Same thing. So give it a go. If I can produce semi-recogniseable results even when mostly drunk, surely a more experienced drinker like yourself should have no trouble figuring out Gmax drinks.gif


hahaha...Thank you BH for pointing that out...you are of course correct.


TO THE KING indeed!..HUSSAH :drinks:

Edited by UK_Widowmaker

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Olham, I'm pretty sure you are flying with the standard OFF damage model. I don't have a campaign DM released for the new planes in HITR yet.

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Yep, that's what I think, too. He seemed very impressed by the DM model.

So you see, it's all in here. All you need is a twin gun fighter.

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drinks.gif Started an early german campagin 1915 in a Fokker E-3. 1st flight planes in distance. 2nd spotted 3 a/c in the distance high up couldnt catch em. 3rd flight spotted and chased a 3 a/c flight spun out but continued the chase . Closed to point blank range and matched airspeed with FE2Bs 230 rounds I sunk into it befor it caught fire and spun ouit of control to crash. Good times

gallery_50835_358_106085.jpg grin.gif

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The R-80 as landed....


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The R-80 as landed....




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how many bullets does it take to shoot that R-80 down?

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Haven't been shot at yet by aircraft not much gets to 15000 ft+, but it's totally flyable and makes a cracking bomb platform,we are using it in the MP missions at the moment....

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Is it going to be shared amongst the Community?

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how many bullets does it take to shoot that R-80 down?

It takes quite a bit of damage. Today I flew a MP test mission and was attacked by about 5 Albatros DIII's. My AI escort was tardy as usual, and I received quite a few hits but continued on my bombing run. After I dropped my bombs I jumped into the gun positions and drove them off while still receiving more damage. The escort showed up and saved me and I flew back home OK. Only trouble is that it's BIG and SLOW and an easy target for AA guns!


Is it going to be shared amongst the Community?

I'll be uploading it soon. I've discovered another loadout problem and will fix that first. Right now it's OK for MP, but I want it to be perfect before releasing it. This is a standalone of the existing Zeppelin by Stumpjumper and myself. I did the cloning and the skin and Stump did the new bombsight and the loadout. It resides in the game with the Zeppelin so I'll be having a Zeppelin vs. R-80 battle in MP soon.


Stump is working on a unique new Allied airship as well. It should be quite a treat when done and will look totally different from the Zeppelin.



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Great Stuff Winston...looking forward to that! :good:

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I can't wait to give that big bastige a go. Beautiful work and a great addition to the sim. good.gif



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Here's my latest screensaver: A shot of Sgt. Albert Larsson's N16 taken during one of his recent flights whilest flying with his wingman over the mud of Verdun.







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After sneaking around Jasta 4 (great Staffel, but ugly spiral design), I have made me

a skin to suit them and joined them.


April 1918, Cappy - we went higher than I ever had gone before; one Fokker Triplane

and lots of D.Va in a dramatic sky. Thought I show some pics here.

We got engaged by lots of SPAD XIII with a good advantage of height. I shot one down,

before I got hit myself. I descended steeply banked in a suicidal side slip (better than

breaking a wing), until I had gone down to an airfield.

But the ground gunners there were lousy and din't shoot the SPADs down.

I had to put my crippled bird down near the field, and survived with one kill.



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Thanks, Barkhorn. Here is some more.


The Benefits of Flying with an Elite Unit

The second sortie with Jasta 4 was again a clash with SPAD XIII. And again they came from high above,

down on my flight, while 1. Flight fought more SPADs higher. I did my very best and killed 2 of the bulky,

sturdy power pigs. But then I had one directly in my neck. I escaped by pushing the nose and rolling left,

both very hard, and he overshot.

Now I was chased round and round by two of the French. I hit both, but they remained intact. What could

I do now?

And here, like the cavallery, came A-flight. Von Doring's Fokker Dreidecker suddenly appeared in front of

my damaged bird, as if he had jumped off a cloud, and he shot the French up badly, dancing around him

like a wasp. The French tried to break away left, but there was von Doring's one wingman. On the other

side waited the other. The SPAD had no chance. Von Doring made minced meat of him with acrobatic art.

I was so grateful. We flew a bit side by side.

Then more SPADs came down vertically, and we got separated. I had no ammo left, and so I improvised

a hasty landing at Bapaume airfield. But I'm alive!



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Man, nothing like an ace swooping in to save your bacon. :good: Thanks for the second set of great shots today.

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