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Small but beautiful things

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Recently noticed: the Palmer Cord tyres on my Camel have "Palmer Cord" written on them in tiny letters; my rotary engine ... rotates; my bungy-powered half-axle suspension goes wibble-wobble; occasionally I see a minute flash far away as an EA's wings catch the sunlight, just like in the books. What craftsmanship from the chaps who built all this for us! What is "reality" anyway?

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Ditto to that, for sure!

Just worked on a new skin for my Albatros. I went through the many skins they made,

for the Albatros D V and D Va alone! It's just unbelieveable!

And I found a yellow one, were the stencil written weight, load and fuel data were still

on the sides. Even people, who might not notice exactly, what is so special, will definitely

find this extremely immersive.

I just phone talked to a friend after a dogfight, and he said "You sound, as if you are still in Flanders!"

He was right - I called from the airfield (Lol!)

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Yes, I love the detail and I always take a good look at each crate for the small things. They are there in spades. And sharp, clearly ledgable.

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Yep, last night I went on a balloon busting mission in my Halberstadt D.II. I spotted the balloon and dove down on it. And I noticed that Allied Archie is now white. I dont remember it being that white before.


I love this sim!



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I love the billboard advertisements on the sides of some buildings. Simply amazing!

In previous phases, when you strafed soldiers and missed, they would sometimes hold up a sign that said "Ha Ha!... You missed!" Has anyone seen this yet in phase 3?

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i love the glass effect on the gauges, or the scratched looking window at the roland sides of the fuselage. looks so real. what i also like is the comments at the killing boards of aces. the names, KIA, POW, 1. hattrick, 3rd hattrick...

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Yep, last night I went on a balloon busting mission in my Halberstadt D.II. I spotted the balloon and dove down on it. And I noticed that Allied Archie is now white. I dont remember it being that white before.


I love this sim!




Is there a workshop setting that affects this? The allied archie is black for me.



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Is there a workshop setting that affects this? The allied archie is black for me.




Yes, same on mine :sorry:



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Back to the topic of small but beautiful things....Duck pointed out to me in a MP game this last week where we were flying at night that the stars are correct. You can see various constellations. That's impressive! Not just random white dots!

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Is there a workshop setting that affects this? The allied archie is black for me.





Well, maybe I imagined it. lol. If you look at the allied archie and its above the horizon level it still does appear black. But if you look at it from above it does seem alot lighter in coloring that German archie. I dont know, it looks that way to me though.



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Its true, what they have created here is truly amazing. I too was distracted in a dogfight by the reflection of the world swirling around outside the AC in the glass of the gauges. Its those little things that pull you in and suprise you, and I'm playing on the crappiest settings possible, due to my POS computer, so I'm sure you guys that can jack those settings up are getting a real show!


In addition, (at least with my settings...I always fly 120% realism) you can't just approach this thing like a game anymore. If you do....take it lightly and not think like a real period pilot..ie immerse yourself in the proper mind frame before you take off...it'll bite you. You find yourself wondering as enemy tracers whizz by your head and you plummet out of control.. "How the heck did this happen"!!?? Oh yeah, I forgot to look around as much as I should've in that scrap...or...I entered with a disadvantage,.... or chose a badly stacked situation to continue to fly flippantly into. GOOD STUFF!!!!!!!

And from wll I've read....THE WAY THINGS WUZ!!


Again fabulous job Devs!! :clapping:



Edited by zoomzoom

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I agree as well.


The detail of the a/c and beauty of the environment are terrific. Like the pilots of WW1, their descriptions of flying and the sky around them, are as stirring as the fights they encoutered. This is easily duplicated in OFF P3!


As the old saying goes:


"The devil is in the detail.." and this is after all is, BH& "Hell"



Edited by cptroyce

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Well I just wanted to er confess being a timid sort of a chap that this was the first thread I ever started, so thanks to everyone who responded with such interesting and positive comments. What a bunch of gentlemen you all are!

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Took delivery of my new desktop today, fired her up and




Who knew?

This OFF thing is amazing!!!

Gotta get back to the Front - better inspect the lines down low.....

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'Amen' to all of the above! Onw question though...when I'm up in a QC, after a bit, I keep hearing a siren. What is that about?

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Warning - Hauksbee again!

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Could well be that your home airfield just down below you is getting nervous as you lot spiral down firing bullets all over?

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I don't mean to suggest that the previous responses were not helpful, but to be precise, I believe the siren is an air warning siren going off at the airfields below because of the possibility of attack on the airfield or general environs from the planes you are shooting at!

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Could well be that your home airfield just down below you is getting nervous as you lot spiral down firing bullets all over?


In the event, you're probably right, though I think the original intent lies closer to 'griphos' take on things. Would I be hearing sirens on the ground when I'm at 10,000?

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In the event, you're probably right, though I think the original intent lies closer to 'griphos' take on things. Would I be hearing sirens on the ground when I'm at 10,000?


I wondered that. Then I remembered I'd monkied with the sim's sound balance. After returning it to "Realistic", no more sirens (other than as an extremely faint noise if low enough). :yes:

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Indeed, it's a sim difficult to cover all the angles..but setting realistic sound should take care of the more hollywood sounds.

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