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The Age of our pilots

The age of our Pilots  

131 members have voted

  1. 1. Anonymous click: how old are you really?

    • 15 - 19
    • 20 - 24
    • 25 - 29
    • 30 - 34
    • 35 - 39
    • 40 - 44
    • 45 - 49
    • 50 - 54
    • 55 - 59
    • 60 - 64
    • 65 - 69
    • 70 - 74
    • 75 - 79
    • 80 - 84
    • Older

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You won't be seen, so you can do it! :good:

Click your age, and let's all see, how old the aces around here are.

(I'm sure already, that most of us shouldn't be sent to duties anymore - doctor wouldn't allow! Lol!) :ok:

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I'm still young enough to be a bad boy, but old enough to know better!



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You won't be seen, so you can do it! :good:

Click your age, and let's all see, how old the aces around here are.

(I'm sure already, that most of us shouldn't be sent to duties anymore - doctor wouldn't allow! Lol!) :ok:


Nuts. If I can hoon around on a Fireblade at my age I can certainly fly a biplane into combat over the WW1 trenches. :biggrin:

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Hahaha!! Yes - if I had to grow up to my real age, I would have to live the lot of years again!

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Go 45-49 you little beauty......... umm not that I have a vested interest or anything mind you :)




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...umm not that I have a vested interest or anything mind you


Good you mentioned that; I could have mistaken you.

Edited by Olham

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How depressing... I seem to be in the common age bracket. :not_i:

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Nobody wants to age - but no one wants to die young, either. :grandpa:


But in BHaH you have the chance to let fate decide that for you. So, climb your crate and have a sortie!

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didn't widowmaker (if i remember correctly, but also could mistaken), has a 3 year old son who already plays BHAH? so there should be also a 15 years or younger choice :smile:

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How depressing... I seem to be in the common age bracket.



Be patient. That will change.

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In the words of Mickey Mantle ( two weeks later, his liver gave out )

"If I knew I was gonna last this long, I would've taken better care of myself"


They say "Time heals all injuries" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .HOGWASH


yeah. sad story. all male mantle members died young because of heart attacks, cancer..., so knowing he will for sure also die young he lived his life as fast as he could.

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Widow's son is rather 12 or so (judged from the photo/memory), but Cameljockey's son

is around 3 I think it was.

But for a poll question, you only have 15 subquestion fields max., so I had to make the best of it.

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No shame here. I selected the 50-54 group and hope to one day select the 80-84 group. Poll again in 30 years, okay?

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I had gotten so used to clicking the 20-24 bracket and alas... I am 27. Moving on up...


You older chaps can commence with the traditional "throwing of the rotton fruit". :lol:

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didn't widowmaker (if i remember correctly, but also could mistaken), has a 3 year old son who already plays BHAH? so there should be also a 15 years or younger choice :smile:


Well, he's 11 and often plays :yes:


(has his own Camel)


So far it appears that the majority of us are middle aged!...why doesn't that surprise me? :biggrin:

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No, I keep the rotten fruit for eating (easier to chew). I'll be pelting you with the hard stuff. But don't worry, I can't throw very far anymore! Now, where did I put my walker? I need to pee again!

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Griphos, perhaps flight extenders are in order. They not only address that issue but are comfy to boot. Or so I've heard.





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Flirting shamelessly with our age here .

Well, if the 40 - 60 beams are growing most, no wonder. That's were the money is! (or should be? Lol!!!)

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Hi Creaghorn,



I’m curious. How does someone from Deutschland know about an American icon such as Mickey Mantle?



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Jammer - it may well be, that Americans often do not know much about Europe, and us Europeans.

But we know a lot about America.

Good school education, thirst for knowledge, and admiration are some good reasons.

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Thanks Olham,

Yes, sadly, I must agree about your assessment of Americans. I have lived in England and been to Germany, France and all over the world. I have experienced different cultures. We Americans can be ignorant and crass. 

Well, nobody is perfect. :rolleyes:


Sorry for going off topic everyone.





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I wouldn't be so hard on your fellow countrymen/women. I can assure you, as a subject of Her Most Brittanic and Imperial Realm (well, sort of, you know...) that most of us can point to people of our own nationalities and the noise you'll hear is the grinding of teeth. I find most of my compatriots OKish, but put them together in a large crowd, invoke John Bull, wave the Union flag and you'll notice me leaving in the opposite direction.


I'm utterly bemused by the attitude of many Brits who feel that Europe (as in the EC) is some sort of conspiracy to bring this Sceptred Isle low, and that the damn forns should learn a proper language, like English for example, without a shred of irony. Equally, these are generally people whose exposure to the outside world is restricted to a fortnight in Teneriefe,or doing Goods Inward and encountering a fluent English speaking German artic driver from Dusseldorf and vaguely wondering why it is that Germany is so much more successful commercially than their own country...


Yep, I suppose that's well OT too. But I'm not going to apologise at all.





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Hi Creaghorn,



I'm curious. How does someone from Deutschland know about an American icon such as Mickey Mantle?




hi,jammer 28,


i am playing baseball as catcher almost all my life and still playing a decent level to this day. so of course i grew up as a walking baseball almanac. especially with the yankees. i grew up watching them almost daily. my idol always were mickey mantle and lou gehrig. not so much because of their numbers, but because of their attitude on the field. same with jeter and posada. i love leader types and clutch hitters.



i agree, sometimes it's funny to hear stories of my mates, when they are in the states, and are questioned things like: "do you have microwave ovens in germany? do you have HD tv?. is hitler still germanies leader?" stuff like that. unbelievable sometimes, but true. of course not for everyone, but i heard very very often that a very high percentage of americans have not the singlest clou of what's happening outside their borders.


of course it is not only the americans. germanies youth (and lot of older people too) also isn't that what it should be nowadays. the lack of knowledge sometimes is scary.

me, as a croatian i sometimes get told by people they were doing vacation in yugoslavia at the mediterrenean adriatic sea. i tell them, no you weren't. you were in croatia. yugoslavia doesn't exist anymore. and when it existed, it was only for few decades because of a communist dictatorship. yugoslavia is serbia. and serbia never had an inch of shore at any sea.

the was a freedom war in the 90ies to get rid of the dictatorship, and after the war the borders were as they were before yugoslavia, and as it was for many hundred centuries before. different people, different races, different culture, different religion. but still thrown sometimes into the same pot to this day.

there are sometimes shows on tv or radio where people at the streets are questioned things which everybody must know. sometimes making fun of them because of the lack of knowledge. who played better at the last soccer game? the netherlands or holland?

Edited by Creaghorn

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Jammer; I assure you, ignorants, blockheads and crass people florish here, too.


And some of the nicest people here in the forum are Americans.

What I like about (the few) Americans I actually met in life, was the forward looking optimism.

So, I like "old Europe" for it's large basement of history, and very developed lifestyles;

and America for looking optimistic towards the future, and the Americans for their uncomplicated

way of meeting new people. Very open and friendly.


And I won't excuse either. I mean, the poll is growing - even when we came off topic a bit.

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