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OFF BH&H, future: Work in Progress

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OK guys as a follow on from the thread on futures, here's some "possibles" for the future for your interest. This is not all, or definitive of course.


All being worked on currently on the factory:



D.H.5, Morane Parasol Type L, Nieuport 24.






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Thanks Pol,

I love your sim and will gratefully buy whatever you offer. But I do feel a bit guilty. Are you devs spending enough time with your real lives? Your passion must run deep.

Thanks so much for everything,



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Great news, Pol! But take your time - I think we all still have a lot to explore here already.


The Morane is a good decision, as it gives the Eindecker E III a worthy opponent, that he could win against.

Should be much earlier than the Nupe 11 - when was it introduced?

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They look great. I'm especially psyched about that N.24. What gauges will be going into the cockpit for it?


You probably can get away with doing the N.17 cockpit and adding a couple more gauges to it (which you already have as well probably).


I'm pretty excited about that one-- haven't flown an N.24 since the RB days.

Edited by SirMike1983

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How many guns has the De Havilland got?

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Thanks guys, no we don't spend enough time with our loved ones, we are trying to now though.


Oldham Parasol design prototype was before the war August 1913, exhibited Dec 5 1913 at the Paris Aero Salon, and flew later in 1914 in the war.

First tractor type to have a forward firing gun through the prop arc.


Not sure re the N24 pit if it's finished at the moment WM is doing that.

DH5 has just the one UKW :(

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Thanks for the update Pol. They're looking so sweet. I'm gonna have to sneak over behind the lines to get some stick time in that Parasol.



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Uh-huh... yep...


I don't see anything with GERMAN CROSSES on them!!!!


forever biased... ;)



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Mmmmmmm Parasol :dance::groupwave::dance:

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Looks great, keep up the good work! :good:


Can't wait to take that N.24 up for a flight Over Flanders Fields... I love Nupes! And I'm sure the Parasol is going to be a challenge to fly. Fokker Fodder!

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Yes, all looks great Pol. Can't thank all the team enough. Make sure you look after the family though. Like Olham says, we all still have much to explore in phase 3. Well, I do. Knowing that the sim is alive and still growing is just fantastic. No rush for me. I still need to buy a new computer, then I will have a new even more detailed sim.


Cheers and thanks,


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Many thanks again Polovski and all for a great WWI combat flight sim. I have barely scratched it's surface. :yes:





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That is true somehow, what OvS said - no German planes?

We stand alone against Britain, France, America, Australia and Canada! We also need a new craft!


With the Dr.1 and the D VII, we have good late war planes (although WomenFly2 would now beat

me on the head, for she wants her D VIII); so perhaps an early Fokker?

Edited by Olham

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Pol probably revealed only a small fraction of the new planes in development, and we'll also be getting a bunch of early German crates... right? :yes:

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Uh-huh... yep...


I don't see anything with GERMAN CROSSES on them!!!!


forever biased... ;)




Yes, I agree, I think your missing a few like this one ...... see below.


Looking good.




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Here are some German planes, that might be on the list already.

Perhaps someone can say something about the early types (production numbers, fighter qualities, armament).

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Pol probably revealed only a small fraction of the new planes in development, and we'll also be getting a bunch of early German crates... right?


'Certainly wouldn't want to pester the Devs, [LOL] what with all they have on their plate, but it would be nice if there was a Taube on the list...

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Ok I'll just repeat this bit... "This is not all, or definitive of course." gawd ;)


I did remove a phrase:


"please don't say where is [insert your fav plane here] !"


Parasol was also made by Pfalz so that can be both sides.


Oh and we'd need a Snipe for that DVIII WF2 ;) mmm

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Guys we have not posted any list of our action plans yet but just wanted you all to know we are still cranking it.

We would never see OFF unbalanced craft wise


Yes none of the craft above are complete - they are work in progress.





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Ok I'll just repeat this bit... "This is not all, or definitive of course." gawd ;)

Pol: What program do you use to model objects?

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Thanks for the info Winder. The best keeps getting better. I'm happy and excited. 3 cheers for ODB!!!

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Hauksbee Modelling prog is mostly GMax (some are started in 3d Max).

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Guys we have not posted any list of our action plans yet but just wanted you all to know we are still cranking it.

We would never see OFF unbalanced craft wise


Yes none of the craft above are complete - they are work in progress.






Also, to add to this. I posted a list based on my personal opinion and experiences with WWI modding. That list is by no means any indication of what we have planned.


Many of the models are selected based on length of time in action, ability to be used by many squadrons, ease of model design (I can't imagine the time it would take to make the Zeppelin Staaken), etc.


The Imperial Air Force used the same aircraft for a longer period of time than the Entente, so I would expect there to be more choices on the Entente side. They had more manufacturers, and more choices then the Germans did. A good example would be the Alb D.III vs the Neiuport series. The D.III fought the N.17, N.23, N.24 and in some cases even finshed with the N.27 in late 1917 before they introduced the D.V series into the lower skill rated Jastas.



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