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There's still some life in the old girl....

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In between all the terrain stuff I'm supposed to be doing (yes, I've restarted work on the new Korea map again ... and what a nightmare THAT is...due to an error on MY part...) I'm squeezing in some time to update/rebuild some older mods of MontyCZ's classic AD Skyraider....


Reskinned all my eariler Korean Vintage skins; new decals, accurate BuNums (meaning, they're FOR the model shown, just unsure of actual squadron usages of said BuNums)




VC-35 AD-4NL (based off Royohboy's newer MUCH better template)

VF-194 AD-4

VMA-121 (* it should be noted, I didn't do these decals, other than the BuNums to be still made. They're from the original skin, which I think was done by Volksjager?*). IT should be noted, 121 flew AD-2s for most of the Korean War, but since we don't have the -2, with only 1 gun in each wing, and the lod dosen't permit the removing of them, as there's no mesh called out, we're stuck with the -4. Rest assured, I'll use -2 BuNums just for accuracy. and s**ts and giggles :wink:


updated to work in the 08 patch levels with VERY minor adjustments. It flys fine for me!! :dntknw: The data inis will have commented out sections for use in 06 patch level installs. Just to be safe.


One of the things I could wish for, was that Monty would revist the LOD, if at all possible, and give us an opening canopy. Other than that, and fixing one open mesh on the front of the tail fin ... this bird holds up remarkabely well almost 7 years after its' original release.


coming soon!!



kevin stein




ps: if anyone has any information on the 7 shot rocket pod, which was brand new in 1950, and was first used in combat by VC-35 (according to the book "Skyraider: The Douglas A-1 Flying Dump Truck" by Rosario Rausa), I'd be appriciative!!


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wasn´t there a "new" Korea terrain in the works???

btw nice work wrench! ;)

Edited by Soulfreak

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wasn´t there a "new" Korea terrain in the works???

That IS it ;)

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Excellent, they are !


Must admit I've more or less ignored a Korea mod, I have a Korea install but hardly touch it. Time to update it and start again.

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Excellent, they are !


Must admit I've more or less ignored a Korea mod, I have a Korea install but hardly touch it. Time to update it and start again.


Well once you get this map, you will have a dedicated Korean install. The map is that good.

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I still wish TK would release a Wings over Korea game.

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That IS it ;)


:good: I only wasn´t sure if it was you whos working on it. :biggrin:

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Very beautiful!! Love the "veteran" looks. I think Monty's plane is under rated. Razbam is very good, but Monty is also good....and free!. How about some work in the Banshee? (I like more the Razbam model, but...).

Waiting for an updated Korea mod (I have added a lot of planes, squadrons and objects to the original version, but an updated package would be great)

My two fav installs of SFP1 bar none are Korea and Spanish Civil War (Yes Wrench, I'm one of those prophead dozen)

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By the way, I have tweaked some planes Data.ini, adding armour plate, lowering the gunners range and making new FM's (for example F9F-2, F-84E, Yak-18, IL-10, La-11 and 9, some more accurate than others, I'm not an FM guru). If you like to test some stuff, tell me.

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Wohoooo, THIS is something what makes me happy :-)


Do you know that first Skyraider for SF:P1 was released in 2002 (12-30-2002 exactly)

I found it on my old webpage few weeks ago. Unfortunately it is evident that it is 5 years

older than Razbams one :-(





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Monty I still use your stuff on a regular basis.Your Skyraider and Scorpions are still some of my all time favorite rides.Thanks Monty.

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Monty, Like i said .. it's still holding up well after all these years. Wasn't this the VERY first add-on aircart for SF way back then??

Other than my 2 'complaints' above, there ain't nothing wrong with this bird!!!


The only changes I made for the 08 patches, were really just changing the MaxSteeringAngle= for the tailwheel from a negative number (-45) to a positive (45)


on the AD-4NL, I had to decrease the rolling radius for the main gear by 10, which brought the wheels in contact with the ground. The standard AD-4 sits perfecly fine --- really strange, as it's the same A-1H lod!!


For our WW2: 1946 PTO players, I'll also be redoing the BT2D/AD-1 skin and decal sets, as I really messed them up when I did them 4 or years ago...and now that we have Timmy's AN/APS-4 radar pod, I can get it where I wanted it back then (note you see one loaded on the VF-194 bird)


Unfortunatly, it's using the Scooter pit; I'm trying to backdate it a little to make it look more prop-ish. Those that have Razbams SPAD can easily transfer over that pit -- and the price of the aircraft makes it worth it! I try to stay with freeware stuff as much as possible, no slight to Raz, as his Skyraider and Banshee are EXCELLENT!!!


Blackbird: if you want, or Monty wants, to see if you can activate the canopy, I'd say go for it! Also, look for open meshes on the leading edge of the tailfin .. there's some decal bleed there.

If I was really in a wishing mood, I'd ask for the fusleage to be split into fuselage, tail and tailfin. That way I can not paint on the fuselage star, and open a few more meshes for decals. But that's not really an issue.


Also, whatever happened to that AD-3W mod I sent a year or 2 ago??? :biggrin:


The new Korea map is amazing all the screenies were taken from it... the 'mistake' I mentioned was that mid-last year, I had been working on an earlier version; so 200 odd targets are now misplaced by great distances -- some a little a 10000 meters, others as much as 300000 meters (the NK army base that north of the DMZ is now, somehow! located off the southwestern coast!!! So, it's gonna take a LOT of work to get it straightened out -- bridges are totally mess up. So, sadly, don't expect it soon


Odd thing is, the TE keeps crashing when I save, but the changes ARE saved in the TFD and HFD. It's the damnedst weirdest thing I've experienced with that cursed program.



kevin stein

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Forgot ... here's another totally redun Korean Bird...


based of a version of pappychek6's original skin with more panel & etc lines, all new histirocall accurate marking, BuNums, etc


F3D-2 Skyknight, VMF(N)-513



kevin stein

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Looking good Kev. You might ask Ravenclaw to see if you can get his templates for the f-86 droptank

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Guest a10boar



Mr. Wrench,Have a request for a skin shown here from CFS3 Korea Skies from Dogpatch Crew.Any chance this could be done for us here or is it wrong to "copy" from one game to another?Bluntly;Is it stealing?

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How can it be stealing, it's simply recreating a skin of an historical aircraft - the fact that it's available in another sim is moot.


Unless of course, you directly used the other sim's skin and modded it, then you would be stealing unless it came with permission to do so.


Better to start from scratch, to be safe.


There's an old proverb I once heard somewhere, you can never have too many Skyraiders :wink:

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That ain't no thing....it's just a matter of new decals.

One of the beauties of USN/USMC skins for WW2 and Korea, is they're all the same!!! Paint scheme wise.


If that's the CFS version, they've got the modex numbers and Navy/Squadron tag a bit on the large side, as seen in some profiles and books I've got. (SSP #6160 USN Carrier Air Units 1946-1956 - great referene!)


That also reminds me to see about them Tiny Tims ... always had a problem getting them to load. Automatically; by hand (on the loading screen) works all the time



kevin stein

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Guest a10boar

Thanks for reply.Did not think it was stealing but,was in doubt and thought it should be asked.

Looked up the reference you mentioned Wrench and they are too big.VA-193/VA-125 services years in Korea War was 1952-53.

Could you put me on another reference for the AM-1/1-Q "Able Mable" or also known as "Awful Monster".Know the aircraft never saw combat and there was two versions made but,for some reasons I can not find the A2A trainer version.Or was that put in production?Limited information on this version.Understand too that it was not a very good Carrier aircraft due the tailhook problem.The payload was bigger because it was bigger than that of AD-3/4's.MIGHT make a good "could have been" attack aircraft in combat for USMC/USN if it was not so clumsy and big.

I bet I didn't have to tell you Wrench anything about the Mauler.Enjoy your knowledge of prop driven aircraft.I think it's aworthy mention and it's got my curiousity buzzing.

Edited by a10boar

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There's no Mauler available for SF/Wo* series, sorry!


the only book I know of, is Naval Fighters #24 AM-1/1-Q, by Steve Ginter.


One of his other book, Naval Fighters #3, was a great help in doing this skin....

yes, again with accurate BuNums (well, at least for 6 of the aircraft that i have photo-evidence for..)



kevin stein

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Wrench, your new F3D is awesome :biggrin: , but the plane 3D still has a big issue - the canopy frames doesn't show from inside. This's even worse if you try to make a custom cockpit by the "OPEN COCKPIT=TRUE" method. Do you know how to fix it? :dntknw::good:

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Why yes, yes I do. :wink:


have capun rebuild the model. It's the only way. That's why it's still got the A-6 framing when viewed from the inside. I also tweeked one of the cockpit bmps, to 'fake' a radar display for the copilot/RIO


I'll get a screenie up later


CL: I knew you and Syrinx would like those :smile:



kevin stein

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Old Girl?

If there where Left Handed SPADS and Queer SPADS, the airplane would be Male.

My favorite women were and are built like an A-1/AD and drive me nuts when dressed in midnight blue or gull grey. Now I'm really confused.

Not distracted from my preferances tho.

:ph34r: CL

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