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Happy birthday to me!

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Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, lallalaalaaa lalllaaalaaa happy birthday too mee!





Thank you mom and dad by giving me a saitek x52 pro ! :)



Sorry about the mess :biggrin:



Well, this is my first joystick, i've been into flying simulators like 2 years and i played them with gamepad, yeah! It's lame, i know but in Estonia we dont have much joysticks to choose from and like i am - i always want the best! So every time i was able to buy x52 my money went elswhere - to more important stuff. Well to me X52 is always been high priority but when something's come up you cant do nothing about it. And now, yeah! Here it is! I own a saitek X52 pro! I cant say how exited and happy i am, the right word for it is probably "dsafahjklfjklah". Now im going to enjoy my stick and lets hope i'll get used to it soon :biggrin: . Also i wanna thank CombatACE forums for your awesomeness! Peace!



Edited by Flegmatica

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Sweet man, hope you have fun with it, its easier to fly with a joystick, and more enjoyable. Happy B-day by the way :HB:

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May you have many dsafahjklfjklah days in the future!

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:HB: Fellow Geminian, and many more to come!

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Look at all the pretty lights!

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Cool!! happy birthday to you :)


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