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Single aircraft purchases?

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Now I'm new here and dont want to offend anybody but guys - arent you missing the big picture here -


Why dont ca release a package say a WW2 package of some kind to start and sell it via download on ca-as an add on - as a convenience to the public and pay all the modders ( and ca ) the profits.I mean the planes are made - the maps are made - hell-even the menusets are there!the product is great - and well worth buying in my opinion - to be honest I would have bought the package myself!_well its worth it.

I for one would like to see the guys who put in all the work and time to get SOMETHING out of it all - hell make it 50 cents per copy-I just think its a shame you guys dont figure out a way to get something for your work-I have huge mods on my cpu that money cant buy...and 4 WW2 -pto,eto,mto and EFront mods.


You guys deserve it Question - would I buy planes/packs from tk? no

would I buy planes/packs from ca modders - hell yes

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Yes, as long as they were of the same high quality, and they would have to be in packs as some suggested.....

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Now I'm new here and dont want to offend anybody but guys - arent you missing the big picture here -


Why dont ca release a package say a WW2 package of some kind to start and sell it via download on ca-as an add on - as a convenience to the public and pay all the modders ( and ca ) the profits.I mean the planes are made - the maps are made - hell-even the menusets are there!the product is great - and well worth buying in my opinion - to be honest I would have bought the package myself!_well its worth it.

I for one would like to see the guys who put in all the work and time to get SOMETHING out of it all - hell make it 50 cents per copy-I just think its a shame you guys dont figure out a way to get something for your work-I have huge mods on my cpu that money cant buy...and 4 WW2 -pto,eto,mto and EFront mods.


You guys deserve it Question - would I buy planes/packs from tk? no

would I buy planes/packs from ca modders - hell yes


because who wants selling is selling , and who wants release it as a freeware is releasing as a freeware?

and well, if everybody do this,i'll crack and get no money even for food...



IMO, the point of this sim is the quantity and quality of avaible freeware mods, because stock models aren't enought.


if you want some payware stuff you should go to Razbam's or YAP's site, there are a considerable amout of payware stuff with quality, and some made by modders from CA.




btw, i came for downloads, but i stood for the Eels.

Edited by Silverbolt

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you want some payware stuff you should go to Razbam's or YAP's site, there are a considerable amout of payware stuff with quality, and some made by modders from CA.


It can still be freeware dont change a thing. ---- note I said... as a convenience - some people just dont have the time or inclination to go through downloading planes and skins etc...

Its only an idea man -

Edited by thebeast0449

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And ...are you telling me I should leave here and go somewhere else ?? cause thats wot that sounds like-and that aint up to you guy.

i got your point, but i didn't said that.

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i got your point, but i didn't said that.

I can only say that it is reasonable to ask for contributions, as you are able, to CA rather than pay for aircraft put up for download here. Long tradition of freeware here has brought a world-wide participation that is varied and valued. My thoughts on this and my spare cash go to the CA site and staff.

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I personally would pay for aircraft add-ons from TK. But as with many people it would have to be a plane I an VERY interested in that is of such quality that a net add-on just couldn't compare. The truth of the matter is that since TK sims are so wide open and moddable, and have been for quite a long time, that the work available on the net for free can be and is generally of VERY high quality. But with the way we all love to support TK, the current sims, and any still in dev, that we would spend the money just because we know it's going to a good cause............. SF3!!! Just my .02

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Single Aircraft? No.


Aircraft Packages? Yes.


Campaigns without Aircraft? Yes


Campaigns with Aircraft? Yes.

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Now I'm new here and dont want to offend anybody but guys - arent you missing the big picture here -


Why dont ca release a package say a WW2 package of some kind to start and sell it via download on ca-as an add on - as a convenience to the public and pay all the modders ( and ca ) the profits.I mean the planes are made - the maps are made - hell-even the menusets are there!the product is great - and well worth buying in my opinion - to be honest I would have bought the package myself!_well its worth it.

I for one would like to see the guys who put in all the work and time to get SOMETHING out of it all - hell make it 50 cents per copy-I just think its a shame you guys dont figure out a way to get something for your work-I have huge mods on my cpu that money cant buy...and 4 WW2 -pto,eto,mto and EFront mods.


You guys deserve it Question - would I buy planes/packs from tk? no

would I buy planes/packs from ca modders - hell yes


No, no, and no.


It's a nice idea in theory, but as soon as you go down this road, all sorts of trouble comes up.


The initial development of YAP was frought with this sort of trouble at the beginning.


Just do some skull sweat on this issue, and you'll start seeing the problems that have appeared. The ONLY way something like this would work is if ALL of the money goes to someone not involved in the development of the overall mod IN ANY WAY (ie a charity). Any other arrangement WILL cause problems other than it being totally free.



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The initial development of YAP was frought with this sort of trouble at the beginning.


In the beginning and its an ongoing struggle. I'm still fighting that f***er Zero for my money and he's still selling my stuff...and people are still buying it. Want more details just ask...

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I'm just a sucker for anything Vietnam-related for the Third Wire series. I've said it many times, and I'll still say it - it is THE simulation that I would have created myself if I had the talent and the time. And I know there have been some issues with certain folks over various things, but the bottom line is that I still love WOV and anything made for it that enhances the Southeast Asian aviation experience through WOV. (I was trying to get over there myself before it was all over with, but did not get out of High School until 1974).


If it's for SEA, I'll buy it. No questions asked. I have the Razbam Skyraiders and A-6, but passed up on the Phantom/Banshee or whatever it was. I'd be first in line for a new F-105D/F/G series (including the early bird before the spine and scoops). The F-4, well, I have started to address that through Crab's help.


Yeah, I know...I should be able to start building a Thud myself by now....



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However, the blunt truth is that TK's planes are (as mentioned elsewhere) missing several crucial features of the real planes notably in the ground attack avionics and as such are limited in how good they can be. This is the engine's limitation, not that of any plane, and it needs to be fixed there.


Even 3rd party planes have to put up with this limitation. Obviously, this can't be solved by just a small plane specific add-on. This should be a game engine revision in future releases.


Unless these planes are priced under $5 each, then maybe, but I doubt he'll go that low. Right now, each new SF2 release is a new (updated) terrain plus a handful of planes (if you're merging them with previous releases all the planes included aren't new) for $20.


TK indicated a price of $5 - $10 depending on the content. Anyway, TK's target market are the ones who do not like to take in the mods.

Edited by jomni

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Even 3rd party planes have to put up with this limitation. Obviously, this can't be solved by just a small plane specific add-on. This should be a game engine revision in future releases.




TK indicated a price of $5 - $10 depending on the content. Anyway, TK's target market are the ones who do not like to take in the mods.


The major obstacle for me from even considering purchasing one of the additional single aircraft packs is that I can't see TK using the income from them for anything like such content changing progress, more likely if they are a success then they will probably end up funding more of the same for another few years. I don't mind paying for progress, just it would need to be something pretty major in the Thirdwire paradigm to get me excited after all these years. I hope I don't sound greedy, but single aircraft added to the same game engine would not really enthuse me to part with $10 a time, unless there was a clear indication that major change was being considered as the immediate beneficiary of the new revenue stream.

Edited by Kopis n Xiphos

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Also, I doubt that:

TK's target market are the ones who do not like to take in the mods.
Just look at the amount of users and downloads on this site alone! I think CA form a considerable majority of his fan/user base and we certainly are not a mod fearing community who would rather pay $5 than take the 5 minutes it takes to read a readme!! (then again who reads those anyway, we just all know how to do it from osmosis..)

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Also, I doubt that: Just look at the amount of users and downloads on this site alone! I think CA form a considerable majority of his fan/user base and we certainly are not a mod fearing community who would rather pay $5 than take the 5 minutes it takes to read a readme!! (then again who reads those anyway, we just all know how to do it from osmosis..)


I agree with you. CA I am sure has generated a lot of business for him. Dare I say without it he might not have the sales and or even have more sims to produce with a majority of the CA fan base. Please do not take that statement as arrogance on my part. Not what I am trying to say. I am saying he gave us the base for us to produce all these wonderful things for the sim. So they are symbiotic. Make sense?

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I agree with you. CA I am sure has generated a lot of business for him. Dare I say without it he might not have the sales and or even have more sims to produce with a majority of the CA fan base. Please do not take that statement as arrogance on my part. Not what I am trying to say. I am saying he gave us the base for us to produce all these wonderful things for the sim. So they are symbiotic. Make sense?


Symbiotic is a good word. I think TK could structure his business to be successful in most any environment, but CA certainly helps him (I have to believe).

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To answer the question: NO!


All this extra content you have to pay for (as you can see it for many, many games) gives me stomach ache...

I can understand why developers do it, but it always leaves you with the feeling to buy a "stripped down" game, where you have to pay extra money to get the whole experience!

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I agree with the last 5 posts -

C'mon this engine is well and truly milked already -

Strike fighters released in 02 thats like 7 years ago...yes it is symbiotic-no doubt

- I dont think without modders anyone would remember what SF was now.So I hope TK comes out with a Il-2 1946 quality game (with bombadier/wep stations etc) that is similar to mod up - then he will have a a block buster.In saying that we are still here producing TW mods - I just think its time-we want a bit more... y'know? Not more of the same. :grandpa:

Edited by thebeast0449

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good point.


Well TK always had the modders in mind. He made SF2 series specifically to make modding easier.

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I thought he made them specifically to be usable on vista and that was it?


Anyway, symbiotic is a perfect description.


The problem with asking more is resources, if you've been to the TW forums, there a bazillion and one threads of people asking for stuff and tk saying he'd love to do it and more, but doesn't have the financial resources. So improvements tend to be slow and subtle, but constant.

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I agree with you. CA I am sure has generated a lot of business for him. Dare I say without it he might not have the sales and or even have more sims to produce with a majority of the CA fan base. Please do not take that statement as arrogance on my part. Not what I am trying to say. I am saying he gave us the base for us to produce all these wonderful things for the sim. So they are symbiotic. Make sense?


That's not arrogance, that's a simple fact.

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Well, SF2 did 2 main things--it made possible to mod in Vista without admin rights (you could mod the older ones in Vista just fine if you had rights to the ProgFiles directory, or you could install it somewhere "nonstandard") and it removed things Vista didn't work right with/added things that Vista could work right with, like MP and shaders.

A lot of the other improvements we've seen have been "perks", but these perks are what I think has helped drive sales for those of us still running XP.


The idea of selling single planes simply sounds like what Razbam and some others do, and not to take anything away from them, but I don't think it's really "needed." In other words, they do that, TK doesn't have to. He should concentrate more on the things that require source code access to accomplish along with new/updated terrains since those appear the most infrequently. I mean, after 7 years we have how many planes/objects? Hundreds? How many terrains? Ten?

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Master,I have XP. Is it worth buying SF2? And what are those perks?


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Master,I have XP. Is it worth buying SF2? And what are those perks?



Mainly tons of new high res pits - you get 3 with the F-100 alone


The new vector and more modern RWR functionality


most of the 3d models have been redone and there are quite a few new models too - all good quality.


You can merge the whole lot together


The file structure is much better keeping the mods apart from the core game files - which should mean less reinstalls for newbies.


Other than that you can add the same mods with a bit of twiddling because its the same game really.


So its personal choice - I bought them to support 3rdwire also

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I agree with the last 5 posts -

C'mon this engine is well and truly milked already -

Strike fighters released in 02 thats like 7 years ago...yes it is symbiotic-no doubt

- I dont think without modders anyone would remember what SF was now.So I hope TK comes out with a Il-2 1946 quality game (with bombadier/wep stations etc) that is similar to mod up - then he will have a a block buster.In saying that we are still here producing TW mods - I just think its time-we want a bit more... y'know? Not more of the same. :grandpa:



Strike Fighters was released in 2002 - but SF2 is a competely different game in every way - unfortunately you wont understand that unless you ever had the misfortune to play the original SFP1 with Patch 1!!


TKs model allows him limited resources - but it also allows him to keep in business. The people wanting this that and the other normally have no concept of the following:



  1. The limited resources and budget he sticks to - call it low risk but at least hes still there providing support years later. For some reason he doesn't want to gamble, expand his team, and produce the blockbuster everyone want - probably because theres a 90% chance it wont be a blockbuster at all!
  2. How difficult software development is - For a 1 man band forget any major developments - or any fantasy visions of Falcon v6 / Il2 v8 etc blah - its not only the complexity of getting the code working but the time - it took me 2 weeks solid just converting planes to work with SF2!!!


Of course there are plenty of alternatives out there.....ok maybe not - just vapourware or sims from the 90s - so ive taken my pick and know where im well off :)

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