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Your longest lasting pilot

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warping maybe because of time issues (but with a little bit bad feeling). i warp till i get pulled out the first time. rest is in realtime. but why tac on DiD??? that's the cheat of the cheats? labels are too big time cheating because you don't have to look for specks, but only for big letters on the screen. it's a different (more realistic) world in the theater when you have to scan the skies for dots in the distance.

IMHO screen res is no argument for using tac, because the specks are quite realistic visible. and the default cockpitview is too far. as soon as one enters the cockpit, he should zoom one notch. the world looks more realistic then. then a plane next to you at the airfield is a plane, not a hobbits scaled down toy :biggrin: . just a tipp. try it. then one will also see specks more realistic.


sorry, didn' want to sound bitter, but was surprised tac is "allowed" in DiD standarts. IMHO it should definitely not. :blink:


I never used to use labels, but I finally decided to once I realized it made it a heck of a lot easier to fill out claim forms. I know the squadron, plane type and if it's an Ace, the pilot name. It is a bit of an immersion killer and certainly a lot easier than looking for specs in the sky. I should probably turn them off until I shoot down a plane, then pop em on for a second just to get the basic details of my kill. And without TAC I can't survive two flights usually, especially with Heavy Air Activity. Somebody gets on my tail without me seeing them and I'm back to creating a new pilot moments later. I DO have TrackIR, but to keep checking my 6 every 6 seconds gets a bit disorienting and makes it impossible for me to concentrate on an EA long enough to bring it down. I admit it, I'm a WWI wimp. My admiration for those who can fly True DiD standard and live is suprassed only by my admiration for the actual men who did it in sub zero temperatures in open cockpits with only one chance every flight to get it right or else go home in a coffin.


But that brings up a related idea for P4. Since everyone seems to have their own idea of what is "realistic", maybe the Realism number should just be changed to a "Difficulty Rating" between 0 "Pure Arcade" and 100 "Hardcore Fighter Pilot". Just a thought.



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... the actual men who did it in sub zero temperatures in open cockpits with only one chance every flight to get it right or else go home in a coffin.


Well said, Hellshade.


DiD or no DiD, everyone playing in OFF, even Creaghorn - who has gone further than most, is just farting about compared with those that did it for real. Doesn't hurt to remember that everytime you shoot down an AI.


But, on the other hand, this IS a game so I wouldn't want to be too maudlin.

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Catch 22 was one of the weirdest movies I've seen in the 70s.

Had gone in there to see all those "Mitchel" bombers, and really, the intro scene was great:

all dark, you hear early birds singing. Then, you realise a change in the black - a zagged horizon, mountains,

and behind them it's getting blue; the birds they suddenly stop singing, as if they knew the time already -

and then some 12 or 14 engines are getting started. You see them from head on - a tele shot - how they all lift

off, swaying left and right.

Two officers (Martin Balsam?) walk along the runway discussing a deal about parachute silk for eggs, whilst one

bomber returns with one engine smoking darkly. As it approaches the runway, they talk on without looking.

Then you see the bomber in the background, crashing into a tank van, all going up in flames - whilst the officers

confirm the new deal, and split, still without taking any notice...


I tend to get carried away when I describe films, I know. Very strange movie - but fascinating somehow.

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Well said, Hellshade.


DiD or no DiD, everyone playing in OFF, even Creaghorn - who has gone further than most, is just farting about compared with those that did it for real. Doesn't hurt to remember that everytime you shoot down an AI.


But, on the other hand, this IS a game so I wouldn't want to be too maudlin.


I've been thinking about putting a box fan on my desk for wind effects and then have my wife taser me in the neck every time I crash, just to raise the stakes a bit...



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Well said, Hellshade.


DiD or no DiD, everyone playing in OFF, even Creaghorn - who has gone further than most, is just farting about compared with those that did it for real. Doesn't hurt to remember that everytime you shoot down an AI.


But, on the other hand, this IS a game so I wouldn't want to be too maudlin.



you are absolutely right. that's great about the game everybody can adjust it to his own gusto. and nothing can simulate the thrill and fear as it was in real. but it's nothing wrong to try the best to get to it as close as possible. in real after a dogfight you were simply exhausted, mentally and physically because of the thrill and G-effects. that's why you after some time you or the enemy had enough and went home. would be cool if it could be implemented some day.

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I've been thinking about putting a box fan on my desk for wind effects and then have my wife taser me in the neck every time I crash, just to raise the stakes a bit...




She' ld prolly jump at the chance, right? I' ve been thinking about getting a bigger fan.

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Longest lasting was French pilot Rene le Pro pin the peller 6 flights 1 kill rejected claim for a 2 seater and two to three hits in various E 3 s of jasta 6 was caught over the field shot up and fell into the trees by a jasta 5 E-3. Longest lasting german pilot was Baron auto-matic with flying a halbt. D3 8 flights, no kills did damage 1 DH 2 in a fight and 2 nueiports 11s in the last flight 3 hits and 4 hits dug in a wing on landing back at base KIA. Maybe I will fly higher net time.

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She' ld prolly jump at the chance, right? I' ve been thinking about getting a bigger fan.


Not just yet. We just got married only two weeks ago. Give it a few years and she probably won't even wait until I crash before she tasers me. But for now, as long as the games I play have a 'pause' button for when she needs me, it all goes quite smoothly.



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My longest surviving pilot to date is Kerry "Kanuck" Jones, flying a Sop Pup with 54 RFC in Jan '17 - having survived 22 missions, 21.5 hours logged, and with 5 confirmed kills to his credit. Unfortunately, since his Pup is getting a little outdated, I have the feeling he's flying on borrowed time. I fly all my pilots DiD –but I do use TAC. I understand how Creaghorn considers it a cheat, and so it is… I'd love to do away with it, but since I don't have Track IR, I find that POV limits my vision/response time unrealistically as well, especially once engaged. The time delay in checking your six can be (has been) fatal. In R/L all it took was a quick glance over your shoulder. I have to assume Track IR is similar. With a POV joystick it takes 3 full seconds, every time. I try to compensate by keep my TAC set a 1 mile. That way, any E/A which I don't spot have at least a chance to get in close and get good positioning before I know they're there… then I just pretend someone else in my flight spotted them and signalled me, which is not too unreasonable. It's a trade off.


[quote] and since i always lead (i decide when to attack, not AI leader who always attacks everything)[/quote]


But in terms of realism, I also have to ask… do you not consider that a 'cheat' as well? -Not so great as the TAC, surely… but you're right; if you're not leading the flight, the AI can take you into some ill-advised attacks -but that was what the average pilot had to deal with; not all the flight leaders were a Boelcke. Pilots attacked when the flight leader gave the command, and sometimes it wasn't so smart. So; is it not unrealistic to have your rookie pilot always leading the flight and calling the shots thus giving him an edge the R/L pilots never had? Or do you start all your pilots at senior rank? No criticism- just wondering what you thought. Thanks for the tip about zooming the view one notch… I'll try that.

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My longest surviving pilot to date is Kerry "Kanuck" Jones, flying a Sop Pup with 54 RFC in Jan '17 - having survived 22 missions, 21.5 hours logged, and with 5 confirmed kills to his credit. Unfortunately, since his Pup is getting a little outdated, I have the feeling he's flying on borrowed time. I fly all my pilots DiD –but I do use TAC. I understand how Creaghorn considers it a cheat, and so it is… I'd love to do away with it, but since I don't have Track IR, I find that POV limits my vision/response time unrealistically as well, especially once engaged. The time delay in checking your six can be (has been) fatal. In R/L all it took was a quick glance over your shoulder. I have to assume Track IR is similar. With a POV joystick it takes 3 full seconds, every time. I try to compensate by keep my TAC set a 1 mile. That way, any E/A which I don't spot have at least a chance to get in close and get good positioning before I know they're there… then I just pretend someone else in my flight spotted them and signalled me, which is not too unreasonable. It's a trade off.


[quote] and since i always lead (i decide when to attack, not AI leader who always attacks everything)[/quote]


But in terms of realism, I also have to ask… do you not consider that a 'cheat' as well? -Not so great as the TAC, surely… but you're right; if you're not leading the flight, the AI can take you into some ill-advised attacks -but that was what the average pilot had to deal with; not all the flight leaders were a Boelcke. Pilots attacked when the flight leader gave the command, and sometimes it wasn't so smart. So; is it not unrealistic to have your rookie pilot always leading the flight and calling the shots thus giving him an edge the R/L pilots never had? Or do you start all your pilots at senior rank? No criticism- just wondering what you thought. Thanks for the tip about zooming the view one notch… I'll try that.


i understand your point. i would love to be the guy at the rear when beeing a rookie pilot. but not only enemy eyes are annoying, so are eyes of own AI. they also attack everything wich is not visible yet. so to keep it realistic and give enemy flights the chance to get missed i always lead without visual aids. also because of this, when not leading i wouldn't need to be cautious all the time, because i would know my AI leader wouldn't get surprised by enemy flights because he sees everything. i want to keep it realistic and don't want to fight all the time. not because i might get killed or heavy odds, but because you simply didn't fight on every sortie. and the only chance to have it like that right now is to lead by yourself without aids. if AI would be smarter and would have shorter sight, i would love to lead only when rank permitts to lead. this is rather a workaround, giving my humand brains the AI that at least on side acts how a human would act.

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But for now, as long as the games I play have a 'pause' button for when she needs me, it all goes quite smoothly.



The pause button is one of the keys to a long lasting marriage :rolleyes:

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Yeah, newlywed. Here's to you "pausing" your brains out. Did I say that!?

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i want to keep it realistic and don't want to fight all the time. not because i might get killed or heavy odds, but because you simply didn't fight on every sortie. and the only chance to have it like that right now is to lead by yourself without aids.

I had, what I considered to be, a very relistic mission this morning

It was a 4 ship (DVII's) CAP of our front lines so I tanked up to 150% of the expected roundtrip distance


Enroute to the target we spotted 4 Se5's, 2 O'Clock High

Gave chase but the Se's were on a mission and didn't engage

No sense in pursuing, with their height and speed advantage, so we resumed course


Approaching the lines, we spotted 6 Camels flying down their side of the front

As we turned to patrol our lines we ended up on a parallel course, watching them at 3 O'Clock

They didn't engage immediately so we took the time to climb and try to match their height

Again these Tommies didn't seem interested in a scrap and turned away in a slow reversal

Didn't want to be enticed over the front so we flew on climbing


Next we spotted 2 formtions; 1st two Re8's crossing the line on the deck, running for home

Was tempted but it would be a long chase low over enemy territory and those 6 Camels would bounce us for sure

The 2nd formation was 4 DVII's crossing low & angling behind us, heading for the line - ho hum


Clicked off the last waypoint and started for home, no action today

Had 2 opportunities (Camels & Re8's) but the tactical advantage would have been strongly theirs

More brazen behind our lines (Se5's) figuring I can always set her down quickly


Made about 1/2 mile from the front when I realized the 4 DVII's were heading straight for the Camels!

Made a quick reversal to give them support - here's where the 50% extra tankage comes in

Good God man! wake up, don't you see what you're flying into!


Sure enough as the DVII's crossed the line, the Camels peeled off and dove on them

We nosed over into a shallower dive as we were farther away

The Camels had their way for a moment, but we turned the tables

All I remember was overshooting my 1st target (she didn't want to turn with the dive speed)

Pulled up into a 1/2 loop, rolled off and hit him hard

It was a wild melee but we mopped them up


Tactics really showed here

The other DVII fight lost 2, probably would have been wiped out if we didn't show up

The Camels got clobbered when the tables turned on them

Our flight exited unscathed


On a footnote, we spotted 2 more Camels, low, after crossing back 1 mile behind our lines

Dove on them - this was looking to be a banner day

Hit 1 with a passing shot, zoomed and reversed for another pass...

Bam! Archie nailed me! flames sprouting everywhere

Guess it was a wide shot aimed at the Camel

Waited for the screen to close and exit back to the OFF Manager

But no! I struggled on, wobbled wildly but got the wheels below me

It was a hard hit, but when the smoke cleared ...I'm alive!!! - woohoo!!!

Edited by Duce Lewis

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cool duce,


that was quite realistic. very good. sometimes you don't see anybody, sometimes you can see different formations here and there, and you want to fight, but they turn away. sometimes it's vice versa. depends on lot of things. advantage, disadvantage, sometimes your formation circles with an enemy squadron, but no real fight occures because nobody makes the initial attack and the formations go on with their patrol again. what did you do to have sorties like that? that was the closest on beeing realistic i have red so far. :ok:

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Exciting report, Duce - great fun to read.

Being the "mad ram" I am, I would have taken on the Camels the first time - and later

I would have had no one to witness my "grand deeds", once again. Lol!

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I'm afraid I've worked my way through dozens of pilots thus far, with one or two making it to about a dozen hours before they checked into the Great Mess In The Sky.


I have, however, become increasingly cowardly in my tactics. Not only do I avoid unfavourable situations, but I probably also avoid more situations where there's parity than is strictly appropriate for an officer and a gentleman.


As a sergeant and non-gentelmanly low life, I have no qualms about this!


A fun tactic for BE2c drivers is to make your way to the nearest friendly airfield if the damned Bosche are about and land el pronto. You can then enjoy the spectacle of the local anti-aircraft artillery and machine gunners beating the hell out of the would-be attackers before you rev it up and take off again. Rather more fun than becoming target practice for EI jockeys.

Edited by themightysrc

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themightysrc:I have, however, become increasingly cowardly in my tactics. Not only do I avoid unfavourable situations,

but I probably also avoid more situations where there's parity


Avoiding such situations, where you are not certain if you can win, is not cowardly, but intelligent IMHO.

And only such intelligence would make you last throughout the whole war. And it won't even be enough-

you'll also need a big portion of luck with it.


Seeing you are a sergeant, and not an officer and gentleman, I forgive you for naming us "damned bosche".

It would off course be below my dignity to duell with you. But I may take the time to send you to the mud

next time you cross the lines with your funny two seater. (Lol!)

Edited by Olham

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OK - you're on.


My current 'funny two seater' is a Brisfit......

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Enjoy your time as a sergeant, themightysrc. You'll be a major in a couple of weeks game time, if you complete missions succesfully and most importantly, stay alive. And then you'll join those stuffy upper class crumpets and get your share of luxuries. :biggrin:


Am I the only one who thinks the promotions system in OFF could use some work? Start a career as a Flieger and see how long it takes to become a Hauptmann! Not long at all.


What I call the Pfalz mentality, ie. avoiding battle at all costs if the odds are not favourable, is what keeps my pilots alive longer than 17 hours. Of course not all of my guys make it, but some do. (Ironically my Pfalz pilot who was instrumental in teaching me to use that tactic was shot down some time ago for not being careful enough with some Camels - he had almost 50 hours!) I hope to cross the magical 100 hour line some day, but I still have a long way to go...

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...ahem, arhhhm - a Brisfit, you said? - Ahhmm - you mean the Bristol fighter?

the, ahh - Bristol F2b? The one with the grey nose, that can turn fight so well?

Arrrmmm - oh, I just read on the board: Olham on leave for 14 days. Tch!

What a pitty! I would have liked so much to clobber... Oh, the van is waiting!!

See you later!...

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I feel your pain.


The only Pflaz pilot I had met a sad end trying to do the customary 'run away from the Camels' thing. I dived away at high speed, feeling quite smug about getting out of jail yet again. Unfortunately, even Pfalzs have a diving speed beyond which you go at your peril. I can't actually tell you what rate of knots that is, but something went 'ping!' then something else went 'crack!' as I neared the ground.


Suffice to say, they didn't actually have to bury him: just pop a few yards of soil on top.

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cool duce,


that was quite realistic. very good. sometimes you don't see anybody, sometimes you can see different formations here and there, and you want to fight, but they turn away. sometimes it's vice versa. depends on lot of things. advantage, disadvantage, sometimes your formation circles with an enemy squadron, but no real fight occures because nobody makes the initial attack and the formations go on with their patrol again. what did you do to have sorties like that? that was the closest on beeing realistic i have red so far. :ok:

Creaghorn, I think 1 of the biggest improvements in BHH is the OFF Manager's knowledge of where youir flight ends

Added to this, replacing the spawns with 100% dedicated missions means sorties over the front are much more dangerous


I was always Olham's "Mad Ram" but I kept losing pilots ...heck the whole flight over enemy territory

Even if I didn't get shot down, a holed fuel tank meant POW

Necessity forced a change of tactics, "cautiuos aggression"

Still a Mad Ram behind our lines, didn't care that the Se5's had a height advantage


And to answer your question: what did you do to have sorties like that?

Why I purchased OFF BH&H of course :wink:

Dunno, better to ask Winder on that one


Olham, Strangely I've found that caution doesn't really reduce action that much

Usually end up in a scrap, there's just a death dance to be performed with the AI 1st

But sometimes it's best to put the nose down & run

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Duce and all - to keep it simple:

A. madmen, hellboys and can't-let-out-a-fight type pilots better fly German side, cause you fly over own terrain at least

B. the advanced fighter pilots, those who really can bring a whole flight back home, can fly the Entente side campaigns

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Ultimate Wild Ram is the Scramble

Getting caught low, slow, & usully outnumbered

Fun stuff! :biggrin:

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