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What Does Your Cockpit Look Like?

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It's a frickin' Rickitycrate of a mess to be sure but it's my sanctuary.

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I agree with Olham, that is a very nice spot to have as your "OFF" home Rickitycrate. Who's your decorator, Eddie Rickenbacker? :biggrin:





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I can say Captain Eddie is an influence. My good wife actually tolerates this very well. Bless her heart.

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Mine certainly not as nice as some other setups I've seen, but mine is alot like the Millineum Falcon. She may not be pretty but she's got it where it counts. 28" Widescreen I-INC monitor with HDMI inputs (1920 x 1200). Saitek II multi-colored backlite keyboard, TrackIR 4 Pro, old logitech mouse, Cyber Accoustic Headphones (so the wife doesn't have to listen to WWI every night), Logitech Extreme 3D Pro joystick and my Rig, which I built myself. Mid Tower Black Armor Case, PQ6T motherboard, Intel i7 920 quad core CPU overclocked to 4Ghz, 6GB RAM also OC'd, 1GB GTX280 OC'd core clock to 676 Mhz, Video RAM OC'd to 1353 Mhz, 1 TB internal 7200 RPM HD w 32MB cache, 640 MB external USB 2.0 HD and Vista 64bit. Zalman CPU fan keeps it all running at 50 C under load. By next week I should have my CH Pedals. None of this unfortunately makes me a better pilot, but it certainly plays OFF well.




Oh yeah, you can see my blood pressure machine in the lower right hand corner. I don't think I got high blood pressure until I tried a DiD campaign. LOL


Edited by Hellshade

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I have some photos but don't know how to post them. I tried help but it wasn't much........help. wouldsomeone pleaseexplain or point me in the right direction?



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I have some photos but don't know how to post them. I tried help but it wasn't much........help. wouldsomeone pleaseexplain or point me in the right direction?




you have 2 options...

an external host such as imageschak.com or photobucket.com, upload your photos there(be sure those are .JPEG extension, or we will take an year to load), than just open your post box and click in the butom that is left from smiley face and paste your link there, or simple add the tagsOgAAAAf8ixtrxadel90hIZsnq_Trg7aqZ5P209np6BBLmMZQPhZhEzYLVgNn9UP5cBGZCnC_KA1-k6QcHzW_Bqs18qoAm1T1UHRNHgPNfQA4Nz0k11IjaeiIzW2w.jpg

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Hi Condor,

Right below the box where you reply to a thread, on the RHS, are 4 boxes - 1 wide one, and three smaller right below that. Click on Browse, find the photo on your hard drive, click upload, hit reply, and Bob's your uncle.



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The joystick sits on an old office chair stand minus the seat. Adjustable in the vertical and can be shift from center to sidestick.

Edited by kirbykern

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an alternative is to create an album, and upload it to your album first, then link to the album pic in your post.


advantages,,,,you wont run out of storage space (40mb limit, but if your pics are 5mb each it adds up fast), and you wont have to delete pics to make room for more, as storage on albums is not regulated (or so i was told)


Disadvantages,,its a pain in the ass....there are more steps involved...


click on my albums, right above bhah banner


on left lower, click on edit my albums


I belive there is a default album there already, called screenshots, but if not, click on create album at the bottom of "welcome to your contol panel", and make an album with any name you wish

once your album is created, select the "select an operation" drop down to the right of it, and select upload image


Photo info is optional,,scroll down to the browse button, and locate the pic. Pic still has to be a jpeg.

then hit the "post image" button under the browse window


next window will show pic you just uploaded...there are some "hotlinking & bb code" dropdown on the right...click once on bbcode to highlight right click on selected info and select copy




paste that link into your post,,,and viola,,,your pic is there..


told you it was a pain in the ass...

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Here's mine. Nothing fancy.



Well it uploaded. I guess I'll post and see if there's a picture. I don't see it in the preview.

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Here's mine. Nothing fancy.



Well it uploaded. I guess I'll post and see if there's a picture. I don't see it in the preview.



LOL I do this a bout as well as I fly.

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I forgot to downsize the files. They are now well under 1Mb so we'll se if Bob's my uncle.


Well, it doesn'rt seem to have worked. I actually had an uncle named Bob but he died years ago. Maybe that's why this won't work.


The only option I am seeing is to upload an attachment. I uploaded the photo and the dialog box said I had one attachment. It appears to be lost in hyperspace.


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I forgot to downsize the files. They are now well under 1Mb so we'll se if Bob's my uncle.


Well, it doesn'rt seem to have worked. I actually had an uncle named Bob but he died years ago. Maybe that's why this won't work.


The only option I am seeing is to upload an attachment. I uploaded the photo and the dialog box said I had one attachment. It appears to be lost in hyperspace.



Well, I guess I was wrong. Her'e another view. The DVII actually flies quite well. That was my old hobby until someone I won't name seduced me with Aces High and now OFF.


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Sorry about the glare on the monitor. I couldn't get any other angle and still capture the whole thing.


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Silverbolt - are you flying your crate by foot? From the deo-sticks I assume, you really sweat in air combat, eyh?


Kirby, that "office chair stand joystick solution" is really clever! I wonder where I could get one...


Okay, Kowalski, had a clown for breakfast, eyh? Well then:

1. craft type?

2. max. speed?

3. cost?

(You may find it hard, to outturn a Fokker in one of these.)

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These hastily shot this morning...

Edited by Hauksbee

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There must be telepathic connection between us - this looks exactly like I always imagined your 'cockpit'.

Spooky, that...

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There must be telepathic connection between us - this looks exactly like I always imagined your 'cockpit'.

Spooky, that...

Uh-huh! If you're THAT telepathic, I never want to see you on my six!

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Well, I guess I was wrong. Her'e another view. The DVII actually flies quite well. That was my old hobby until someone I won't name seduced me with Aces High and now OFF.


Looks like you made the desk? Very inventive. It's interesting seeing what everyone has come up with for their control arrangements and I see a lot have foot pedals, do they make a big difference over a twist stick?

The one setup with the joystick in the center on a backless chair looks like it would be very stable and work well and being centered between your legs would feel more realistic but I think with that setup I would need a separate control module for throttle, etc. on the left.

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Looks like you made the desk? Very inventive. It's interesting seeing what everyone has come up with for their control arrangements and I see a lot have foot pedals, do they make a big difference over a twist stick?

The one setup with the joystick in the center on a backless chair looks like it would be very stable and work well and being centered between your legs would feel more realistic but I think with that setup I would need a separate control module for throttle, etc. on the left.



Yes, I made the desk using 1.5" PVC schedule 40 pipe with a plywood top. I wantedd something that would be light and easily moved or knocked down in the event of having to use the room as a spare bedroom when the grandkids visit. It was also a lot cheaper than buying a desk. It's hard to make out in the picture but the stick and throttle are on platforms that project out from the desk at each side in line with the arm rests. The stick platform is actually below desktop level to compensate for the height of the CH Frankenforce stick (A Homeboy creation). I can rest my elbows on the chair arms and my hands fall in perfect position on the htrottle and stick. Very comfortable for long flights. Well, that's probably more than you wanted to know :biggrin:

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Looks like you made the desk? Very inventive. It's interesting seeing what everyone has come up with for their control arrangements and I see a lot have foot pedals, do they make a big difference over a twist stick?

The one setup with the joystick in the center on a backless chair looks like it would be very stable and work well and being centered between your legs would feel more realistic but I think with that setup I would need a separate control module for throttle, etc. on the left.



Regarding the twist stick. I started with one (a Saitek Evo) but found that I often twisted the stick when I didn't intend to when moving it in the X and Y directions in the heat of battle. I find the completely independent control using foot peddals to be much better,

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Silverbolt - are you flying your crate by foot? From the deo-sticks I assume, you really sweat in air combat, eyh?


my cockpit just have a place to acomodate my foot :haha: why be locked in a small space?

but btw, i'm an ace ,even with foot. :wink:



@FC:well....Wow!!, i just can think this.

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I think Hauksbee's cheating... I swear that's a poorly-disguised parachute pack on the back of his chair!

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I think Hauksbee's cheating... I swear that's a poorly-disguised parachute pack on the back of his chair!



(here's hoping I don't have to put it to the test.)

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