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I wish it could be different and I suspect so do the Devs, but I completely understand why it can't be like that.




Firstly, I'm not ignoring the rest of Hellshade's post. His point is validly and lucidly made and I agree with it. I am simply highlighting the above because, to be honest, I don't have such a wish. This is an OFF forum, I'd rather it were devoted to OFF and not cluttered with posts about every other comparable sim, from a purely housekeeping point of view, if naught else, but particularly when such posts degenerate into name-calling. To argue that it's a 'public' forum (where 'public' means 'I can post anything I like without censure') is nonsense.


I discovered OFF whilst browsing in the general WW1 Sim Forum on CombatACE after downloading some of the FE mods, IIRC. Again, AFAICR, I discovered FE through the same forum. Basically, if I want to know what sims are out there to satisfy my desires I only have to look. No one is doing me any favours popping up on OFF to talk about RoF or Flight Sim XYZ, nor vice versa.


Posts about other sims have been granted room here freely in the past and experience has shown that in certain cases they have become very sour and caused bad feeling. Wherefore in order to prevent such things OvS and the other moderators have taken the gradual steps they have. To sieze upon such evidently necessary measures as an opportunity to indulge in personal insults against another person - whom one may never have met, nor ever meet, face to face and who may have no more tangible an aspect than an alphanumeric string at the end of the mish-mash of wireless tranmission, fibre-optic, copper wire and wet string that is the WWW - is, frankly, disappointingly immature and sad.

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I actually do my best to promote OFF sales without going as loony as Pol did in posting a "special offer" for OFF in the ROF SimHQ forum.


But if I am even-handed in judging and posting about the two sims, I cannot be kind to the moderator of this forum or those of you who are willing to put up with him stifling discussion of what is THE hot topic in WWI flight sims.


OVS should be relieved as a moderator.


The company should not control the forum.


It's that simple.






Thanks for promoting OFF, one or two comments over there probably wouldn't but no worries.


Some Facts


1) CA asked us to admin the forum.


2) We don't edit it or censor people's posts. A couple of complete threads in the last couple of weeks went nuts apparently and were deleted as they were posts that were inappropriate behaviour in a forum. So to avoid this, this is a reasonable request given all the fuss. We just like to keep things polite, civil and on topic (i.e about OFF). There are plenty of other Admins on CA who have more power and can easily be contacted if you feel badly done by.


3) I did NOT post that Special Offer in the RoF forum. It was MOVED, possibly in error by a SIMHQ ADMIN! Odd eh. If you read the thread it was there in the OFF forum happily for WEEKS with amiable comments from OFF users, until it was moved.


See Tom Cofield's apology here http://simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/2745838/4.html

and my comments



I have PM's from the admins kindly apologising for the thread being moved.


I would not do something so crass and stupid to post a special offer for OFF in the wrong forum. Shees after all this time, and I get that credit. Thanks!


When you are ready to apologise I'm all ears.

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Actually sales of OFF have picked up markedly this month.... we are very happy to sayWM

Great news Winder!

I have noticed quite a few new faces around here

Cool Beans!

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Great news Winder!

I have noticed quite a few new faces around here

Cool Beans!


heheh I ordered both at the same time and I have no regrets, sure I will come to the OFF boards and "bitch" alitte about some OFF thing or the other (that's my crochity oldman style) but all in all I try to keep post to OFF subjects.


I think the moderators of this board do a fine job and if I jump out of line I expect to get a friendly shoulder tap, and I should

Edited by BigJim

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I like the moderators here just fine.

I read a post about the other sim on bluesnews.com (news for games...great site), followed the links, found a reference to OFF, googled it, and ended up here. I made a post asking some reasonable questions about OFF, got a great reception, and bought OFF just on that recommendation alone (along with pedals, and TrackIR). I like it here. I like the people and how mature/helpful/interesting they are.

Same goes for the moderators/developers.


So, keep up the good work moderators!

You too developers!



and for Ttiger and the few of you who dont like OFF, the moderators, or the English Beat :



Edited by Broadside uda Barn

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I don't know if it is a secret and not publishable on a public forum, but I am somewhat interested in how many copies of OFF have been sold. I consider it the best software purchase I have ever made, and I don't personally buy much stuff at all.


I do like the fact that there is a dedicated forum, and am not interested in other games or sims thus far. I can't see that I will ever get bored with OFF because there are so many options to explore.

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I don't know if it is a secret and not publishable on a public forum, but I am somewhat interested in how many copies of OFF have been sold. I consider it the best software purchase I have ever made, and I don't personally buy much stuff at all.


I do like the fact that there is a dedicated forum, and am not interested in other games or sims thus far. I can't see that I will ever get bored with OFF because there are so many options to explore.



Jim I seem to remember seeing the number 50,000 sold on thei rwebsite when I purchased my copy a few weeks ago....

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Jim I seem to remember seeing the number 50,000 sold on thei rwebsite when I purchased my copy a few weeks ago....






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Are you sure that wasn't a McDonald's sign? Oh yeah, that's billions.

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Jim I seem to remember seeing the number 50,000 sold on thei rwebsite when I purchased my copy a few weeks ago....


Winder has a huge billboard on his front lawn...OFF:BHaH 'over 1 billion sold', kinda like the McDonald's sign. :biggrin:


As for this thread, since I posted it and have been trekking across lovely Canada this week, I have not been able to respond to any comments.




1. Freedom of Speech is always welcome here, as you all know already... within the simple rules that we have... and they are simple. Keep it clean, on topic, and worth reading from all walks of life. This is NOT an open public forum, it's a forum based to inform you of the game, to meet people with like interests and to simply have fun. It's not a dating service, a voting booth, a stock sales site... nothing.. it's simply a General Forum under the title of the OFF Forum on CombatAce.com. OK?


2. At no point is anyone being restrained, cut off, asked to leave, beaten... etc.. etc.. etc.. except me of course. Seems I am the direct target of a Kids Cereal box cover character. But, believe me, I'm OK with that. Of the threads I have closed, they were all related to RoF being tossed about, and promoted, and two threads on jokes that I wouldn't let my daughter read (albeit they were funny as hell!!). You are on your own here, and here for your fun and benefit. I have been a member of WWI sim forums since Rook managed Flightsim Forum (where the RB3D forum first lived), which turned into a total disaster, then on to SWWISA (the BvH days), SimHQ... my own HASP forum (I even moderated BvH... try that some time), Sikorsky Project, SOH OFF, and now here. Plus I am also a member of several other forums on many other subjects... wildlife, MAME, Chevy Novas... etc. I've seen people come and go, flame and crash... etc. The good forums stay afloat with Preventitive Maintenance moderation... hence what I do here.


3. We do own this fourm...so in a sense, give us credit for keeping it clean and presentable for your pleasure and enjoyment. I'm not asking to give blood or body parts, I'm asking to simpy report RoF updates, and other things on an applicable RoF forum. Not here. HOWEVER... like Hellshade said, the more I think about it, it would be good to see fair and objective discussions about the differences of the two... as long as it's not a free-falling flamewar. So I think it's best I reconsider that one. And I will.


4. If you don't like it here... leave. No sense in going further with that. If you really believe this is a forum that restricts your 'Freedom of Speech'... then you haven't been to many, especially ones that are company supported like this one. We have the right to place rules for fairness and community development, and that is all I am asking. My only goal on this forum is to keep the OFF Community growing and positive. That's it.


I hope this clears up any fog in this issue...


All the best... and thanks for the jokes on this thread... especially the two old guys in the booth... I loved them on the Muppets!



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Hey, if you want to post RoF updates then you are invited to do it on Wings Of Honor where I run a forum for various W.W.I flight sims as for example RoF. I am always on the hunt for news about all W.W.I flight sims.



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All the best... and thanks for the jokes on this thread... especially the two old guys in the booth... I loved them on the Muppets!





The old guys who mocked the muppets from the balcony are Statler and Waldorf.


Keep up the good work OvS!



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The old guys who mocked the muppets from the balcony are Statler and Waldorf.


Keep up the good work OvS!




That was them! A-huh-huh--hoo!


I loved the way they taunted Kermit from their booth. Great show from the 70's.


BTW... thanks. ;)



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W.: "I think this thread has been fun !"

S.: "Well you also said WW2 has been fun !"




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Anybody who can "moderate" BvH (and all his tantrums), sure has my respect and admiration. :good:


Panama Red

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Just FYI, I don't know how SimHQs software works but any moderator here can move a post with or without a "moved to XYZ" marker.

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(Broadside uda Barn @ Jul 17 2009, 07:56 PM) *

Jim I seem to remember seeing the number 50,000 sold on thei rwebsite when I purchased my copy a few weeks ago....






hehe, no no closer to 500,000 wasn't it? Maths was never my strong point though.

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Hello everyone,


Jason here from 777 Studios, Publisher of ROF in North America. I just wanted to stop by and make just a couple quick comments and then I will not post here again unless invited back. I just became aware of this thread otherwise I would have posted sooner.


First off, I own OFF, paid my $59 and it's fantastic. The hard work put in by OBD and the dedication needed to create OFF is off the charts. I certainly congratulate OBD on a job very well done.


Second, I've always offered to help OBD sell OFF into other retail channels if they wished through my job at GoGamer and my relationship with Compuexpert. That offer is still valid if they wish to pursue it. My goal is to see all flight-sim developers succeed. I purposely purchased several dozen copies of CFS3 for GoGamer just so there was a place people interested in OFF could find CFS3 at a low price. The only way this genre is going to grow again is through support and friendly and I really do mean friendly competition.


Third, all this silliness between the forums is ridiculous. The wackiness and harsh comments has at times, turned what should be a joyous moment into a lingering headache for me. I'm not sure why this is even happening, it wasn't like this in the old days. I urge everyone to just be nice to one another and keep things civil and respectful. I welcome any OFF flyers to check out ROF and I welcome all ROF flyers to check out OFF. Both are good products in there own unique way.


Fourth, I don't condone anyone interested in ROF posting over here mucking up the official OFF forum and I urge anyone tempted to do so to not do it. I would feel the same way if it was reversed. I have a professional arrangement with SimHQ (much like OBD has with Combatace) and it's where I hang out and have my official 777 forum. However, the ROF forum at SimHQ is not moderated by me personally and they moderate it how they see fit. Neoqb has their own forum and they moderate theirs as they see fit. The OFF crew has the same right to do so here and I urge everyone to show respect to OBD and vice versa.


Finally, myself and neoqb wish OBD the best of luck and continued success with OFF. There's plenty of room in the virtual sky for two great WWI sims. Just go have fun and fly!


Best Regards,


Jason Williams


777 Studios

General Manager


Edited by Erik

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Thankyou Jason!

Voices of sanity and reason are always welcome! :ok:



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Well said. There's no need for all this bickering. We should co-exist. There was such a paucity of WW1 flight sims for some time, and now we are blessed with two products, both good in their unique way as you mentioned.


Thank you.

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I agree about the bad behavior being senseless in this case. They're computer games, so you can have both if you want. I'm not sure why people turn it into a "religious issue" where one HAS to triumph over the other. At this point they're different experiences and each worth trying. I am flying a little of both at the moment (though not a lot of free time overall of late) and enjoying both.

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HOWEVER... like Hellshade said, the more I think about it, it would be good to see fair and objective discussions about the differences of the two... as long as it's not a free-falling flamewar. So I think it's best I reconsider that one. And I will.




I'd personally like to see *a little* discussion here, just because I respect the opinions and experience of the users here.


Either way, tho, It's great to be HERE. :wink:

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Third, all this silliness between the forums is ridiculous. The wackiness and harsh comments has at times, turned what should be a joyous moment into a lingering headache for me. I'm not sure why this is even happening, it wasn't like this in the old days. I urge everyone to just be nice to one another and keep things civil and respectful. I welcome any OFF flyers to check out ROF and I welcome all ROF flyers to check out OFF. Both are good products in there own unique way.


Fourth, I don't condone anyone interested in ROF posting over here mucking up the official OFF forum and I urge anyone tempted to do so to not do it. I would feel the same way if it was reversed.


Jason Williams


777 Studios

General Manager



A beautiful sentiment that I would love to see implemented. Thanks Jason for showing the kind of level headed maturity most of us over here in the OFF forums are happy to embrace. If we can find a way to keep the conversations civil without "neutering" our opinions, that would probably be a good thing. Perhaps a separate "room" called "Competitive Efforts" where folks can feel free to respectfully discuss other WWI flight sims as compared to OFF. That way the other topics don't get diluted with talk of other sims and the moderators really should only have to watch one room to make sure it doesn't get overheated. Set some guidelines on a sticky at the top that says no flames, no degrading remarks about anyones sim, the people who fly it or the developers who produce and support it. If you wish to state why your personal preference is for one flight sim over another, fine. But do so respectfully and with the understanding that no single flight sim does it all the best, nor is any one a complete loss. They each have their strengths that cater to different peoples play styles. Given that the room does have a heightened potential to be a "flashpoint", everyone who posts in it does so with the understanding that the moderator can shut down and pull a thread with no notice if it's felt the conversation is no longer constructive or respectful.


At least that's one way you guys might be able to do it. I personally don't feel the need to discuss other flight sims anymore, however a healthy dose of compare and contrast would probably only serve to give OBD more ideas on how to improve their already incredible product. Anyways, that's my 2 cents worth. Something to think about.



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Thanks for posting Jason, and your correct input in the matter. No doubt the level we are trying to achieve here as well. There's no reason why they both can't exist, without the silliness. Hence my request that it's better to avoid the subject, than pursue it.


All the best,



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