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Thinking of Buying Over Flanders Field

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Welcome to the OFF comunity sir. I was going to post a long drawn out explanation in your other topic about the "draw" to WWI era air combat. But I really cant put it into words myself. But Being a WWII air combat sim veteran myself, and converting over to OFF and the complex simplicity that is the SE5a, i can say without hesitation that you will enjoy your experience. The folks at OBD have really done an OUTSTANDING job with this sim and the support thereof.


I often dont have time for much gaming these days. But when I do, 9 times out of 10 i fire up OFF.




I see a passion from everyone for this game and I must say, I am very excited. Now it's the wait for the game to arrive.

As stated above, I dont have much time to play myself, thats why I quit RoF. Spent too much time trying to get it to work right and the missions were not that user friendly.


I have already downloaded the patch and the mini patch on my flash drive at work (ooops) and will be ready for the game when it comes.

Everyone here has been so much help for me to make the decision to buy this.

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Without a doubt purchase the game. You will kick yourself when you realize you didnt buy it sooner. Once you dive into your first campaign and see the depth, the stat tracking, the unscripted meetings with enemy aircraft, etc, etc, you will be shocked. Report back here after you first couple missions so you can prove me right. :wink:

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Welcome aboard mate. You'll soon find this is one of the best games you ever bought. :yes:

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I see a passion from everyone for this game and I must say, I am very excited. Now it's the wait for the game to arrive.




I have both sims. The one sim, which shall remain nameless and heretofore referred to as "the sim that shall not be named", has sucked up SO MUCH of my time to get it running well (it ran, just not great, so many hours spent on trying to fix the shimmering horizon that I cant begin to count them), that even after I got it running well, it wasnt that much fun. Fun being the operative word. (Still looking forward to its future as the mp should be great when they get around to addressing the current issues with it, and I look forward to some great dogfights with friends.) In the end, it's too much work, and too much waiting...and way too much frustration. I'm not willing to delete the sim that shall not be named from my HD, as what CJ stated is true: it's a great flying sim. I'm sure the devs will address things as they've put together one amazing product, and it'll only get better.


As for Off, well....wow, what can we say that hasnt already been said? It's great. Get it and you'll really enjoy it. The single player campaign is amazing and addicting.


As for CFS3: you can buy it for $9.99 at Best Buy if you have one near you. If you hunt around, you can get the DVD version online, which means you wont have to have CFS3 in your drive to play, which you do if you dont have the DVD.


Best advice: Read the help manual at the OFF site, and follow the instructions as you set things up. It'll save you lots of time, and you can tweak things from there after it's running.


We're always really happy to have new pilots here, cause.... the first rounds on the new guy! :welcome:

See you in the air!

Edited by Broadside uda Barn

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We're always really happy to have new pilots here, cause.... the first rounds on the new guy! :welcome:


:drinks_drunk: Seems to be several FNGs already in this thread. Damn, we can all get TOASTED! :alcoholic: TO THE BAR!!!

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I like this game so much I bought a 2nd copy (for a friend) a few minutes ago.



Plenty for all, but not you Bullethead! We're gonna teach you some moderation...cause YOU HAVE TO FLY TOMORROW! :ohsnap:


and we cant have you at anything less than 100% :stars:

Edited by Broadside uda Barn

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well after this thread im going to join the OFF ranks as well. I got CFS# today and will be ordering OFF on the 25th as well. I don't think im ready to give my cash for ROF yet.... seem to need a bit more work. It looks like OFF has the MP and single player ideas worked out very well and a good amount of pilots as well.


Thanks for all the info from the people here ... this thread has pushed my over to OFF. :clapping:

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Plenty for all, but not you Bullethead! We're gonna teach you some moderation...


Everything in moderation, INCLUDING moderation :biggrin:

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"I have been playing Rise of Flight and finally got disgusted. The constant errors of online logging just to play the single player got old. Half the time it works, the other half it doesn't. I spent more time just trying to log in and make the game work than I was flying. I deleted it off my system."


Well, I hope you have more luck with it as and when they get their fingers out and sort out the problems that you and others have reported.


I was a long time devotee of RB3D (as the amount of add-ons on my hard drive testifies!) and thought it was the dog's bollocks, particularly after the promise and then disappointment of First Eagles and its lack of a decent campaign.


I was put off OFF for a long time by the CFS3 thing, and because there simply wasn't much information to be found, but, having reloaded RB3D, WF2 and FCJ for the umpteenth time, I finally took the plunge. When I first loaded and flew it, I'll confess that I was underwhelmed by the game. The reason? Well, let's just say that old inadequate video cards and insufficient RAM make for a poor experience, so I'd advise that you check your kit and ensure that you're well tooled up to run OFF at the highest settings - believe me, it transforms the experience.


The other thing that you'll notice is that you are dead meat. I've never experienced AI like that found in OFF - it is bold, sneaky and immensely aggressive. Of course, that's great for immersion, as you'll find yourself paranoid and haunted, fearing every new blip on the TAC or distant shape in the sky. Don't forget - this is the Great War: bail out and it's a long way down; stay and burn to death - or, if you get lucky, you'll kill your opponent. It's not a chivalrous duel, it's the ultimate in kill or be killed, and after you've nurtured a pilot for hours on end, you'll probably develop a healthy reticence to putting your life at risk, learning to hit and run - or just run.


Now that's immersion.


Add to that, there's about 40 flyable aircraft in this (just wait until you get behind the rear twin guns of the Brisfit! The power!), and a consistent and historically accurate - not to say beautiful, in a wierd sort of way - world in which you'll be interacting.


Suffice to say, it's easily the best money I've spent on a game - any game - in the last 10 years.


I envy you the voyage of discovery you're about to take. Best of luck, watch your tail and with luck I'll see you in the bar!

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I am not worried about my computer specs. I have a duo core, 4 gigs of ram, and a NVidia GTX 285 with 1 gig. I basically can run FSX on the highest settings and I get no stutter.


I dont think I have ever experienced, as mentioned above "paranoid and haunted, fearing every new blip on the TAC or distant shape in the sky". I sure dont get that in IL2 Sturmovik 1946. The more I read the posts on here, the more I see a tight comradery amongst pilots from all over the world sharing their passions for this game. Then after reading the posts, I say to myself "Is it really just a game or is it reliving a bygone time"?


BTW. What is my commission for starting this post, getting people to buy their new life? :biggrin:

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paranoid and hunted you should fly onlien wiht one of sitting ducks dvII spawns lol 5 agsint ohh 70 or so

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I like this game so much I bought a 2nd copy (for a friend)....

So did I!. For a good buddy left behind in California when I moved back east. Now we talk on Teamspeak and fly on-line.

Edited by Hauksbee

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I say to myself "Is it really just a game or is it reliving a bygone time"?

In my case it's both. I read a lot of books of WWI. It's an historic period that capture my interest for a long time.

Playing this sim is like living, in a certain way, what I've read. It gives a more emotional approach to it.

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The more I read the posts on here, the more I see a tight comradery amongst pilots from all over the world sharing their passions for this game.

Yes you do get a great little forum here to augment the sim

Ever see a photo of a group of fighter pilots, one with his hands in the air visually describing his encounter with peril?

...much of how I think of this forum

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I am not worried about my computer specs. I have a duo core, 4 gigs of ram, and a NVidia GTX 285 with 1 gig. I basically can run FSX on the highest settings and I get no stutter.


I dont think I have ever experienced, as mentioned above "paranoid and haunted, fearing every new blip on the TAC or distant shape in the sky". I sure dont get that in IL2 Sturmovik 1946. The more I read the posts on here, the more I see a tight comradery amongst pilots from all over the world sharing their passions for this game. Then after reading the posts, I say to myself "Is it really just a game or is it reliving a bygone time"?


BTW. What is my commission for starting this post, getting people to buy their new life? :biggrin:


The paranoid haunted feeling comes when you are playing the most difficult settings and your pilot is hovering around 15+hrs into his career. Then you see a flight of the most dreaded opposing aircraft 4K above you outnumbering you 2 to 1. You will see...... I never got that in IL2 either.

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I have played an unknown number of games over the years, a big fan of FPS, and I have never felt so mortal as when I am flying DiD standards in OFF BH&H.

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I can confirm what the other guys have posted here about feeling paranoid and haunted when flying with the most hardcore settings - no other sim has ever given me such feelings, or at least not as strongly as OFF does. I've lost a couple of pilots because the AI managed to surprise my flight and hit my plane badly before I had time to react properly, and I can tell you the feeling is pure panic when your best pilot is on the line of fire like that and you know that if you lose control of your plane, you're most likely going to die - no parachutes... But the rewards are also great when you succeed in your missions and live through the hard situations - then it feels really great afterwards. :yes:

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I am not worried about my computer specs. I have a duo core, 4 gigs of ram, and a NVidia GTX 285 with 1 gig. I basically can run FSX on the highest settings and I get no stutter.


I dont think I have ever experienced, as mentioned above "paranoid and haunted, fearing every new blip on the TAC or distant shape in the sky". I sure dont get that in IL2 Sturmovik 1946. The more I read the posts on here, the more I see a tight comradery amongst pilots from all over the world sharing their passions for this game. Then after reading the posts, I say to myself "Is it really just a game or is it reliving a bygone time"?


BTW. What is my commission for starting this post, getting people to buy their new life? :biggrin:


You only get a forum like this when a game is genuinely excellent. Anything less and you get the inevitable "fan-boys" vs the "trolls".


The reason there are no "trolls" here is because there's zero sustanence for them.

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I think once you fly OFF for yourself you will see that your commission will come with the knowledge you have helped others to climb aboard for a special WWI experience. I would feel just great if I new I helped bring one WWI enthusiast to enjoy this fine sim.

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if you get lucky, you'll kill your opponent. It's not a chivalrous duel, it's the ultimate in kill or be killed, and after you've nurtured a pilot for hours on end, you'll probably develop a healthy reticence to putting your life at risk, learning to hit and run - or just run.

Suffice to say, it's easily the best money I've spent on a game - any game - in the last 10 years.


Flying a BE2c I've got good at running! And this is the best money I have spent on any game as well.


Sometimes I am scared to take off. Maybe I should try 'pilot never dies' but that would ruin it. Those pilots risked their real lives so I should at least risk my virtual life.

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BTW. What is my commission for starting this post, getting people to buy their new life? :biggrin:

I hereby commision you Leutennt in the RFC

You'll do just fine ol' man

btw. It's Bloody April and you're across from Richtofen and his boys

But buck up, you've got DH2's, a fine scout

Off you go ... :wink:

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well after this thread im going to join the OFF ranks as well. I got CFS# today and will be ordering OFF on the 25th as well. I don't think im ready to give my cash for ROF yet.... seem to need a bit more work. It looks like OFF has the MP and single player ideas worked out very well and a good amount of pilots as well.


Thanks for all the info from the people here ... this thread has pushed my over to OFF. :clapping:



Didnt you fly First Eagles?



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Then after reading the posts, I say to myself "Is it really just a game or is it reliving a bygone time"?


As close to the latter as you'll get, today. And OBD ain't finished with it yet....

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As close to the latter as you'll get, today. And OBD ain't finished with it yet....


Yeah, the main thing OFF lacks is that it doesn't give the uncomfortably numb feeling of spending several hours above 15,000 feet on a winter day. You have to add that yourself. So chug about 3 fingers of neat whisk(e)y to simulate both the lack of O2 up there and the usual antifreeze of the aircrew, drape yourself in ice packs, and have a 48" shop fan blowing full speed on you from a couple feet away. If you're really hardcore, you rig the fan to a garden hose if it's a rainy day in the game blink.gif .


Personally, I just do the 3 fingers of whisk(e)y, which is why my realism rating is only 90% rofl.gif .

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Yeah, the main thing OFF lacks is that it doesn't give the uncomfortably numb feeling of spending several hours above 15,000 feet on a winter day. You have to add that yourself. So chug about 3 fingers of neat whisk(e)y to simulate both the lack of O2 up there and the usual antifreeze of the aircrew, drape yourself in ice packs, and have a 48" shop fan blowing full speed on you from a couple feet away. If you're really hardcore, you rig the fan to a garden hose if it's a rainy day in the game blink.gif .


Personally, I just do the 3 fingers of whisk(e)y, which is why my realism rating is only 90% rofl.gif .


Now that's hardcore!! ROFL

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