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Brazil Choose the Rafale

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Well i was in Independence comemorations today(187 years), and Mr Sarkozy was there...right after the parade, the two presidents lunched togeder and signed up contracts to ''50 EC-725 Super Puma helicopters'', 4 AIP Scorpene, and one Nuclear Scorpene , the media is saying that the president signed up the Rafale today, and France will buy 10 new Brazilian Cargo Aircrafts, the KC-390.





wow, whatta day :heat:


i've watched patrouille de France today at comemorations, but it was a s**tty flyby, no stunts...



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4 AIP Scorpene



Those will be built in two parts: stern half will be made in my city. For what I can tell, it takes time to build, but those subs are coOol, silent and reliable. Hopefully,

our 80 class sub, something like those, bigger, tomahawk capable and with a Loockheed Martin combat system, will be better... but perhaps will take even more time


About the Rafale, we should wait to confirm, but might be good news,perhaps you can even operate them from the carrier

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Makes you wonder what the other half of the deal was... There's always a hand under the table, especially when this sort of thing takes place. The French have been beyond desperate to sell the Rafale to someone - anyone...

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Its a great jet fighter Yuri.


Now all you need is to get some Python5 on it and some Derby missiles.


(And to bring home the world cup from South Africa). :grin:

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Those will be built in two parts: stern half will be made in my city. For what I can tell, it takes time to build, but those subs are coOol, silent and reliable. Hopefully,

our 80 class sub, something like those, bigger, tomahawk capable and with a Loockheed Martin combat system, will be better... but perhaps will take even more time


About the Rafale, we should wait to confirm, but might be good news,perhaps you can even operate them from the carrier


Not Really, the shipyard location was choosed here in Brazil....it will be in Rio de Janeiro...the external will be made here, but i think the eletronics will came from france...i've heard from some officials that Chileans get very pissed with Spanish made Scorpene.


btw, the A-12 can't handle the Rafale , so its a bad trip :/

Only Air Force, offcourse you're correct about wait for the Rafale, we never know how much candy US can give hehe.

since it was only a intention letter(signed by the President) event he PAK-FA was victm of this kind of documment.


Its a great jet fighter Yuri.


Now all you need is to get some Python5 on it and some Derby missiles.


(And to bring home the world cup from South Africa). :grin:


Lol, yes!

P5 and Derby...those damn MICAs



about the World Cup.... Argentina tasted our will to winning the cup hehehe

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Makes you wonder what the other half of the deal was... There's always a hand under the table, especially when this sort of thing takes place. The French have been beyond desperate to sell the Rafale to someone - anyone...


you are right, they've selled to lybians but i don't know why it didn't brought it...


well, if they don't fill all requests, i'll be very pissed of with presiden't and it will only make more clear the payoff was HUGE


the final result will only be out october 20, till there i really hope the Super Hornets get another chance....

Edited by Silverbolt

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I don't know how much the KC-390 costs, but this has to make Airbus even more embarrassed about the A400M.

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It's a shame it hasn't been bought by other nations already. It really is a great aircraft, but I think France really shot themselves in the foot spectacularly by choosing kill off the Mirage 2000 production line to favour the Rafale. It's really been a disincentive to prospective buyers, many of whom are Mirage 2000 operators themselves, to update to the new aircraft. I couldn't imagine the US shutting down the F-16 line to preference the F-35 and I think Dassault/France would be seeing a much larger market share if they hadn't pushed it so hard.

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Well... Looks like we finally sold some! And that we are getting more and more pals with Brazil.


Regarding Brazil choices, french papers insist on the technological transfer: Brazil will build the plane itself and will be able to sell it to other countries without anything in return. Desperate to sell? Hell, yes!

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well, it still darker, but there are rummors, that France will bring 4 free 10 Rafale F-1 with option to modernizate it to F-3 standart.


i just don't like that the press said the Rafales will come Naked.

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well, it still darker, but there are rummors, that France will bring 4 free 10 Rafale F-1 with option to modernizate it to F-3 standart.


Surprizing !! :blink:

The only Rafale F-1 own by France are "M" models (Navy). I don't no if there are an interest for Brazil ?!!


Anyway, it's not a bad deal for Brazil. Rafale is a good plane, with a good electronic, but, it's true, with expensive weapons...

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Surprizing !! :blink:

The only Rafale F-1 own by France are "M" models (Navy). I don't no if there are an interest for Brazil ?!!


Anyway, it's not a bad deal for Brazil. Rafale is a good plane, with a good electronic, but, it's true, with expensive weapons...



it seems A-12 will get some air defense:yikes:

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i've heard from some officials that Chileans get very pissed with Spanish made Scorpene.



They didn´t get pissed with the subs, but with the time it took to build them. A trouble about funding and bureaucracy,

the shipyard slowed down the building as funds were "compromised"

Edited by macelena

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good news for dassault.


now in the indian MMRCA,dassault will be benefitted by this because due to no export customers th IAF had some reservations about it apart from engine thrust.



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While this certainly gives Dassault that nebulous "momentum" going into the MMRCA competition, I think politics will play a larger role in the outcome than any other factor. After all, many such competitions have been won by inferior, more expensive products over the years no matter who's buying or selling...because of politics.

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