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stump will be gone till further notice

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guys here is the short of it, while we were rearranging the pc room, a person in my house(yours truely) bump the gaming pc and down it went right off the table onto the floor and down the stairs, moral of the story ignore your wife when she says clean up the flying room,


so ill be starting to shop aroudn for everything, case vid card, hd mother board, ive tested everything i got and not a bit of it works, i jsut put my yougest into braces so you can defintly imagine my lack of $$$ especially with the holidays up comeing,ill keep visting in when i can, but till further notice looks like im going to be a ghost

Edited by stumpjumper

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Tough luck old chap. We won't smash your chair in the mess (unless the party gets really wild), or let someone move into your bunkSalute.gif .

Take care!


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moral of the story ignore your wife when she says clean up the flying room


Unless she was the "Staffelführer", of course.

Stump, I wish you to find a nugget, or any similar way to get some useful parts together.

Until then, you may have a look at real life again (hope you like it - Lol!)

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Oh, bad luck there stumper

I can imagine your horror as your gamer crashed down those stairs

Hope you get up and running soon

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The horror, the horror.


My condolences, Stumpy. Best of luck on a quick recovery.

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OMG!....Bad luck Stumpy!...What a 100% bummer!!! :dntknw:

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I don't know what system you hds, but does anyone have used parts they can send him, maybe he can patch something together for OFF til he gets a proper rig?

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good luck stump.. well all be here when you return ;) singing round the piano of comrades lost and schoolboys with 14 hours flying time just arriving.. :drinks:


Cheers ;)

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Daaaaaammmmmmmmiiiiiiiiitttttttttttt! That sucks Stump! Where are all of the guardian angels when you really need them. About all I've got that would be of any use at all would be an Antec EA500 PSU, a GeForce 7600GS PCIe, and a P4 2.8Ghz CPU, but you're welcome to any of them if you need them.



Edited by Cameljockey

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CJ: Where are all of the guardian angels when you really need them.


Maybe they were there - he could have fallen down the stairs, too.

Your CPU should do the job - mine is running with 2,33 GHz and it works fine.

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I'd love to help out. I've got my old rig still kicking about, but it was underpowered and underspec, and when I say it's kicking around, I mean it. It gets the odd dunt now and again just as payback for all the grief and frustration it gave me. I would get rid of it, but it's hard drive was jam packed full of CFS3 stuff, and I keep it 'just in case'.


It's a crime when we've got a man down, especially one in the GMax and effects production department, but there's not much I can do to help Stump. I've got a video card you'd be welcome to, I forget what type, Nvidia something, 256mb? - I forget. I can check when I get home. It's nothing great by today's standards, but it was ok. Say the word and it's on it's way. It's the older slot type if you know what I mean.


If you want it, just Pmail me your address.

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Bad lot of luck, but you are well,yes? Maybe you will end up with a better rig in the end? I do hope your files are accessable and that you will be with us again soon. Best wishes.

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thanks guys i apprecite the thoughts and condolences, here is what my systm was worse things it was a gift from nio for all the work i had done over the years for the boys of 60, basic full tower case 6 fans lol ps was 700watts, cpu was a p4 775 lga 3.08 oced to 4.1, 4 gigs of ddr2, windows xp pro, nvidia 7100 512 megs hd was 500 gig sata drive ad had a light scribe dvd burnerwhat i have here on the wifes pc i dotn think will run bhah, old p4 socket 478 2.20 2 gigs of ddr1 ram and nivida 5200 256 card on agp, dotn think it will work as far as running excpet maybe in the very lowwwww frame rates but i may try and install jsut so i can keep some work flowing, atfer all besides my job in the er and my triathlon traiing off is my only escapecheers guys/gals stump

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Whatever you do, don't lose that XP Pro, not if you want to do anything using .MOS files. The .MOS editor needs Managed DirectX, which only runs under XP.

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Although they're a bit dated, I have a single core FX55 CPU (Socket 939, overclockable to 2.8 with Zalman cooler) and an ATI X1950XTX you can have. I used them with BHaH before I upgraded, and are pretty similar to other systems here (e.g., Olham is happy with his 1950). Overclockable Socket 939 boards and DDR memory are cheap on EBay. PM me if you are interested.



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Man that really bites Stump.

Hope you get things up and running soon.



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Aw stumpjumper, I just saw this thread myself. Man, that stinks! I hope it won't take forever and a day until you can be back in the virtual skies Sir. Perhaps Santa will be very, VERY nice to you this season and leave a new gaming 'puter under your tree.



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