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Duce Lewis

How do your pilots die?

How do your pilots die?  

40 members have voted

  1. 1. What is the most frequent way your pilots die?

    • Hostile Aircraft Fire
    • Ground MG Fire
    • Enemy Ack-Ack
    • Friendly Ack-Ack
    • Mid-Air Collisions
    • Take-Off/Landing Accidents
    • Non-Recoverable Stalls
    • Other
  2. 2. Check all common causes of your pilots deaths?

    • Hostile Aircraft Fire
    • Ground MG Fire
    • Enemy Ack-Ack
    • Friendly Ack-Ack
    • Mid-Air Collisions
    • Take-Off/Landing Accidents
    • Non-Recoveralble Stalls
    • Other
  3. 3. What is your average lifespan (last 10 pilots)?

    • 1 Hour or less
    • 1 to 2 Hours
    • 2 to 4 Hours
    • 4 to 8 Hours
    • 8 to 16 Hours
    • 16 to 32 Hours
    • 32+ Hours
  4. 4. How would you describe your campaign activity?

    • Light
    • Light to Moderate
    • Moderate
    • Moderate to Heavy
    • Heavy

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Just lost another pilot ...by the same method dntknw.gif

Rather than writing a frustrated response

...I thought I'd see how everyone else is fairing


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That's why we remember the ones that make it a bit longer, because all the others die so soon!! Sometimes I think that all these craters at nomansland are there because of my pilots crashing!!! :-)))



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Just lost another pilot from enemy flak. So I decided to set the enemy ground fire to "easy"(thank god it is scalable)...Archie was not that deadly these days.

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Well i checked "Hostile Aircraft Fire" as my pilot killer,but more often its the bone-smashing contact with the ground after my plane has been shot away from under me that nails my coffins!!!

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Funny, Duce - I also just lost my best pilot. But he lives - although in captivity.


My Flak is set to "normal"; I haven't lost any pilot to it since long.

But just yesterday I saw one of the Nupe 17 we sneaked on to, got hit and destroyed by Flak.

Friendly ground fire has NEVER killed me yet.

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Most of my pilots are shot down by gunfire from enemy aircraft, but occasionally I lose pilots because of collisions (should know better when to break off and stop chasing!), stalls and spins, and sometimes from enemy flak, but only rarely.

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Target fixation kills me above all things. I have TrackIR too and have no excuse for not looking about. I get on that tail and it's like a giant chum bucket, let the feeding frenzy begin.

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Hi Duce, most of my pilots go down to low in a fight and i end up disorientated and hit the ground,may be it's not their fault it could be ME?yikes.gif

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How do my pilots die? Usually horribly, stupidly, and pointlessly lol.gif


You really need another box on the "pick your several leading causes of death" question. The thing that kills me most is trying to fly while pretty well drunk :alcoholic: That's why I have so many collisions, which includes those with the ground that weren't caused by spins or enemy fire.


But looking at other folks' answers, I'm really surprised to see so many folks getting killed by flak. I have my flak set at normal and in all the time I've flown since BHaH came out, I've only even been nicked by a flak burst once. "Archibald, certainly not!" I moon the gunners in the midst of intense flak barrages to show my contempt for their aim. Now, AAMGs are another matter entirely. They've gotten me a number of times, but not nearly as often as me flying into so something. This is because I try hard to avoid getting anywhere near them.

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Friendly ground fire has NEVER killed me yet.

I must have had 3 pilots this week knocked down by Friendly Ack_Ack

It's by far my biggest killer

Last one dropped after I set Ground Fire to Light too

Can't remeber the last time that Enemy Ack-Ack has hit me, though wingies have gone down

Looking at the results, I'm the only 1 who listed it as a common cause of death

Must be an install issue, but at least now I know

OK, rant over


Thanks for all thye input guys ...keep it coming!


Hi Duce, most of my pilots go down to low in a fight and i end up disorientated and hit the ground,may be it's not their fault it could be ME?yikes.gif

Red-Dog, I think that'll all be changing in the near future

TrackIR should solve the disorientation


How do my pilots die? Usually horribly, stupidly, and pointlessly lol.gif


You really need another box on the "pick your several leading causes of death" question. The thing that kills me most is trying to fly while pretty well drunk alcoholic.gif That's why I have so many collisions, which includes those with the ground that weren't caused by spins or enemy fire.

Ah, but that's the trouble with polls

You never quite know all the questions to ask til it's over

Next time I'll drink heavily before scrawlin 1 up rofl.gif

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Next to being well and totally shredded in the air by some unshakeable AI Pup/N17/SPAD VII pilot (whom I swear has extra ammo belts), my pilots mostly meet the pine box on those gentle landings, after being shot to heck, where a feather touch of the grass equals the cut scene words You have died... (actually I usually bounce hard, nose over, ground loop or whatever at about 40-50 mph and so, yeah, I expect the cutscene). Only died to flak twice- one direct hit on the cockpit of the Halberstadt- and ground fire over a balloons remains once. Lots of dead DiD pilots...quickest demise was within a minute of take-off courtesy of being ganked by SPAD VIIs on take off in a 'Scramble' mission. I'm so pants lol. drinks.gif

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Spins for sure... Over pushing the plane... Lucky stupidity wasn't an option ... :rofl::lol::good:


I lose 80% or more to spins. 20% enemy fire when I did recover from those spins .... :rofl::this: :yes:

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Salute.gif " Alass poor yoric I knew him well". Mine are loss due to dumbness most of all. 4 example, a turning fight too low ( spun in) Not knowing their was a rear gunner ( RE 8) Going for a balloon instead of flying zig zag. (archie) Flying warp speed (enemy always above and mostly behind). Porching on anothers target ( midair) or shot down by friendly fire. Hiting a tree on landing. Then comes hostile aircraft, Archie fire mine and theirs. target fixation. and rear seater gunners that get better hits then I do.lol.gifthis.gif

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Baldric, now with the D III, you should be able to make emergency landings.

She still fies pretty well, half shot up.

Come in flat and fast, and don't cut throttle, until she touched ground. That should work.

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Yes, the D2 flies wonderfull even bad shot. You just don't have to flare too early, let her go really down near the ground and only pull the last moment.



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I fly like an old lady so I never spin-crash or bust-up my crate mid-air. I don't think I've ever been hit by friendly flak although I can see how it could happen. Seldom if ever crash with wingies. I do crash with enemies from time to time. I like to say "hi" and have them hear me. I got myself a HOTAS and am learning to use it so I've been flying QC for the most part lately and there is much to do to get ready for winter. Snowed here last night in Minnesnowda.

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Yuppers Rickitycrate, woke up this AM to a white prairie. Brrrrr! Too early!


I just signed into the poll here and will say that I have also died about every way there is to die in the OFF skies, but EA gunfire is the most common for me. I have gotten into countless death spins since beginning this sim, mainly with the DH2 and a bit with the Camel early on. AA has knocked me from the sky on several outings, but enemy MG fire has never killed me, (though it has forced me to land on a few occasions due to engine damage). All-in-all I think BHaH really does get us as close as any of us would care to be to the real life-and-death experience that was WWI aerial combat. I love it!





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Guest British_eh

The third way to die is the uncontrolable spin, in a Dr.1 If there is any way the flight characteristics could be modified for this AC, as it was certainly twitchy, but should be similar to the Sop Tripe in the stall/spin category. I run Normal Flak and haven't had a fellow wingman go down since they did a minipatch update. It would seem evident that they tweaked the Flak back a bit, as it was over the top.


I am surprised at the number of mid air collisions, half with friendly too. As far as a learning curve, I now leave my Wingmen to their own battles, as they will drive through you to get to their target.





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only lost 1 so far to enemy aircraft, and boy he was one hot hun, all over my tail like flies on a rib roast


never yet been hit by Archie but by far the majority of deaths and crashes have been due to lack of altitude and my fixation with a target




"discipline double oh seven, discipline"

Edited by saltysplash

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