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Shooting at Ft Hood Texas

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Are you sure, I read that one of the gunmen had been killed and this wacko was wounded and taken into custody?

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According to Fox, at 0804, they've got him in custody. Lots of stuff starting to come out. Single shooter, suspected. May have been shouting "Allah Akbar"...May be BS.



Edited by Silverbolt

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Are you sure, I read that one of the gunmen had been killed and this wacko was wounded and taken into custody?




lots of reports cross in the initial "fog of war" and events become clear only later. The early reports of the gunman being killed were not quite correct - he was "gunned down" but survived.


reports of multiple shooters was probably because of multiple locations being hit by the gunman minutes apart.


the reports of multiple were also supported by several suspects being taken into custody, but these were all cleared and released. Probably where some soldiers took cover and were thought to be participating by other witnesses. Determined to not be the case.


the officials who spoke last night and this morning have been clear on this issue. Only one and he is paralyzed and in custody, in stable condition. He will face the music. And may God have mercy on his soul, because he will find none here on earth.


probably BS.:no:


nope. No bs, was so.

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It sounds like he's one of those guys who signed up for the college benefits and then freaked out when he realised his butt might be in danger, so he used his religion as a cover.

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As a personal aside, you don't have to be actually picked on to believe you're being picked on. We have someone who works here with us, not from the US and speaks with an accent, who on multiple occasions has complained to higher-ups about being made fun of and such. The rest of us heard about this and stared at each other in disbelief...WE are the ones who work with him, and we KNOW we weren't doing that. So where does he get that idea???

We don't have a clue, but the truth is people don't need to have a legitimate grievance to act out to "defend themselves" against it if it's true in THEIR mind.

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Man, the guy was a Major and did all this crap?



Man, the guy was a mental health professional and did all this crap?

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I've read Israel uses Palestinian volunteers in their ground forces, but don't know much beyond that. EricJ, thanks for your poast (and your -128 just downloaded it last night). Could this guy have just been so opposed to himself deploying that he basically went over to the "other side" as his way of dealing with it? The way I see it, he KNEW he wouldn't survive this thing, or not escape capture. My current "feeling," which is worthless and can, and usually does, change on a dime, is that he used his deployment as opportunity to do his act where it would hurt the most in the confined spaces on base, but that might more imply a Sleeper combatant, or not. I dunno.




But unfortunately this nut couldn't do it the right way, peaceful protest or going AWOL are better options.

Thanks for poasting this! :salute:


I've been reading some on the officer fraggings in Vietnam. But I take it the guys involved were short timers wanting to go home to live a normal life and perceived the war as pointless, and didn't want to be sacrificed to advance some officer's Army career, or so far I gather the thinking behind it all.

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If he really was a sleeper he'd probably have pulled a McVeigh and blown up some serious infrastructure on the base. Shooting sprees like these where random guy goes postal and guns down a bunch of random strangers happen all the time and it's always because random guy is a nutcase, so why would it be any different this time around?

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AFIW,There was also friendly fire,as initially people were confused who was the shooter.


the shooter was a psychiatrist of arab origin,what i think is the US army must check background thoroughly.


if he didnt wanted to go to afghanistan then why he killed innocent people,poor excuse .

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I've read Israel uses Palestinian volunteers in their ground forces,


No Lexx.

We do not do that!!!

We do have Muslim soldiers who are Israeli citizens, but they are not Plestinians from Gaza or from the west bank.


Rip to those who got killed.

condolences to there families and friend.

When will the world realize who the enemy really is?

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AFIW,There was also friendly fire,as initially people were confused who was the shooter.


the shooter was a psychiatrist of arab origin,what i think is the US army must check background thoroughly.


if he didnt wanted to go to afghanistan then why he killed innocent people,poor excuse .


They confirmed that there was no friendly fire. Yes they do a good back ground check, but it doesnt take into account people changing their minds and or going crazy.

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Talk about advancing to the sound of the guns. How about that LADY police officer! She heard the gunfire,and didn't hesitate.

She walked in,engaged the gunman,and even after being shot herself,she put him down.

It just shows that heroes are everywhere,they just don't know it until the time comes. :salute:

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When will the world realize who the enemy really is?


That's easy: Human stupidity!

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There was also a shooting spree in Orlando. Guess these nutters inspire one another.

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That Orlando thing was weird too, and unemployment is still skyrocketing.



Thanks Mannie. My sloppy mistake. The Palestinians are Israeli citizens. I lost my first read of it, but found another, apparently from Dubai.


Palestinians join Israeli army for better life

~ http://www.thenational.ae/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20090926/FOREIGN/709259780

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What I'd like to know, is why other than making a lame statement for the press, Obama has yet to set foot in Fort Hood to meet with the suffering familes, and pass on the support of the American citizens to our fallen heros.


If this isn't a message to the Troops that he doesn't support you (as if still waiting a month+ on the Afghanistan decision wasn't bad enough) , wake up...



My flag on my house is flying at half-mast until after Veteran's Day. I love and support our Troops here and everywhere. God Bless them all.



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It's called "Active Shooter" lessons learned from Columbine. When there is an active shooter, as the first responding officer if backup is less than 1 min out you wait, otherwise you make entry and engage the active shooter before they can harm more people. An active shooter is a person who appears to be actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a populated area; in most cases active shooters use firearm(s) and there is no pattern or method to their selection of victims. These situations are dynamic and evolve rapidly, demanding immediate deployment of law enforcement resources to stop the shooting and mitigate harm to innocent victims. With that said. She did her job, and she is a hero. Good job in mitigating the situation.

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What I'd like to know, is why other than making a lame statement for the press, Obama has yet to set foot in Fort Hood to meet with the suffering familes, and pass on the support of the American citizens to our fallen heros.


If this isn't a message to the Troops that he doesn't support you (as if still waiting a month+ on the Afghanistan decision wasn't bad enough) , wake up...



My flag on my house is flying at half-mast until after Veteran's Day. I love and support our Troops here and everywhere. God Bless them all.



He's new at this, I am not saying I support or don't support him. I am sure he has had lessons on Military customs etc., but he never served.


P.S. I voted for the attack pilot,I am sure he would have made a more timely and proper statement. I can't get more political than that. I think I am walking that fine line right now.

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