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My only criticism of BHaH

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No-one has a higher regard of BHaH than me...In fact I extol it's virtues at every opportunity.


But just one part grates on me..and it's getting a little more annoying each time I fly. (and I know it annoys others too)


I personally cannot stand the jump straight back to workshop /Loading screen within 5 seconds of catching fire, getting shot or landing.

It's without doubt, the only remaining Immersion killer left!...it ruins potentially amazing screenshots...it ruins being able to land, and just breath a sigh of relief, and hear dogs barking, and birds tweeting...and I have no idea, nor heard one good reason why it was scrapped.


It leaves me, with a feeling of a half finished mission..I find it empty and unsatisfying, and I would dearly love to see it's return

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Like you, I sort of miss the Phase II pilot either joyfully celebrating victory, limping from his plane, running from the plane and diving for the ground before it explodes, or dropping to all fours and heaving his breakfast. All of those signaled the true ending of the mission.

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IIRC, 1.32 sought to let things run longer after a bad situation, but this was disabled in one of the subsequent patches due to not working right. So I figure the OBD guys will eventually get on this. They've already tried, which shows they pay attention to this gripe (which I share).

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Salute.gif I agree. along with the AIs wings not comeing off in steeper dives then we can do. and the rear gunners getting better hits (AI) evry time they shoot. However with that said they are very small things compared to the enjoyment of playing OFF. good.gif

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I agree with WM, it's very aggravating to have the game stolen while in extremis. But it's not like the OFF guys haven't tried, or would keep it from us if it were possible.


It's just another proof of what a bunch of arrogant hacks the MS coders were, thinking they had some moral right to dictate to us how our game should end. Probably done in the name of political correctness.

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Hang in there guys it is still very much on the radar and I hope something will be in this upcoming addon - no promises!




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There is no better support for any game than we have in our devs... period.

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There is no better support for any game than we have in our devs... period.


Hear Hear!





No-one has a higher regard of BHaH than me...In fact I extol it's virtues at every opportunity.


But just one part grates on me..and it's getting a little more annoying each time I fly. (and I know it annoys others too)


I personally cannot stand the jump straight back to workshop /Loading screen within 5 seconds of catching fire, getting shot or landing.

It's without doubt, the only remaining Immersion killer left!...it ruins potentially amazing screenshots...it ruins being able to land, and just breath a sigh of relief, and hear dogs barking, and birds tweeting...and I have no idea, nor heard one good reason why it was scrapped.


It leaves me, with a feeling of a half finished mission..I find it empty and unsatisfying, and I would dearly love to see it's return


I have to admit Widow, when I clicked this thread I really thought you were going to say "It doesn't have a Snipe!" grin.gif

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I've got one or two gripes about BH&H, but the main one that annoys me beyond reason is that damn map. It's either too large or too small, dependent upon the mission, but either way it's singularly lacking in relevant detail - town names, prominent rivers, land features, etc - which makes lodging claims rather more difficult and guesswork than it really should be.


I suppose, whilst I'm in picky mode, that I'd far prefer a notepad sort of UI for claims, rather than the endless single line, but it's hardly a major league hassle when it comes down to it.


I've got a few other thoughts for improvements, but I'm fairly content to be surprised and pleased by whatever comes our way by way of add-ons and patches, and it's nice to have developers and designers around who respond swiftly and positively to suggestions and criticisms. Unlike TSTDNBN.

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I've got one or two gripes about BH&H, but the main one that annoys me beyond reason is that damn map.


My only nit to pick with the map is that I believe one of the few city names on it is misspelled. Shouldn't it be Armentières instead of "Amienterres"?


No wonder I've been so far unable to find the infamous Mademoiselle grin.gif .


As to your complaints with the lack of detail, I bet you could replace the map texture with something you like better. I haven't tried myself, but I'm sure if you dug around in your folders you could find the one currently in use.

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Hear Hear!







I have to admit Widow, when I clicked this thread I really thought you were going to say "It doesn't have a Snipe!" grin.gif


hahahahahahahahahaha...I think that 'almost' goes without saying now CaptSopwith! :lol: :lol: :lol:


Great News from Winder..I fully appreciate that if anything can be done for the better, the OBD team will be on it!...thank you!

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IMHO, 2 cents and all that rot. We have the best, made by the best and played by the best. Any dissatisfactions we have as players are addressed in time. I think the devs in most instances are ahead of the players in seeing and adressing any shortfalls or areas for improvement. I agree with UKWM's initial point and I know that it has been mentioned many times. So I have faith that OBD are aware and are addressing the sudden endings as they can. This along with a great deal of other improvements that us players may or may not be aware of. It's a wonderful formula we have here. We have a very dedicated dev team with a love of the subject driving their hard work. A user base that loves the subject and the results of the devs. hard work, and points out areas for improvement. Top it all OFF with a wonderful home for all to communicate and seek refuge and friendship in a mature and respectful enviroment. My thanks to all as I feel blessed. Corny, eh?

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We have a very dedicated dev team with a love of the subject driving their hard work. A user base that loves the subject and the results of the devs. hard work, and points out areas for improvement. Top it all OFF with a wonderful home for all to communicate and seek refuge and friendship in a mature and respectful enviroment. My thanks to all as I feel blessed. Corny, eh?


QFT. Cordiality, matureness, respectful, friendship seems words that define well what is this community.

I salute the devs and the community. :drinks:

Edited by Von Paulus

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I am one of probably just a handful that was not interested in WW 1/aviation; and had only played Red Baron on a friends computer many years ago. I was always into the modern aircraft combat flight sims. A progression to FSX and now I hardly ever fly a fast mover (jet) anymore. So, I am very, very new to this genre, and have been reading many novels (In the Company of Eagles by Ernest K. Gann at the present and then "To the Last Man", by Jeff Schaara is next) and trying to watch every movie ever made that included WW1 aircraft... Well, you get the picture. I had Phase 2 for a while and when I received OFF I was hooked for a long time. As others have said, it has been a wonderful experience.

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My only nit to pick with the map is that I believe one of the few city names on it is misspelled. Shouldn't it be Armentières instead of "Amienterres"?

While we're picking nits, the word reconnaissance is misspelled throughout the game as well. Should have two s's, but in OFF it only has one.

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"As far as the map is concerned, in order to provide a more detailed map in your area of operation, means half of France. And most of us lack the 16gigs of RAM required to do it. Everything would be running fine, then we'd hit 'M', and CTD immediatly"


Why? What's the problem with identifying the distance to target and providing a map that's that size plus perhaps 50% of the distance (for when you start straying...)? God knows, Winder and the rest of the chaps at OBD have thoroughly gutted the rest of CFS3 - Pol, Winder; what's the difficulty with the map thing?


"As far as picky mode goes, nobody is twisting your arm to use the most difficult claims forms in the game, last I checked there were 2 easier modes in Workshop. One of them completely eliminates the need for filling out any claims of any kind"


Well, no s**t Sherlock! I file claims (on the rare occasion I actually hit something) because I like doing it, however it would be easier to do so with a notepad rather than that single line. Quite easy, n'est pas?

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Well, I guess it has to parse the text, but that text is going to be held as a string unless I'm much mistaken, so the issue is one of presentation rather than the behind the scene dibblings that occur when those heartless bastards in the brass are going through claims (ie, when the parsing occurs and a dice is rolled).


As I say, it's not a major issue and I can happily live with it.



But that map must go.

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The map is inadequate???

What a revelation!!!

We had absolutely no idea.:no2:


We are trying to find ways around it, but as Unc points out, part of the problem is/will be computer resources.

We hope to find another alternative.



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thanks to the dev team for what we have already !


And i agree, this being dropped-out of the sim when the pilot is dead, or you made a crash-land (even if you did it perfectly) kills a lot of fun - i do not know why the dev team removed it from the sim again (?). Nothing beats the view of your battered bird, after a hairy landing, or even death.



While we are at it, i make short notices from time to time when i see s.t., so here goes (it's nothing new, not even big immersion killers, and the dev team may already be aware):



- The propellor of a/c planes keeps turning when they crash-land, or lose their engine. It almost never stops - i saw this only one time with a burning BE2c, which landed well despite being shot-up and burning - this time the plane really came to full stop, with the prop also stopping - this was how it should be generally imho.


- Propellor of own a/c turns much too long after shutting down the magnetoes, or set mixture to zero. Especially true for in-line-engined planes.


- Own plane or one of the wings often "sinks into the ground" when performing a bad, or crash landing - but maybe this is why the dev team removed the crash-landing scenes, dropping us out before it (?)


- Wheels turn too fast in relation to their diameter, just an observation when the plane rolls out, before coming to full stop


- Some planes have springs in their axle/wheels, or even their tail skids, but most planes do not - this is sure an animation that looks great when it exists. Could you add this to all planes ?


- Especially the Roland C.II hops and "bumps" during starts, and landing - and the 3-d model and skin is a bit "blocky", especially the wings. But i am happy to have that bird around at all, believe me ;)


- When enemy pilots jump out, their "ghost" seems to be still sitting in the plane - this was not on the original CFS3 sim, so .. could you change that ?


- Apart from those minor thingies i would very much like to see more two-seaters, bombers, and - did i say this already (?) - Zeppelins ! grin.gif



Thanks and greetings,


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"The map is inadequate???

What a revelation!!!

We had absolutely no idea."


Well Shred, the point of this thread, unless I'm much mistaken was to offer constructive criticism of BH&H and to suggest improvements. I'm sure you're aware what a pain the current map is, and I'd very much like to know why it is such an obstacle. I'm mostly growed up and have spent the last 20 years in IT in various roles, so I think I can probably handle some technical details as to why it's such a bugbear, if you'd be so kind.




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In case some people dont know, the in-game map can be zoomed in or out to suit with the '[' and ']' keys (same keys you zoom the cockpit view with), and the view also moved around with the arrow keys, which might partially address one of the map complaints above.

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In case some people dont know, the in-game map can be zoomed in or out to suit with the '[' and ']' keys (same keys you zoom the cockpit view with), and the view also moved around with the arrow keys, which might partially address one of the map complaints above.

Outstanding Scout!

I never knew that was available ...works great

Thanks M8 good.gif

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