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Most incredible film I ever saw..This is the begining of a whole new era for Movies

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In some chopper scenes i missed "The Ride of Valkyries". Loved the choppers. And the chopper pilot too.


Btw, the terminator guy performs quite good

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It was quite good. However, I'm not going to go see every film released in 3d in 3d. It costs too much. Only for special films like this will I do that.

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I'm not going to go see every film released in 3d in 3d. It costs too much. Only for special films like this will I do that.



I took my younger cousin to watch it, and expended 14.60 € on the tickets, but it was worth the money. The child (11 year old) was hands up trying to touch the cockpit of the shuttle at the beggining. So did his elder cousin

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Guest rscsjsuso5

yes indeed a great movie a movie that taught us about humanity not only for humans in general but for all beings . i enjoyed it while babysitting my cousin and his gf and his out of town cousins from la while i sit at the back seeing 4 heads being that i'm the tallest.


if ebert and roeper don't give this movie a two thumbs up then shame on them , a great movie movie that uses computer graphics technology to bring out humanity in the worst to triumph.



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I think I'll have to seperate visual from plot on this one,from a technical standpoint it's probobly the dawn of a new era but from a plot it's the same tired old anti-american anti-military drival you see these days.it looks to me like the big pigheaded humans led by the evil inflexible steriotype military are picking on the "poor 3rd world type" aliens who are nothing more than a thinly vieled streotype natureloving native anmericanesq utopians.it's this sort of stuff that perpatraits the revisionest history thats being shoved down kids throughts nowadays.that being said It's prob the best thing in movies since the whole CGI craze hase hit.

Edited by PontiusPilot
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Well, best movie i've ever watched, awesome i say :clapping:




well, pandora makes Earth looks like crap, IMO the best way to enjoy the movie is watching in 3D, because of the action scenes.


@Pontius Pilot: well they were no utopic, actually pretty xenophobic.

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I think I'll have to seperate visual from plot on this one,from a technical standpoint it's probobly the dawn of a new era but from a plot it's the same tired old anti-american anti-military drival you see these days.it looks to me like the big pigheaded humans led by the evil inflexible steriotype military are picking on the "poor 3rd world type" aliens who are nothing more than a thinly vieled streotype natureloving native anmericanesq utopians.it's this sort of stuff that perpatraits the revisionest history thats being shoved down kids throughts nowadays.that being said It's prob the best thing in movies since the whole CGI craze hase hit.


Sounds typically Hollywood like.

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BTW, funny to see that the AGM-114 And the AIM-9X still operational in that time in future

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Sounds typically Hollywood like.


We refuse to see it for this very reason. The plot from what I have read is EXTREMELY contrived. If you're going to embed your political beliefs in something, at least do a better job than using the film analogue of a 2x4 to do it in.



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The plot is a thinly vieled liberal interpertation of western expansion with the added "bonus" of Earth being enviormentaly dead.All they needed was some interstellar polarbears drifting on some asteroids to make it complete.Just for once I'd like to see military carecters in these sorts of movies as the solution rather than the problem.

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Perhaps Joe McCarthy and the HUAC was on the right track in regards to Hollywood, back in the 1950s.

Edited by Fubar512

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Yeah, this was a phenomenal film. It did have certain "James Cameron signatures" to it.

An example I can give was the over sized Aliens-style drop-ship looking vehicle.

Al in all, just start to finish eye candy with a great story and fantastic sci-fi concepts.


here's a recap




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Absolutely Stunning!!...best film ever (The 3d blew me and my 11 yr old into the next millenium!)

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The plot is a thinly vieled liberal interpertation of western expansion with the added "bonus" of Earth being enviormentaly dead.All they needed was some interstellar polarbears drifting on some asteroids to make it complete.Just for once I'd like to see military carecters in these sorts of movies as the solution rather than the problem.


I thought the military guy WAS the solution, or did I get the movie wrong? If you want the purely military guys to be the solution though you'll have to travel back in time to Rambo 3 I guess - they don't make 'em like that anymore.


Plot-wise there was nothing surprising to see, but visually, I must say the blend between real footage and CGI was perfect. If there was one thing that I'd have to pick on as a downer was Rodriguez not doing a suicidal run on the Colonel's plane - since she HAD come to grips that she wouldn't survive the encounter already, IIRC... So thumbs down for her, since going down "fangs-out in-your-face-suicidal-run" is IMHO cooler and more heroic+dramatic than what happened in the movie. Kudos for the Hellfire & Sidewinder though.

Edited by TX3RN0BILL

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I thought the military guy WAS the solution, or did I get the movie wrong? If you want the purely military guys to be the solution though you'll have to travel back in time to Rambo 3 I guess - they don't make 'em like that anymore.


Plot-wise there was nothing surprising to see, but visually, I must say the blend between real footage and CGI was perfect. If there was one thing that I'd have to pick on as a downer was Rodriguez not doing a suicidal run on the Colonel's plane - since she HAD come to grips that she wouldn't survive the encounter already, IIRC... So thumbs down for her, since going down "fangs-out in-your-face-suicidal-run" is IMHO cooler and more heroic+dramatic than what happened in the movie. Kudos for the Hellfire & Sidewinder though.


"but visually, I must say the blend between real footage and CGI was perfect" with this I agree 100000%

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If there was one thing that I'd have to pick on as a downer was Rodriguez not doing a suicidal run on the Colonel's plane - since she HAD come to grips that she wouldn't survive the encounter already, IIRC... So thumbs down for her, since going down "fangs-out in-your-face-suicidal-run" is IMHO cooler and more heroic+dramatic than what happened in the movie.



It coud have been a cool way to die, but that ship had to be downed by the other guy. If you mess with her, you and i got trouble, Txernobill.

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It coud have been a cool way to die, but that ship had to be downed by the other guy. If you mess with her, you and i got trouble, Txernobill.


Why did it had to? She had a bone to pick with the colonel I guess, that's why she "changed sides". The way she died in the movie made her biggest contribution just the salvation of the scientist crew, not the final battle itself - a somewhat ingratiating death, just to die from damage without accomplishing much... It would have made a much more significant death if she'd taken anything worthwhile - then again, if she'd taken down the colonel's plane, the ending would've had to be different I guess... having her take out the bomber then would've actually fit the plot nicely. The way it was though the hero got all the glory, whithout sharing - except for his wife... uncool IMHO.

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Why did it had to? She had a bone to pick with the colonel I guess, that's why she "changed sides". The way she died in the movie made her biggest contribution just the salvation of the scientist crew, not the final battle itself - a somewhat ingratiating death, just to die from damage without accomplishing much... It would have made a much more significant death if she'd taken anything worthwhile - then again, if she'd taken down the colonel's plane, the ending would've had to be different I guess... having her take out the bomber then would've actually fit the plot nicely. The way it was though the hero got all the glory, whithout sharing - except for his wife... uncool IMHO.


I agree, i just meant that it got too focused on the blue guy, i wish that she did something more

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WretchFest Maximus, no thanks. I have avoided movie theaters for over 5 years now, and the only thing that might get me back is the upcoming ("two years") filmwork of Joe Haldeman's Forever War, by the same guy who made Alien and Blade Runner. Sounds like that might work. Otherwise, today's movies are like air shows without F-106, nothing to see, move along.




Just for once I'd like to see military carecters in these sorts of movies as the solution rather than the problem.

I wanna see just one movie showing giant banks behind the curtain, enslaving the population in paper debt, not just cliche "the corporations." If you read your General Smedley Butler closely, the WW1 war manufacturers were at best getting hush money compared to the giant banks, who never had to disclose their war profits. Those fellas hauled in 18 kilotons of gold during WW2, at a time when it was declared "illegal" for American men and women to use gold in commerce. The one movie I know that takes a slight glancing peek at that gold, from a common man's and soldier's view, is Kelley's Heroes. thumbs.gif They don't make movies like that anymore. They sure as hell can't make movie stars like that anymore.

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Its outstanding if i focus my view on the movie technology. I have never seen such a movie before. Chapeau!

But the story! I dont know, its reminds me ... Lets say the old west german Winnetou movies, it reminds me to "Dances with Wolves" it reminds me ....

I think better good copied that bad self developed. :grin:

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I saw the movie with my best friends

and i thought it was nice but it's not the best movie ever at least not for megrin.gif


while we're on the movie subject, I also saw "Sherlock Holmes" the same week, great movie!



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I took my younger cousin to watch it, and expended 14.60 € on the tickets, but it was worth the money. The child (11 year old) was hands up trying to touch the cockpit of the shuttle at the beggining. So did his elder cousin


14,60 € for 2 tickets? Lucky you. Here each ticket was 10 €. By the way, ticket cost was the only really surprising thing I saw in the movie (perhaps my 3d glasses dindn't work). I don't know other people, but I didn't see anything in this movie I haven't seen in many others before.

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