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For those recently affected by the Civ III model porting incident.

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Just a week ago, it came to our attention that a member here at CA had been reverse engineering aircraft models back into a modeling program (including payware models) to be ported over to the Civilization III strategy simulation. He was doing this without permission or attribution, basically acting as model provider to let someone else actually port the model to the CivIII engine.


The person porting the models was not aware how the CA member had been making these models (he isn't a flight simulation guy)...he assumed the member was actually creating them, not reverse engineering them. Once he found out how the models were being produced, he along with one of the CivIII website admins, pulled down all the files (since he couldn't sure if ANY of them were original work).


Basically, after some discussions with fellow moderators at both websites, we've concluded that the reverse engineer was the main culprit, and has since been banned by both websites. The person who was porting the models he received from the reverse engineer into the CivIII engine we don't feel was to blame (other than trusting the reverse engineer). As soon as any doubt was raised, he did the right thing and pulled them all down.


So, after further discussion, I am initiating a project. I would like, along with the 'porter', to bring those aircraft back to the CivIII engine, but this time, with the proper permissions and attributions. I don't want to duplicate work...if the ported model exists already, I figure we get the proper permissions, and then it simply gets reposted with the proper credits.


My plan is to try to get the list of aircraft that were ported over, have modders here look at the list to see what they might have done...and if they did it, to give permission to restore it to the CivIII database.


This accomplishes a couple of things...first, I'm hoping it'll sooth any lingering anger about what happened. But secondly, it'll raise awareness of each other's communities, showing how cooperation can benefit both.


What I would like is for my fellow modders to lend their support...I plan to give the 'porter' (TopGun at the CivIII website) a few of my models that haven't been released yet to show my intent, good faith and as an example for the rest of us to follow.


I'll post more information as it becomes available. I hope I can get your support on this.



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Now THAT's a great turn-around, that even I didn't see coming.


Kudos to all involved for taking a major blunder, and trying to make it into something benificial for all



kevin stein

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Well, I'm not sure...I don't know how TopGun takes a model and makes those little flc videos the sim uses. Not sure what format he needs...he just got the models from FireFox already in the format he needed. And like I said, I'm not so much worried about new models as just getting proper permissions for the models that were already reversed engineered over.



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Sure go for it. Tell him he can have better Vigis as well compared to what he has.

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Great idea FC.


It may sound odd. But I actually felt a lot sorry for the poor guy. which only trusted the other guy

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Great idea FC.


It may sound odd. But I actually felt a lot sorry for the poor guy. which only trusted the other guy


It isn't odd, we all had to have figured it sucked being duped like that...


Update, TopGun is going to send me the 'splash' screens he made for each of the models (600x600). I'll upload them here as one big file, which all the modders can download and look at. I figure then you can send me the list of which models were yours and the proper credits for each (model, texture), and I'll compile the list with all the info and send it back.



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Great initiave! just hope all modders agree since we have a lot of fun with models here, so why not them have a little bit of we do here.

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Quick update. TopGun contacted with a list of the following models he would like to repost at the CivIII website:


A-4 - Gramps & Mo gas

Mig-29 - BUFF skin

Hanriot HD.1 - EmID

Sea Vixen - Skippybing

Q-5 Fantan - 101tfs Pakistan skin

Mig-15 - Pasko

Morane-Saulnier Type N

Super Etendard - FoxMonter Iraqi skin

Spitfire Vb - Wrench

F-3H Demon - FoxMonter

Avia B-534 - Monty CZ B-534-II & III + Romanian skin

J-10 - Erwin_Hans J-10B + Iran & Pakistan skins

F11-F - Fleet Defender

Yak-15 - Pasko


Obviously, some of the models may have different skins than what the original 3D modders released them with, so we would need permission for the model and skin. Also, I think some of these aren't CA releases. If the modders here could help with permissions and/or sorting through which is what, that would help.



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He'd have to contact Capun for the Spit V LOD, but he's welcome to use my skin/decals for it.


Gramps has retired, so contacting him will be a bit difficult. Which A-4 mod? Kiwi or Oz??



kevin stein

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There is no single seat A-4 add-on, we only have the third-party 2-seat A-4F.

If the A-4 in question is a single seater than it is made from the original TW lod and not to be re-used anywhere else.


MiG-29 - we have two models around, the old model by wpnssgt and the Mirage Factory model which is made by Flying Toaster and BPAo.

If it is the wpnssgt model, ask USAFMTL

If it is the TMF FT/BPAO model, ask Sony Tuckson

Edited by Crusader

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The very same question I had, so I Googled it.


If there are any serious mods out there for it using jets, then they are well advanced over

the timelines I saw in the base game.


I also saw there is a 4 & 5, with other off-shoots.


Never did play any of the Civ series, looked to much like Sim City to me, but I've heard good

things about it over the years...

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They appear to be mods that you can add...sprite type units. I don't play CivIII, so I don't know how it works either.


Anyway, thanks for all the replies so far, I've sent a message to TG asking for clarification on some of the models...



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Hi guys,

I am TopGun, the guy from the CivIII forums.


Attached are two images showing the MiG-29 I used. I believe that the original model came from BUFF.


What do I do with aircraft in CivIII?

CivIII is a strategy game that spans from pre-history to modern times, which is where the aircraft come in. I am one of the modders at the CivIII forums, and had mostly made aircraft units.


How do I port the models into CivIII?

I use Bryce to animate a .3ds format 3D model. After rendering, I create the storyboards for the different animations (Attack, Run, Bomb, Death, etc), which I then compile as .flc files = the "sprites" the CivIII engine understands.


I would be thrilled if you guys gave me the OK to use your models to make CivIII units.







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I'm a fellow Civ player, but IV is my version.


If I had models to give you then I'd give them all to you.


Fellow CombatACE members, the Civ community has a lot in common with us: our love of history, our drive to know how stuff works, and war strategy. It is my sincere hope that people do not feel like their talents should only be shared with the Strike Fighters community. If you have models that you don't mind posting up to CA for free, then maybe you should consider them for Civilization.

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I understand that some of the work is copyrighted/payware, but it will be great if all the stuff that was freeware makes it back into this other game. No reason why two separate communities can't build a bridge and work together, even if the other community doesn't have anything to offer back in terms of addons. TK certainly won't mind the free advertising if his sim series somehow gets mentioned or if the credits otherwise lead more people to his games. Of course a lot of modders like to have their name out there and have others appreciate their work, too. So this is a win-win situation except for the original thief. He could have been the hero having done all the work, but he had no concept of respect for other people or their intellectual property. At least some good has come out of it with the two communities becoming aware of each other.

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The Mig-29 (the first one) was made by wpnssgt and uploaded here by Buff. Wpnssgt has entrusted me with the care of his work and having said that go ahead and use what you need.


Well said SE.

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