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Seismic Activity

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First, there was the Eureka quake at magnitude of 6.5 on the 9th, then a day before the Haiti quake, I experienced a 4.3 down where I'm at, and between that and the Eureka quake there have been a lot of small earthquakes throughout California. Then of course was the 7.0 Haiti quake. Kind of freaky that all of this activity is happeing within such a small time slot, yet the locations of theses quakes are pretty far apart. Kind of goes to show how much everything really is connected to each other.

Edited by serverandenforcer
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Well, seismic activity is by definition unpredictible...but knowing california...lets hope not to be the big one. :blink:

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My mom called the other day about the Eureka Earthquake. She said the house rattled abit, but nothing too much.

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Not exactly freaky, it's all tied to plate tectonics and the currents of magma way below the crust. Unsettling because more activity is likely, it wouldn't be all that surprising to see another quake, volcano erruption or tsunami soon.

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-- to see another quake, volcano erruption or tsunami soon.



Venezuela now.

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Just had another 4.3 this morning at 4:03 am... this time located right underneath me! Still felt like a 2.0 in my apartment. Things are getting quiet busy with plate tectonics. It was funny too. I was in the kitchen drinking grape juice when things started shaking. I just stood there holding my glass and riding the whole thing out. When they're small like this, they're a bit of fun... kind of like a rollercoaster.

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We used to get some nice artificial earthquakes when they tested nukes northwest of here some years ago.

Edited by Lt. James Cater

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We used to get some nice artificial earthquakes when they tested nukes northwest of here some years ago.


Ahem... you mean some decades ago? :grin:

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Ahem... you mean some decades ago? :grin:


These days, i've noticed that events 20 years or so ago seemed to have happened a short while ago. I guess that it's because i'm now old and not too far from the grave.

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These days, i've noticed that events 20 years or so ago seemed to have happened a short while ago. I guess that it's because i'm now old and not too far from the grave.



You're only 42. My dad is 65 and I hope he has a couple more or so decades to go.

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You're only 42. My dad is 65 and I hope he has a couple more or so decades to go.


Trying not to thread hijack but...


Let's just say that it's somewhat of a feat just to have reached this age and i know for a fact i'm not going to make it past 55 at the most due to damage caused to the body by amongst other things, a rather severe alcoholic intake over the span of several years. This is coming from someone who grew up in places where dying via gunshot was considered a natural death.


I still believe that someday i'm going out via acute lead poisoning... AKA 6 in the head.


Better that than rotting away somewhere.


Know thyself!

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Just watch: during the opening ceremonies of the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, the entire Juan De Fuca plate is gonna drive 40 meters east, and Vancouver is gonna become the next Atlantis.



Edited by Rambler 1-1

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Just watch: during the opening ceremonies of the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, the entire Juan De Fuca plate is gonna drive 40 meters east, and Vancouver is gonna become the next Atlantis.



Makes one wonder about the fate of BC bud!

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Not anymore!!! :rofl:



kevin stein

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FC, of your land is currently scenic oceanfront, it will soon become scenic ocean bottom. However, if your land is up a hill somewhere, you'll find yourself retiring on the new waterfront! :good:

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Well, over here we've been having some as well, a couple of weeks ago we had a 6.0er 100km WSW off the SW tip of continental Portugal (some 265km away from where I live). Taking into account what happened in 1755 we have a habit of getting nervous since it was the biggest quake we felt in 40 years. I didn't feel it but I heard it (that's because part of my house stands on the edge of a natural cave tunnel system) and I was in the basement at the time when it happened. We're glad for every little one because that relieves tension and prevents a bigger one... I think... :blink:


Edit: Come think of it, 2012 isn't that far away... :shok: *puts tinfoil hat on*

Edited by TX3RN0BILL

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Yeah, remember of the ancient town of Port Royale, Jamaica, which after the 1692 earthquake lies now underwater, at the feet of Kingston. About the Carribean, also think of volcanic activity. Remember of St-Pierre, pearl of the Martinique Island, where in 1902 more than 20,000 people have been suffocated and steam-roasted in less than 20 minutes ! (one survivor !) And don't forget hurricanes that would make you forget everything about common tempests.


Damn, I am so glad to live here, under a grey sky, but on a place firmly anchored to the unsinkible Eurasian continent !


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It may be unsinkable, but that doesn't mean it doesn't shake as well - at least in the coastal regions it does... thinking of Portugal, Italy and Greece...

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I live in Minnesota. Few earthquakes on record and no valcanoes. Safe right? Naw, the scientist say that Yellowstone is going to blow sky high and all the ash and debris is coming my direction thanks to prevailing winds. The only ones that will survive any of the threats are those that are deep down in one of the underground facilities.

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Well, Vancouver is where they filmed Stargate Atlantis, but I don't think it can become it.

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Now another shake, 6.1 Richter, near Port-Au-Prince (capital of Haiti)...


If things continue that way then I think that plans should be made for massive underwater cities that float around... I mean, just think of it - over 70% of the Earth's surface is covered by water bodies - probably even more so when the ice caps melt. It would actually mean us being protected from the elements - earthquakes wouldn't affect us, and seaquakes wouldn't affect much either because Tsunamis weren't a worry either. The only thing that could possibly affect it were volcanic eruptions but if they were kept mobile they could avoid even that. The only thing that could happen were meteorites or asteroids... but that would be very bad luck... Summing it up, it's like babies in the womb, protected by the amiotic fluid...

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Now another shake, 6.1 Richter, near Port-Au-Prince (capital of Haiti)...


If things continue that way then I think that plans should be made for massive underwater cities that float around... I mean, just think of it - over 70% of the Earth's surface is covered by water bodies - probably even more so when the ice caps melt. It would actually mean us being protected from the elements - earthquakes wouldn't affect us, and seaquakes wouldn't affect much either because Tsunamis weren't a worry either. The only thing that could possibly affect it were volcanic eruptions but if they were kept mobile they could avoid even that. The only thing that could happen were meteorites or asteroids... but that would be very bad luck... Summing it up, it's like babies in the womb, protected by the amiotic fluid...



Another thing that could happen underwater is: Who would manage the oxygen distribution? Many large firms have proven totally inefficient these last years concerning the power distribution, as it could be seen in massive, almost continental-sized powercuts (USA, Brazil...). As a temporary powercut would ruin the content of your freezer, a temporary cut in oxygen distribution underwater would turn an entire population into kelp farm compost.

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