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ALS... Passed!

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Got to take the test tomorrow... on my only day off (we have an NORI exercise for the next three days following). I hate tests (and NORI exercises). Personally, I don't think this is what should determine someone to get promoted. I think it should be made from upper leadership's decision based off of the person's skills, time in service, experience, character and behavioral traits, and how they interacts with others... not off of some stupid test. The worst person to be a NCO can pass the test (and there are many folks that are horrible NCOs), but the best person to be a NCO can fail it (which I have seen happen). So the worst person gets the promotion over the best person. Anyways, as you can tell, I'm not looking forward to this test. Some say it's easy, others say it's one of the hardest tests in the USAF. I know some guys who didn't study, or just study the night before and ace'd it. I know of other guys, who are really book smart, study their butts off, and failed the test. I'm taking an approach that's kind of in between. I'm just casually studying. Hope it pays off.

Edited by serverandenforcer

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You scared the crap out of me with that topic title....I read the post with a sense of dread, expecting you to say that you had been diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease)...glad to see that's not the case :ok:

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Been, there done that...good luck. I got my Course 9 for MSgt in 2 months so I am studying my ass off.

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Of course, the reason for the test is so that people who are worthy but simply disliked by a superior don't get the shaft while those that are worthless but liked by the guy in charge get an undeserved promotion. That inevitably means that people who aren't worthy but know how to take the test can advance and those who are worthy but can't take tests well get screwed, because no system is perfect.

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Well, took the test and passed it. That test is soooo over-rated. After the first 20 questions, I knew I was going to own this thing. All I did to study was glance over the UREs last night. It's all common sense - well for those who know what leadership is all about. So I guess that means I need to get some SSgt. stripes to put on. Does this mean I get a virtual pounding on the shoulders from all the E-5s and above here? :grin:

Edited by serverandenforcer

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Well, took the test and passed it. That test is soooo over-rated. After the first 20 questions, I knew I was going to own this thing. All I did to study was glance over the UREs last night. It's all common sense - well for those who know what leadership is all about. So I guess that means I need to get some SSgt. stripes to put on. Does this mean I get a virtual pounding on the shoulders from all the E-5s and above here? grin.gif


Hope these aren´t much premature, but congratulations, man

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Congrats Dave, you are going to enter a time honor corp of individuals who are the backbone, blood, sweat and tears of the US military. Wear them proud.

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Congrats Dave, you are going to enter a time honor corp of individuals who are the backbone, blood, sweat and tears of the US military. Wear them proud.


Unfortunately, a lot of NCOs don't take it that seriously. I don't plan on being one of those NCOs. This is my career. If I'm serious about keeping it, I got to be serious on the weight that those stripes bear.

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Are you a military medic/corpman? In my line of work, ALS stands for advanced life support (what paramedics do).


I took one promotional exam in the military, made the grade of e-4. Surprisingly I remembered everthing for A and C school and didn't have to study. No one really told me what to study anyway, its hard to do underway on deployment. Could have taken my e-5 exam, but my time was up and I decided to leave.

Edited by RichardG

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Are you a military medic/corpman? In my line of work, ALS stands for advanced life support (what paramedics do).


I took one promotional exam in the military, made the grade of e-4. Surprisingly I remembered everthing for A and C school and didn't have to study. No one really told me what to study anyway, its hard to do underway on deployment. Could have taken my e-5 exam, but my time was up and I decided to leave.


ALS is Airman Leadership School. Its a USAF Professional Military Education Course needed to become a NCO in the USAF/USAFR and the ANG. Right now I am doing my NCO Academy (NCOA) Course 9 because I will be getting MSgt this year. (Finally) It is bascially the same thing he went through but shows you more supervisory responsibilites.

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Staff NCO's run the military(all branches).

They just let the officers think that THEY(the officers) do.

In my 6 years in the Corps,I met and served with some of the finest people in the world(all SNCO's).

Bravo Zulu on passing the test. :yes:

Here is a punch from me when you pin them on. :boxing:

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Yup, the only person I really feared in the Navy was our division Master Chief. We called him the Master Blaster (but not within earshot!).

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Ahhh, Yes. The Adult Leadership Symposium...Just kidding. I passed mine back when we still had TAC, SAC and MAC :drinks: Congrats! And make sure you keep your word. There are enough Sh%&tty NCOs...

Edited by Dave63

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Glad ALS is in the past, not looking forward to NCOA though.

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