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Looking for work

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I kow this isnt exactly the sort of thing that you would normally see on here, but what the heck.


To get straight to the point im looking for work preferably within the UK in IT. I graduated with a degree in computer networks and have yet to find full time employment.


I have posted this here because I have tried everything else, signed up to various websites etc and have had no luck. Maybe there are people here who knows someone, who knows someone who may be looking for someone to work for them. If this is the case then drop me a PM and I can forward my CV onto you.


Thanks for any help



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You thought of joining the military? With a degree in computer networks, I am quite sure they would have a job for you. RAF would be your best bet.



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Well I have been to the RAF careers office. They basically said that they have over enlisted and will not be recruiting until maybe april. Unless I wanted to be a Dentist, Musician or an RAF regiment gunner. I was quite dissapointed coming out of the office tbh because I had hoped they would have been more enthusiastic about me joining, especially with my qualifications...



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Well I have been to the RAF careers office. They basically said that they have over enlisted and will not be recruiting until maybe april. Unless I wanted to be a Dentist, Musician or an RAF regiment gunner. I was quite dissapointed coming out of the office tbh because I had hoped they would have been more enthusiastic about me joining, especially with my qualifications...




How about the US Military? We get foreign nationals all the time and with a degree in computer, might be a good look. I know the USAF is looking for guysl ike that as my brother in law did the same thing. They were giving a signing bonus as well.

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Well thats an interesting thought. Iv never really thought about joining another military before. If its going to be a military career it has got to be an airforce. I would love to work with military aircraft....



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Guest Raden

How about the US Military? We get foreign nationals all the time and with a degree in computer, might be a good look. I know the USAF is looking for guysl ike that as my brother in law did the same thing. They were giving a signing bonus as well.


Give INDONESIA specially Jakarta a try! If u can handle graphic designs (for commercials in the private TVs quite a lot here!), And why not join the U.S. N.S.A. or the CIA??? Well-paid I believe.....



There are some really strong US private companies doing IT in Jakarta alone.


Ah, but in mostly hi-tech security-related fields here in Jakarta and most major cities I am afraid u will have to compete against the REALLY very smart, YOUNG, ex-MOSSAD guys the masters in IT!!!


They are in their late 20s, u believe that? Then kindly read MOSSAD, By Way Of Deception. It 'produces' lots of young, very smart, industrious young men who have been really really savvy in IT things, And the organization, the "M" mentioned, did encourage them to take early retirement and started new LEGAL business in IT, and security-related fields.


If u fly as well private, medium-sized jets, there might also be openings. My own mothernal uncle, at 61 is still flying one of it.



Edited by Raden
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Just been onto the USAF website. It looks like you need to be residing in the US to be able to join (have a 'green' card) dntknw.gif


May register and have a chat with one of the recruiters anyway



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Just been onto the USAF website. It looks like you need to be residing in the US to be able to join (have a 'green' card) dntknw.gif


May register and have a chat with one of the recruiters anyway




I know that's BS, I had new recruits in my flights I pushed as a TI, that were from all over the world. I had a dorm chief that was Russian, I had 2 more from Poland. I had a couple Brits.

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I know where you're coming from Mike...I am an MCSE...paid £3,000 for the priveledge!...but soon found out, it was like leaving school again!...no experience was the usual palm off...so I thought F*** you lot!...And went self employed!...never looked back...trouble is of course, I dislike bosses so much now...I am virtually unemployable!...which is actually no bad thing imho!


I wish you luck m8

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I've had Soldiers from Canada, Puerto Rico, New Zealand, Japan, Ukraine, and the Philippines in my unit. They have all earned their American Citizenship over the years. I'm not sure if you want to become a American citizen; but I know its plausible. My Dad and little brother were both in the Air Force; I personally liked the Army and have been doing it for 17.5 years now. Speaking from personal experience; a good IT guy is worth his weight in gold :good:

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I've been in the IT field since late 1991. Earned my A+ cert in 1997, my Network + cert in 1998, and my MCSE in 1999 (NT 4.0).


I started out (late 1990 - mid 1993) performing break-fix service on HP laserjets and Zerox copiers. Made more money doing that (adjusting for inflation), than I did as a network admin, in 2003-2005. Of course, there's no money in break-fix service anymore, unless you're self-employed.


The IT market here is essentially in the toilet, and there's a lot of qualified people, who are currently unemployed. Joining the military, or getting an IT-position with a federal,state, or local government agency, is the way to go.

Edited by Fubar512

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Pimping my own service but you could try the Royal Navy, you could try for aircrew or air engineer. They might try and push you down the Weapons Engineer route but just say no, they kept trying to make me a Marine Engineer because of my degree but it's one of the few branches I've kept well away from!

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If I hear anything Mike I will drop you a PM helps work with me working IT...

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A Friend of my family went to study in Norfolk in early 2001 he enlisted after the and did 2 tours in Iraq and one in Afghanistain(or something like that)

he got the green card and just lefted the Army last year.


last conversation i had with him...he told me that you can get the green card if you live there as a civil for 5 years, or mary with an us citzen.

but i think he got while he was serving in US Army.

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Thanks for the replies guys. I have had a look at the all of the UK armed forces but tbh, the only one id truly like to join is the RAF. Im gonna have a chat with a USAF recruitment guy 2moro online to see where I would stand with joining.



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Thanks for the replies guys. I have had a look at the all of the UK armed forces but tbh, the only one id truly like to join is the RAF. Im gonna have a chat with a USAF recruitment guy 2moro online to see where I would stand with joining.




Mike make sure you get a transcript of what he says, I can advise you incase he tries to BS you.

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The IT market here is essentially in the toilet, and there's a lot of qualified people, who are currently unemployed. Joining the military, or getting an IT-position with a federal,state, or local government agency, is the way to go.


You can say that again, it's even worse if you're an older worker without a job. Impossible to be hired for anything, even consulting now.

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Mike make sure you get a transcript of what he says, I can advise you incase he tries to BS you.



Thanks Dave. Much appreciated.


I dont think im going to have a chance to do the chat today though. It will most probably be tommorow now.



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Ping me anytime. I am here to help.

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Also, don't forget that with things the way they are now people are taking jobs outside their career field and below their previous wages just to bring home a paycheck. It's basically an "employer's market" right now with them able to pick and choose and still have no trouble filling slots.

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I know that's BS, I had new recruits in my flights I pushed as a TI, that were from all over the world. I had a dorm chief that was Russian, I had 2 more from Poland. I had a couple Brits.


My supervisor is from England. Infact, he was security forces before he ever got a green card.


Just talk to one of our recruiters. They would love to help you out.

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Also, don't forget that with things the way they are now people are taking jobs outside their career field and below their previous wages just to bring home a paycheck. It's basically an "employer's market" right now with them able to pick and choose and still have no trouble filling slots.

Outside of government, its not an employer's market when employers are going out of business. The productive sector is closing up shop, business and labour together. Woolworths over in UK surprised me a bit, as it had survived the 1930s great depression but failed last year, or at least most stores closed so I heard.

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"Woolworths over in UK surprised me a bit"


Was working for them when it hit the fan, then spent most of last year unemployed before starting work with the DWP (beneffis office admin)... amazing what a degree in aeronautical engineering can get you these days blink.gif



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I don't mean the employers are having a great time, I'm just saying those that ARE hiring have the pick of the litter compared to 10 years ago when you could always find a better offer from another company.

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I've been in the IT field since late 1991. Earned my A+ cert in 1997, my Network + cert in 1998, and my MCSE in 1999 (NT 4.0).


I started out (late 1990 - mid 1993) performing break-fix service on HP laserjets and Zerox copiers. Made more money doing that (adjusting for inflation), than I did as a network admin, in 2003-2005. Of course, there's no money in break-fix service anymore, unless you're self-employed.


The IT market here is essentially in the toilet, and there's a lot of qualified people, who are currently unemployed. Joining the military, or getting an IT-position with a federal,state, or local government agency, is the way to go.


I hear you Bro ..same here BA computer science, A+ MCSE CCNA yet its been 2 years now many resumes sent ..no takers..just a few idiots offering part time jobs for the same salary as a burger flipper at Mickey D's and there is a freeze on gov jobs here also

Edited by Veltro2k

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