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Well Well Well.......Lookie Who Got Caught........

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Turn him over to us, we "interrogate" him for information, then we hang his traitorious ass just like in the Revolutionary War! Oh and we dont tell anyone about it. That he doesn't have the martydom following.....he just disappears......... butcher.gif



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I'm thinking something more... classic... guillotine perhaps ?

Or since they like to sacrifice theirselves for their Allahu so much , let us crucify him in the name of god ! Sounds good ?

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The last 2 people I thought should be tried for sedition where elected president.

Yeah right now I'm immersed in what our founding fathers went thru and had to look forward to if captured. In the 18th century you could of been arrested and strung by the neck for treason for shoplifting or being any kind of inconvience to His/Her Majesty. I believe these laws are unchanged.

What chaps my hide is this young gentlemen now belongs to the US Departement of Justice and not a platoon of Rangers, Marines, SEALs, CIA,or any other boots on the ground that have lost many friends to this young gentlemens activities. Lawyers First and above.

I hope somebody water boards him with pig urine.


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That's funny as hell...I had just read today about his newest video tirade that had just come out. And then right after that, he gets his ass captured. Wonder how that works...





Edited by FastCargo

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I'm with Dave. Just turn him over to CIA or Homeland Security and just make him disappear.

No headlines or media attention.

Let everyone(if anyone cares)wonder what happened to him.

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if this scum is not tried as a traitor that will be the biggest travisty of justice since Johny "taliban" Walker Lynd was not executed.yes I wholeheartedly agree he needs to be pumped for everything he knows then quietly disposed of in some backwater millitary base,never to be herd from again.

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I'm not quite sure CIA and the office of Homeland INCONVENIENCE belong in the same sentence.

DHS is almost as worthless as FEMA. They both use folks in the field from other agencies to perform work on the ground. FEMA and DHS do a great job of generating policy,direction, and what?


Edited by charlielima

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Bah, hanging would be too good! Get Medieval on his ass! Would be nice to see him "spread-eagled" if it weren't considered cruel/unusual. If you can't find it online, it involves the words: "still living," "split the chest cavity open," "lungs," and "crows, or other scavanger birds." Think you get the idea.


Just do so as quietly as possible.

Edited by Caesar

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I hate to say this but I would like to have an hour alone with this guy..or any other person who betrays this country.Evil sometimes needs to be disposed of in harsh ways. :sorry:

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If it where me I would feed him to the pig's no traces left as pig's eat everything... okay cruel and unusual so what... and it will be a serious affront to his twisted version of the religon he follow's... no 50 virgin's for him...


Just before you do torture him but don't record the information as it will most likely be worthless now that the fun loving media have said he's been caught...

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I say we make him drink......Keystone Light too.

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Too bad that the sarlac in Star Wars is only a fictional creature. Would be nice to throw him in and be digested for over a thousand years. I think we could use some methods that were displayed in the Saw movies. :skull:

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I say we make him drink......Keystone Light too.

OH GOD Dave you are just evil!!!

I say bring up here where I live,I have some friends who would love the chance to spend some"quality time"with his traitorous ass. Around here"Deliverance"is a love story.

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I'm not for death penalty, as it would create one martyr more. But would he be considered a martyr, if he were left alive but endured: physical castration, complete and definitive laser removal of any hair, surgical operations to have whore lips beyond all standards, and permanent face tatoos in pink and purple to perfect the illusion? Sure that after that, he won't ever be again an Al-Quada leader, or just the one who never appears on video tapes.

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What about rendering him unconscious, injecting some whisky in his blood, spilling some more whisky into a car, leave the bottle on the co-pilot seat and then sitting him on the driver car and crashing (I'm talking about a remote controlled car, of course, no need to hurt anyone else) on a bridge pilar while running 250 Km/h? I mean, it's too good compared to what those people deserve, but perhaps, yihadist wannabes might think twice before following someone who doesn't even meet the standards for an average muslim (Hey, he called himself a yihaddist and yet he died because he crashed while driving heavily drunk what kind of muslim is that :grin:)

Edited by shotdown

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Since this thread is all about cruelty and evil, here's another one I heard. Put a hungry rat on his belly, and cover it with an iron bucket. Use a blowtorch to heat up the bucket. The rat will notice this and try to DIG itself out of there through the path of least resistant - which is more yielding, iron or flesh? I'll let you imagine the rest...

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Maybe we should let a horny stallion make him its mare? :grin:

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Maybe we should let a horny stallion make him its mare? grin.gif



Snap a set of jumper cables to his 'junk'... and give him a few hundred Die-Hard cranks.... those batteries never die... but his will.






PS... It's all over the press, it's not him anyway... a mix-up in his name... unless the CIA is trying to cover loose tracks.

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Snap a set of jumper cables to his 'junk'... and give him a few hundred Die-Hard cranks.... those batteries never die... but his will.






PS... It's all over the press, it's not him anyway... a mix-up in his name... unless the CIA is trying to cover loose tracks.


Yeah I saw that or as you said OVS.....he is going to disappear.

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I say we make him drink......Keystone Light too.


i say its lack of p....

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Just be glad they got him!...there are plenty of them out there...and all of them deserve whats coming to them!

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FC will appreciate this one.... Let 'Management' deal with him.

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FC will appreciate this one.... Let 'Management' deal with him.


Yeah or let Simon have him.....better yet maybe Michael (after Management lets him go) can take care of him.

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