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One kill, three pics:








Yes, it was close... the repainted Hunter F.1 pit awaits approvement

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Amberly Rhino, outbound...

(coming soon)



kevin stein

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Nice for training......




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...Tactical Takeoff.



Combat Landing. Worst one was my first one in a C-130 in 2004, landing in Balad, Iraq. Dark, looking out of a porthole, praying that we land...

post-5735-028155200 1291764882.jpg

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somebody's missing a tile!!


you need a few of the ISFARMAB.bmps!! (although I'd prefer one without the extra farm bits, totally empty)



kevin stein

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Hehe yeah...


Something not likely to be seen again..

post-5735-054682100 1291766400.jpg

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Thank you Stary for your Flora cockpit! :clapping:


I've tried to find other parameters in order to see fuselage antenna from your 'pit'...


In 'Yak-23_cockpit.ini'... [CockpitSeat001]... 'Position=0.00,-1.365,0.915'

In 'Yak-23_data.ini'... [Fuselage]... 'ShowFromCockpit=TRUE' (added in this section)


What do you think?


Coupi. :salute:

Edited by Coupi

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Thank you Stary for your Flora cockpit! :clapping:


I've tried to find other parameters in order to see fuselage antenna from your 'pit'...


In 'Yak-23_cockpit.ini'... [CockpitSeat001]... 'Position=0.00,-1.365,0.915'

In 'Yak-23_data.ini'... [Fuselage]... 'ShowFromCockpit=TRUE' (added in this section)


What do you think?


Coupi. :salute:


Many thanks! I'll add those in the file announcement topic :ok:

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Greek RF-4E , a recon bird you don´t want to mess with :grin:







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Dave those Tomcat pics you posted the 6 th of December, are not available to download I supose. Any idea of a release date?

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An instrument hood...love it!




I tell you after years of flight simming this is the best cutesy thing that I'm aware of. It may be available on the FSX version, but its just neat...

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Magic Carpet


(BAC Lightning F.52)


Nice Spinners! Can we expect a Kuwaiti F.53 soon also? Or a true What-If, three-tone camo'd Saudi Lightning. There was rumor of one being painted that way, but I've never seen photos. Only drawings.



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Kuwait is a selectable nation for the F.53; just check the userslit ini for it. (needs proper serials, of course...)



kevin stein

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Where am I?




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The Gobi Desert? Howabout Vietnam? What about that A-7(?) you are flying?.... no wait, what the hell is it that you are flying?

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Waterworld!! If you look carefully, you can almost see kevin costner!!



kevin stein

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Bullets in the blue sky.

post-5735-046435200 1291866437.jpg

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Dave's over Cuba...?

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Prollly...I sent him down there for more cee-gars "rolled on the thighs of virgins" :lol:


EDIT: judging by the tileset, either Madagascar or Cuba (more likely Madagascar -- too much brown, the OTC map is more green)



kevin stein

Edited by Wrench

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