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no worries. like he said in Flight of the Phoenix, you do alot of reading sitting in the pax shed waiting on a 130. oh wait thats my version of the line!


Or a C-17, UH-60, CH-47.... :smile:

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23rd and 480th TFS's 52nd TFW Spangdahlem AB



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526th TFS



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Those skins look like they're from the 526th TFS... looking great Dave like the Euro 1 stuff better than the SEA camo


And as for the flaps Ceasar I don't mess with them since the Super Hornet's are more automatic than manual so I'm fairly stable throughout the flight regime.


I swear Goose was flipping him off.... At least I think he was....

post-5735-076888400 1297312836.jpg

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Edited by EricJ

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How was that done? a TGA for the exhaus pipes which starts to glow like a afterburner effect depends on your RPM. Just a higher RPM and you will have this "small" afterburner effect for the pipes? Or just photoshopped?

Looks beautfull!

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How was that done? a TGA for the exhaus pipes which starts to glow like a afterburner effect depends on your RPM. Just a higher RPM and you will have this "small" afterburner effect for the pipes? Or just photoshopped?

Looks beautfull!


No photoshop. It's done with dedicated effects and many fake jet engines. for low rpm (dry exhaust) the orange-yellow effects and for high rpm the (AB exhaust) the bright blueish ones. Just testing the concept for the KAW mod.

Edited by Spillone104

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Didn´t YAP did that too with their Invader?

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Didn´t YAP did that too with their Invader?


Never knew about it. :dntknw: Anyway this similar effect will be freeware. :grin:

Here is applied to the TW P-51D

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nice effects! but will it run ok on lower end systems or be a framerate killer?(please let it work low end pleeeease!)

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Of course the fun thing about DACT is you don't always have to fly with an air-to-air loadout...


One of the dangers is the MANPADS threat


Revenge is a dish best served cold but a liberal dose of high-explosives is good too

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One of the dangers is the MANPADS threat




what freakin MANPAD did that to a Hog!?!?!?!?!?!:blink: i've seen rebuilt ones at Pope on open houses that were billed as having been hit with 23mm and bigger dozens of times in one sortie and makin it home. i believe Fayetteville Observer did an article because one of the pilots to suffer such damage over Bagdad was a female. and a MANPAD has less destructive force than say 50 hits by 23 and 57mm AAA. hmmmph.


gotta talk to TK bout the shoulder mounted SA-18s:grin:

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Well it really wasn't just ONE that hit him, more like two (a total of three or four were fired from that location). I use the StingerB from Wrench modded so it's less accurate but kept the warhead weight. So I don't have any real hard data (I need to improve my Google-Fu though) and get a more accurate warhead weight so I just go with what I have now.




Original weight was 3 kgs for the Stinger so wasn't too far off...

Edited by EricJ

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hmmph. not fussin you but still alot more damage done by a ballistic round (dont think 23mm blows up just blow thru) than a 3 kg warhead (or 3) detonated and flinging light shrapnel within proximity. screw the golden BB, you were shot by the golden haji!!!!

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Well fortunately it wasn't me but it was my SEAD flight. Sometimes they wax the opposition sometimes they get shredded so it's a tossup. Thankfully the other one survived so me and him spent some time nuking the area because of that.


Basically I fly about 23.000MSL to stay above and I try not to break 21,000 around the NW, W, and SW areas of the map with that missile. Out east I get about 22,000 and I'm fine.

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Almost done...




Looking nice! I'll make a workable PSD for upload too tomorrow or later on tonight.

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Thanks Eric...I'm using the skins as a basis for the Normal and Specular maps, so the PSDs will help a lot. Plus I did some additional tweaks to the model and I'm converting everything over to DDS to save space. Basically, I'm using as much new stuff as I can to get practice for the KAW mod models.



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No worries the PSD will just be more cleaned up than it is now, removing or reducing the amount of layers present.

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The one thing about Afghanistan is no matter what time period (even the real country today) you can't win. So in 1991 I gotta come in low for landings while in 2011 I'm used to flying so high that I have to do a tactical landing. The good thing is that though the SEA skin isn't popular with me it is however well done for this skin, great work Dave....



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Really nice set of skins for the Phantom, Dave ! :cool:


Few screen of the F-4D Loran, a nice addon.








Xclusiv8, what sort of clouds are on your screens with the F-18 ? Very nice looking ! :good:

Edited by Gustav

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Sweet Rhino pics guys!

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