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NATO Exercises in Turkey

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More WIP:


CVW14 A-7Es.jpg


If someone knows how to limit which decals a squadron uses, please tell me. I've altered the numbers.lst for VA-27 to only include the 400 series Modex, but the 300 series is still the only ones that appear on the jet.

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Going Feet dry.


Stary thanks for the tip with the flightengine.ini. Now my tress are always there.




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the modex you need must be IN the decals folder for that squadron's skin (been dealing with that issue for yeeeeeaaaaaarrsss!!!)


otherwise, it'll pull the the whole sequence from the cat.


(edit: broke the rule: NO POSTS WITHOUT A SCREENSHOT!!)




Demons of the North Atlantic


(btw, anyone have working drop tanks for this bird?? mine don't!)

Edited by Wrench

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Some more Royal Danish Air Force action from Operation Mannerheim's Shield.











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found lovely Jaguar Gr.3A in downloads, love the modified Tornado pit


(why other Tornado models aren't updated to this pit I ask?)




kudos to the creators!:good:

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Stary - It's a F3 cockpit, the GR1/4 is different although the GR4 is pretty close to that with it's new displays but it's still missing all the ground attack switch panels on the top of the L+R combing.



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and finally remembered to turn off the Tree Fade in Options.ini and set DetailMesh=16 in the FlightEngine.ini and the terrain looks sooooo much better (citys don't appear block by block anymore!)



Edited by ianh755

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Stary - I'm using Sundowners UK-wip terrain so the water might look a little off anyway. Here's your Enhanced Germany and JSF-Aggie's Desert water, looks OK to me.





Edited by ianh755

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no I won't look into the mirror, don't wanna see who's in the back seat



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@ Soulfreak:

Where I can find those RN Hunter skins?

I searched at the Skins section and didn't find anything... :dntknw:

I've got the FRADU Hunter from the Aircraft download section, but it's skin doesn't look so nice.


I have kept a couple of older screenshots of yours on the same subject:





Edited by elephant

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hellacios mission .... defending Ark Royal's BG against a gaggle of Bears, I didn't really notice the Brewers sneaking around (ok, I saw "Yak-25", and my mind thought the fighter version....)


Until I caught the large flashs.... Bears buzzing around, my wingmates gone, out of guns & missiles, down to a single finger...


carrier hit, but not sunk. Wow, really shows that missile equiped AD ships are truely needed!

Edited by Wrench

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Its amazing how much difference a setting on my monitor make the sim look better.

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Its amazing how much difference a setting on my monitor make the sim look better.


Really? :cool::grin:



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Lockheed F-104E's - 112th TFS, Ohio ANG, 1985

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nice one Spinners!


some more modern day flying over Baltic states:








side note:

OF COURSE TK (specially?) fu**** up the way TOD objects are rendering post March2012 (NA.exe) and other older format map shaders for land and water too, so using my good old proven settings messes things up. Sheesh

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@Spinner I like your pic!


@Stary Super!


Coupi :bye:


Alert Alert... Red scramble!!!

Edited by Coupi

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@ Soulfreak:

Where I can find those RN Hunter skins?





Edited by Soulfreak

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