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What I'm Working On 1956 Add on to the Add on

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If we still have some time, I'll probably have a revision of the RF-84F skin between tomorrow and next week (depending on real life and how fast I solve/give up my decal weathering/noising tests), as I've got new photographic sources, finally :clapping:.

Scratch that, it's a complete number changes and scheme revision...

Most of the photos are dated and planes without wing bands were shot after the operation, back in France, when the wing bands were already removed but not the fuselage ones yet.

Likewise, the plane listed by most sources as 33-CO/52-7395 is actually 33-CQ/52-7335... and the list goes on, niarf :blink:

Even the text of my new reference is wrong, giving numbers contradicted by the accompanying photo, I've never seen such a mess for post-WW2 operations.

Once again, nothing beats photos precisely dated and localised.


I would offer to scan photographic references (almost none in color unfortunately) for any one needing/missing them, but I won't have access to a scanner and a serious net connection next week, so eventual requests are today, eventual deliveries tomorrow.


BTW Dave, I'm contemplating a stand-in Meteor FR.9 from the Meteor F.8 (will still lack the faired over guns ports and distinctive nose but better than nothing) to give the RAF recon assets, even though they historically were based on Malta, would that interest you ?

Edited by Gunrunner

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I thought about the PR.9 too but nixed it. The RF-84's will work just fine.

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OK, here is the Fury:






A well worn example, I much prefer that to factory fresh. Now Dave you have the individual aircraft code decals or do you want me to make them? Also, is there a holes.tga for this bird? If not, do you want me to make them? And how do I get the files to you BTW?


Anything else left to do?



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That us is perfect JB. I have the rest of the decals. So no worries. I also have the damage tgas.

Thank you.

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The meteor F-8 was not the only variant on 1956 Kadesh op.

There were 30 Meteors in 117 Squadron at Ekron AB, about 7 of them were of the FR-9 variant. Based on the F-8, it was 20 cm longer with a new nose incorporating a remote-control camera and window and was also fitted with additional external ventral and wing fuel tanks (from wiki).

Squadron 119 at Ramat David had 2 Meteors NF-13, the night fighter variant.


Edited by guyran

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Damn JB this is sweet. Thank you.

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yes... nice target :ok:


lovely skin

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the arabic number dosen't match the English number. The ones I did for the EAF Meteor F.4/F.8 are the same in both languages


that skin is VERY cool ... love the worn, used look best



kevin stein


edit, yah I"m being a rivet-counting picky bitch!! :grin:

Edited by Wrench

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the arabic number dosen't match the English number.


I could care less. It's AI in the campaign. I almost didnt get it any number decals at all. :good:

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in the data ini, in the /Engine section:







that's what bpao used; and knowing his work, I'd say they right on the money. Redline on the engine was around 3000-3200 rpm or thereabouts


Mabye change FastPropRPM= to 3000??? :dntknw: worth a shot! still keeps it below the redline.



kevin stein



The values set the min rpm for which the prop nodes are shown

Use FastPropRPM=1000 to skip the "fuzzy" prop texture


FastPropRPM=1300 to have the fuzzy prop from 0 to 25 % throttle ( since IdlePropRPM is 1000 )

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Yeah, I can do this one too, do you want this one or the Stirling first? The map for this one is better than the Stirling, but again the original UV map would be better if someone has it.



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Need this one first. It will be in the 1956 campaign.

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No probs, would still like the original map though if anyone knows how to get it??




Edit: Ed has kindly provided the maps for the Halifax and Stirling (thanks buddyclapping.gif ), should have the Halifax done in a few days and then the Stirling next weekend I think.

Edited by JimBeamer#5

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With Paul out of the picture for awhile, need someone to do the Venom skin now. Anyone?

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my template is completed, base off the original skin, upsized to 1024 ... but I think I got the underbelly color wrong .. I used the light gray ala hunters, instead of Azure Blue. Also, can't seem to match the Green sections correctly ... the standard RAF dark green seems to OD-ish, and any other seems too green.


also, the stripes will need adding ...


Anyone got R/G/B valuse for to correct green?


Give me a bit, and I'll post a screenie



kevin stein

Edited by Wrench

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ok, quickie screenie.

Colors are matched off the stock Hunters, FS matched numbers. Needs new serial number decals, too, methinks. Needs FM work, too. Roll rate is WAAAAAYYYY to high!!


Paulo, if there's anyway you can get me what you've got, I think I can make the needed edits



kevin stein

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Got a PM from Paul and he is down for the count. So we are on our own. I suggest using the roll rate values from the Vampire as a good starting point. Looking damn good and a relief that we have some one working on that I was worried.



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I have my home/game PC down. Very sorry about this.


What I've done:


6,8,249 Sq with Suez complete serials


Swiss Silver, Gray & Camo with historical serials


2 IRAQI camo with real arab numbers


1 Venezuela silver with own serials


New FM in testing. And some Cockpits options too.


When I'll be back in action (some days needed) I'll upload it.


Paul :bye:

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Paulo: brother, I TOTALLY feel the pain! Having just gone through it. Did the HD fail completely, or is it another problem?


What I was able to do on the old XPS, was yank the HD (even though it too was 'acting out/going south'), bought a external HD, an adaptor kit that allowed me to hook up the old one via external power and USB to another computer -sort of like using it as a pass-through, and save all the data off it the external HD. I basically lost nothing, except time.


If that could be an option for you, I'd take it!! It's a reall neat little kit, with adaptor for IDE, SATA, and one other; made me fell like an IT guy!!! :lol: (that knew what he was doing!). I got mine a Fryes, but I don't know anything about "large electronics super-stores" in Europe.


Hope you get back up and running soon!!



kevin stein


EDIT: redit the belly in PRU blue, seemed to be the closest

Edited by Wrench

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No Kevin. My issue should be a damned start switch. The HDs should be OK.


My friend David, who's an electronic engeneer, a microsoft europe beta tester and my personal computer pusher, ordered for me a new case to transplant ALL the system.


So I'm waiting ....


Thank You



Edited by paulopanz

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"Invasion stripes" on the Venom.


It should be noted, this skin is ONLY a stand-in until Paulo gets back up and running. You can see the stripes on the boom don't line up perfectly ( they're painted on the skin map, and I may remove them, don't know yet -but want to fiddle further), and there's the expected mapping issue on the lower right aileron. I may try and make a seperate stripes decal for just that one mesh....???? But, it's something!


and still can't get the damn RAF_letter decal to show on the rudder!!!


Dave, opinions? thoughts?



kevin stein


edit: ok, found my screwup on the letters, got them working. Anybody know the mesh name for the nose gear front door? (and yes, using those search words DON'T turn it up when looking into the LOD with my hex editor...)



Edited by Wrench

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Awesome Kevin, just awesome.

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here's the letters, and repositiong wing stripes (yes, they're decals)



kevin stein

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Could it be that the invasion stripes need to moved a bit further?

I know it's not very good to see here and these are Royal Navy aircraft, but there and on the image of kits depicting the RAF Venoms from the Suez time frame have the invasion stripes next to the tail boom.




I'm looking forward to this and would have probably volunteered to help, but my new job is currently taking the time I would need to get anything done...

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