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OFF Player Made Video Sticky Request

OFF PLayer Made Video Sticky  

26 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you like to see an OFF Player Made Videos sticky added to the forum so we as a community could share video footage of our personal air combat experiences with one another in a single, easy to locate thread?

    • Yes, I would love to have a thread added.
    • No, it would be a waste of time.

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Would it possible to have an "OFF Player Made Videos" Sticky on the Forums?


We have an excellent community and people here love to share their different experiences in "The Great War". We share written stories as well as screenshots of exciting duels. I really feel that being able to post user made videos is another excellent way to share our experiences with each other as well as have one more way to visibly demonstrate to anyone interested in OFF what an exciting and well crafted air war sim this really is. Obviously we wouldn't host the actual videos on this site. People just upload them to youtube and then just place the video link in the OFF Player Made Videos thread. Let's let the Devs know what we think. If enough people show an interest, perhaps they will be willing to do it.


Here is a quick video I made last night. It's raw footage but it can now be viewed in 720 HD format so you can see the details more clearly. Be sure to click the 360P in the lower left corner of the video and then select 720 HD for the sharpest picture.




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If everyone wants it we can make a sticky, it's getting a bit crowded again so maybe one or two others need to be merged.

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With 81 pages of the Screenshots Sticky, it would not only appear that it gets used, but that it is the Sticky most often added to by those frequenting the forums. Obviously people like to post and look at still pics of the game. But also, while there haven't been any 'No' votes as of yet to the Poll, I would like to see more than just 6 or so 'Yes' votes before we make work for the Forum Moderators. A great many people are viewing the Poll but not stating a preference. If folks really would enjoy it, please vote yes. If you wouldn't view it or add to it, please vote no. Your opinion matters so please don't leave without voting. If we can't get a bunch more yes votes, I'd rather not put any extra work on anyone to change things, as much as I'd love to have a place to view other players handywork in the skies over France.



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There. . . I've cast my NO vote, not so much as it's waste of time, but it is a piss-poor sense of timing.


So sorry that Hellshade upset your well developed sense of propriety. :boredom:


Really, the guy makes some vids and wants to share with the group. I say give him a damn sticky! :good:

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Salute.gif Someone said, " If you can get the milk free, why buy the cow?" My vote is No. I can only speak for myself and what sold me on OFF. 1. : a playable game.

2. : a game that can be played when the Net is down. 3. Searching out the Forum and reading what the player s felt and said about the game. 4. Finding out about the Help from the players in the forum Add the fact that the Developers were still supporting and developing the game. Those are the things that hooked me on off.


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I'd certainly watch the videos but I'm not convinced that many members will add to the sticky - it seems a lot of effort compared to taking a screenshot. But then I'm a newbie so what do I know :dntknw:

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i've never made a video, but love to watch them. so why not.

i love to watch videos and observe things like, how often is one checking his six, is he fighting for kills or for survival etc, how are the settings in the vids for me to get jaleous... good.gif .


especially the great vids like the vids of jammer or the release vids etc. i love to watch them. so a sticky would be fine and replace it with something unnecessary drinks.gif

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Salute.gif Someone said, " If you can get the milk free, why buy the cow?" My vote is No. I can only speak for myself and what sold me on OFF. 1. : a playable game.

2. : a game that can be played when the Net is down. 3. Searching out the Forum and reading what the player s felt and said about the game. 4. Finding out about the Help from the players in the forum Add the fact that the Developers were still supporting and developing the game. Those are the things that hooked me on off.



All of which are definately outstanding reasons for purchasing this fine sim. It is also true however that a number of folks, myself included, couldn't wait for the Devs to post another video of the upcoming P3 and then watched it repeatedly to see how fun and exciting the gameplay was going to be. I think I watched Movie #11 several times. If we can store player made videos off site on youtube, why not have an easy to find thread with links to tons of different player made movies? Some of the work I've seen other players do has been just amazing. That could only be one more reason for people to buy the flight sim. Now, if as Uncleal says, we risk dropping the whole forum just by adding a new Sticky, I would definately not want to see that happen. If there are threads that aren't being used much, maybe we can do as Pol says and combined them with other seldom used Stickys. If it looks like they are all in use pretty regularly, then either we need to look for a different solution or drop the idea.



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Jimminy Wiskers . . I mention that I witnessed the massive crash at SOH, and Now Hellshade announces to the world, I said it was caused by the excessive use of stickys. I sure am glad I didn't mention the Lindberg Kidnapping, because the FBI would be after me now . . too be continued . . I must answer my doorbell.


The fact remains that when a new phase is released, there are sooo many questions that require answers, the vast majority of the STICKYS( POOF ) Vanish, never to be seen again. Perhaps this time, they can just be moved to Sticky Limbo, that I don't know, as now space exists. In the past, it never did


Actually the video's could showcase the features of OFF. Phase 4 when released, can benifit from a little showcasing. Why Not Wait Until the Release. Can anyone control their creative juices around here ? ? ? ? ?



If the forum moderator would, kindly remove this thread, please. The poll has been closed and the request is withdrawn. The problem isn't technical in nature. Thank you to all who posted your opinions and took time to vote.



Edited by Hellshade

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I think it's a good idea.


:idea: Is there any way the Sticky section could be made as a single entry line with the subjects inside of it? Similar to opening up a folder in Explorer, or like a drop down web list? That way, it would take up very little room, leaving room for current subjects, but could be easily opened up/dropped down to show the sticky subjects for those interested, or brought back up quickly to see the current posts.

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Just an FYI kind of thing.


The beauty of things around here is that they can always be changed to accommodate the growing needs of the OFF community. If for example the General Section needs to have subcategories assigned to it so it is easier to read we can do that. That way the section can still have stickies but it can have subcategories with stickies of their own. While I won't suggest how to best organize things for the OFF guys I will suggest that it can be done to make things easier for everyone.



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Just an FYI kind of thing.


The beauty of things around here is that they can always be changed to accommodate the growing needs of the OFF community. If for example the General Section needs to have subcategories assigned to it so it is easier to read we can do that. That way the section can still have stickies but it can have subcategories with stickies of their own. While I won't suggest how to best organize things for the OFF guys I will suggest that it can be done to make things easier for everyone.




I knew you guys could do it.. Bravo! :salute:

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Cool Erik thanks for the note, do you have an example of how we could sub divide that?

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If the stickies are becoming too big you could always opt for something like:


OFF General Forums


-- Important Information (Sub Cat)

-- OFF Community Shared Content (Sub Cat)

-- Whatever Else Is Important (Sub Cat)



I guess since it's the OFF'ers who ultimately use these boards and the OFF Staff who moderate them it would be up to you guys how to create your filing system. If you want to see how sub categories work you can look at the Spanish Forum. They have tutorials as sub categories to their general discussion board. That should give you an idea what I'm talking about.



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Since it seems that this can be done without fear of losing the other Sticky's or threads, I'd like to ask the Forum Moderators if, given the votes and the reasons, they would consider making it happen. I'm in the process now of uploading a new video to youtube that I would very much like to see stay available for new folks visiting the forum to be able to view. I won't give it away, but let's just say it makes a good point about World War One flight sims. Maybe it will drum up a few more sales for OBD Software. It will be availaible in up to 1080P HD mode.



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idea.gif Could you make it a drop down list so that it is really easy to get to or hide? I'm sure you can... the reason is that I think it's important that when someone enters the General Discussion forum they see all the stickies and then can easily "roll them up," out of the way, to view all the current posts. This should be very easy to do using one promenade button that doesn't take you to another page where you have to come back to the main, General Discussion, forum page. Hope I'm making sense.. You have promenade dark blue buttons labeled "Watch Forum" and "Start New Topic" ..how about a third button labeled, "View Information Posts" or "View Sticky Posts" or something like that that would toggle them on or off?


I'm really glad Hellshade posted the request for a video sticky, it's an excellent idea, and along with the other stickies that have information and images, it fits right in with a quick pull down area for those new or interested in learning more about OFF's capabilities and solutions/suggestions.


A big thanks, this has got to be the best run forum around.. drinks.gif

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I can offer more sections (read: top level categories or sub categories) for posts to go into but a drop down wouldn't be a practical solution.


Stickies are to me promoted posts that are important. When you get enough stickies on any one subject you promote that subject to a category or sub category depending on visually what is easiest to find.


The knowledge base is a keen tool for developing a one stop place for FAQs or solutions. There is an OFF KB and I'm not sure how or if it's being used. The OFF Developers and Moderators manage everything OFF related and I tend to stay out of things here except where it might be globally site related or software related. I'll defer to whatever decisions the OFF leadership decides.



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Thanks for the ideas Erik, we'll have a look at what we can do.


Thanks for the vids Hellshade always appreciated.

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Watching others fly has definitely helped me learn new habits that increased my kill and survival rates.

Edited by BirdDogICT

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Watching others fly has definitely helped me learn new habits that increased my kill and survival rates.


Awesome. That's why I'm hoping more people will post some videos of their experiences. I bet there are many different skills I could learn from watching others fly.



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