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Guest Tazkiller

Last update was December 18, 2010


Anything new you can share fellas?

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Not at this time.

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We are still working on this... But you can't rush quality.



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We have so much new stuff in the works. That it will be quite some time for a final release.. Some of it hasn't reached the skinning stage yet and some isn't started. TK have implemented a lot of new features since the start of this project. And we would like to take advantage of this in our mod.

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Very beautiful!!! :good:


Many thanks to the Team for your project... :salute:


Coupi. :bye:

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One of the reasons why this mod is taking so much time to create. Is my personal quest to get those natural metal finishes perfect. Experimenting with different techniques. Learning to think in 3D no longer 2D while skinning. Now its 3 different maps for the same surface. You have to fit together in a higher equation. So one map doesn't spoil the greater picture. I'm not a professional graphic artist so its a lot of trial and error. But I'm slowly getting in the right direction

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The skin and bumpmaps looking spectacular!!!


May I say that the problem with the canopy comes from the creating method. Had the same on some birds, as I have extrude "planes" from a current canopy glas. Sometimes I had some bars and have removed them .. after this I have closet the holes of the canopy and recieved this shadow problem. I have remodeled the canopy shape again from scratch and it was all good! No shadow issues


Don`t know if you have adressed it already. Hope I could help a bit :drinks:

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Thanks Martin.. To be honest I didn't noticed it before you mentioned it... Guess I have to talk with the 3D guy :grin:

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Spectacular Henrik!:clapping:

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Thanks Przemek... Still experimenting since the dented uneven surface bump mapping used on the fuselage is no use on the wings... Simply looks awful :blink: So I need to figure out another way to makes those surfaces look right. :heat: But I learn something new each time I discover some tricks.



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Try slightest possible scratches on normalmap around leaging edges

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Might be a good idea

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give it a try, might turn out interesting, match it with some scratching on specular map

for my still-in-the-limbo Mig-9 I did "strong cause soviet" bumps on wings, but those were waay overdone:


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make them bigger, much bigger, maybe slightly emboss around rivets lines

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Great work! Though I second Stary on making the dimples bigger! What resolution are you using for your texture maps and how many for the plane? Just wondering for my MiG-25.

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2 maps for this plane. Both 4096x4096 in DDS format. But if you maximize the layout of the map it could probably be cooked down to one map with the same result. (A lot of unused space on the maps for this bird. But easier to skin due to the layout)

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Well we should use JPG.

Less file size and quality is the same I think!

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worse actually, and takes more memory I think; Jules would explain ins-and-outs of the differences of formats

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Enrico & myself made the experience (for the Ginas) that jpg is better than alpha channeled dds5 images.

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ok, I take it back then :good:

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