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War in Korea closer than we thought

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Tension is high at the UN after North Korea's artillery attack on a South Korean island Tuesday. Today (24/11/2010), both Australia and the United States have vowed their support of South Korea.

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sadly a bunch of GI's will get hurt before we (US) react to this nutjobs actions. and if the N koreans keep it up the ROK's might just get sick of finding diplomatic solutions and start it alone. notice i said start......................

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Two south korean marines have died during the artillery attack and north korea has said they will continue the attacks and get this they blame the south koreans.

Edited by Riley64

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north korea has said they will continue the attacks and get this they blame the south koreans.


Where are these Infos from?

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These two have been sabre-rattling for the past 50 years...although this latest attack up's the Ante somewhat

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Yes, but this artillery attack was the 1st of this kind since 1953.

And just after it came public,

that the North-Korean Nuclear programm is much bigger then thought. :blink:

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You cannot reason with the irrational. You cannot forever appease those thirsty for power. You can not let the transgressions of aggressors go unpunished. You can not turn a blind eye.


And if you let them get away with it all they will do it again and again and again.


As they already have and will continue to do.

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Who is ratteling with the sabre is not really willing to draw the sabre. I dont know, what the mad Kims are doing, and why, but a beginning of a war looks different from the action of yesterday.

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wanting a war and threatning are two different things. however if you threaten forcefully enough the other guy may get sick of it or stop thinking youre bluffing, and tho its been ongoing 50 years, this year the ROK has lost around 50 guys and a warship has been sunk and artillery fired into a civilian town. nations have lashed out for far less my friends...

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I've seen the theory bandied about that the sanctions are really taking their toll and this is NK's stupid way of trying to get the US and others back to the negotiating table to give them concessions on supplies and trade.

Sort of a "give me what I want or I'll start a war!!" type of tantrum.


Ironic that F4:AF had a Korea 2010 campaign.

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North Korea is always looking to blame The South for something.

No matter what it is,The North starts it and then they blame The South.

They know that we will send a Carrier Battle Group to the area.

That will give The North some other excuse to threaten war.

The North obviously thinks that China has their back. I'm not to sure that China will want to get into it with their largest trade partner-us.

The World situation is a lot different now than in 1950.

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Em. Right and wrong.

North Korea is important for China, because it is a buffer state. It is not in chinese interest, that american soldiers are standing at the Yalu river. Thatswhy they will back up the Kims as long as possible.


On the other hand there is no peace treaty between North and South Korea. Technically spoken they are still in war, and the USA is also seen as a "war party" by the north koreans. Personally i think, that a peace treaty would be the best solution. It would end the war status and it would give the North Korean leaders the amount of safety they want, and vice versa for South Korea.

At the moment the armies of both sides are in high alert. The south korean Navy held yesterday a naval exercise close to the island yon...something. It is more than possible, that a north korean officer felt threaten by the exercise and opend the fire. It reminds me to the NATO autumn exercise seria 1983, when the NATO troops advanced toward east and the soviets misinterpreted the exercise "Able Archer" as a real countdown for WW3.

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Em. Right and wrong.

North Korea is important for China, because it is a buffer state. It is not in chinese interest, that american soldiers are standing at the Yalu river. Thats why they will back up the Kims as long as possible.


China is also interested in trading, much more so than in some stupid war that totally kills economy and since we have globalization now it will affect global economy - nobody likes that. The N. Korea however still holds on to the old stalinist ways sanctions are killing them and China is affected by that in turn by a bunch of refugees and a potentional humanitarian crisis should N.Korea's isolation continue.

Make no mistake totalitaristic regime in N.Korea is a pain in the butt for China.


Actually for a complete situation where everything is different yet everything stays the same, China should resolve the N.Korean problem by itself, by whatever means...ofcourse reactions to such action are quite unpredictable...

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That would be all the World needs at the moment!...A full blown War breaking out in Korea!...I bet the Taliban are rubbing their hands together

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The North's only bargaining chip is its constant teasing with its military. If tensions escalate then destroy their capacity to make war and be done with it. No occupation, no nation rebuilding, just destruction of the opposing force.

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Ironic that F4:AF had a Korea 2010 campaign.


Yeah I wish the best NK could muster was some old MiG-29s in that !




One factor in this is that South Korea has a lot more to lose - like a good economy - NK have pretty much nothing to lose - apart from the knowledge that they can push SK pretty far as we are seeing!

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According to latest news, 4 minutes after the artillery strike, South Korea launched 2 F-16 to the area, possibly upon detection of North Korea's MiG-23 airbourne, South Korea scrambled 6 F-15 and 6 F-16 to reinforce the two F-16 sent on earlier. At that point, a total of 6 F-15 and 8 F-16 were up aginst 5 MiG-23. The F-16 was instructed to destroy North Korea artillery targets on the ground, and obviously the F-15 were to provide escort and wild weasel support. The 5 MiG-23 were supposed to intercept the first 2 F-16. An air war nearly broke cease-fire treaty signed half a century ago!


What is the likelihood that the MiG-23 can counter the F-16 and F-15 given that MiG-23 is quite out-dated isn't it?

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What is the likelihood that the MiG-23 can counter the F-16 and F-15 given that MiG-23 is quite out-dated isn't it?



Given that S. Korea maintains a well drilled, trained, supplied, and equipped military, probably little to none. I'm unaware of the missiles used by the ROKAF but it undoubtedly possesses bvr capability, something I believe the MiG-23 is not capable of, at least in North Korean hands. Coupled with superior training and the F-16 and F-15 outclassing the MiG-23 in almost all areas: MiG-23 = lose



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Given that S. Korea maintains a well drilled, trained, supplied, and equipped military, probably little to none. I'm unaware of the missiles used by the ROKAF but it undoubtedly possesses bvr capability, something I believe the MiG-23 is not capable of, at least in North Korean hands. Coupled with superior training and the F-16 and F-15 outclassing the MiG-23 in almost all areas: MiG-23 = lose


I also thought the same.


But then I believe a war at this time is not possible. There are 2 sides under the current situation, US + JP + SKR Vs RU + CN + NKR. Given the US's economy downturn at home, and 2 battlefields out there, taking up another war in the Far East would be the most unlikely. JP worries about the possible refugee influx in case of a full-bloom Korean War so she doesn't want escalation either. As for SKR, a merge of North and South would result in something similar to West Germay merging with East Germany which has been creating far too many issues mostly economically.


On the other side, China exports countless resources to NKR, food mainly as well as energy to make sure the stability of the state. In the event of a full-scale war, China will most likely take part in the conflict and at the same time receive refugees if NKR loses the war. More importantly, China will be politically a dead cat in the UN and will face tremendous pressure when she realizes her backyard is now opened to the US + Allied military invasions. China also has no assertions given by the RU to reinforce her defense or offence militarily.


Thats' my 2 cents!

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CN doesnt stand this for Canada? :grin:

Canada+Russia+North Korea

The axis of the bears

grizzly bears + polar bears + no bears


Edited by Gepard

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CN doesnt stand this for Canada? :grin:

Canada+Russia+North Korea

The axis of the bears

grizzly bears + polar bears + no bears



The right to bear arms...or is that the right to arm bears...





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hey, fuza. where did you get the report on the planes. i only went with yahoo news. this is dangerous as they fired fresh arty late yesterday when the US cmdr was touring the area. There is a high chance of accidents happening thoguht to trigger a war esp with the carrier battle group coming soon.

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