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Guess where I've been today?

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Today I'll start a tour all over the world, to visit places where OFF Pilots live.

And I want to play it like a little game:


The OFF Pilots, who recognise their home town from the picture, post here,

that they have recognised their town.

If you don't want to spread here, which the name of your town is, you could

just say: Hi, here's .... and that's my town. I will know, if you are right.


As soon as the picture of the place is recognised by it's inhabitant, I will move

on to another town.


I will not try to show here the most beautiful view of the towns - I'll just pick

places I find interesting or I have heard about.


I will use Google Street View for this, as far as possible, and hope they won't

mind. It's not for making any profit, and should be even a commercial for them.

The pictures will get deleted, as soon as someone identified their place - I'd

fill up all my attachment space otherwise.


Okay, here we go:

Whose town is this? And what do we see in the picture?


The picture got deleted to make room for new ones - here was:


Town One: Newcastle upon Tyne

Barras Bridge, near Haymarket;

looking at the "Crow's Nest" Pub

Edited by Olham

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Thats too obvious for an Englander... Its Widowmakers home town possibly Consett in North East England!!! I spent 5 years up there... Looks like the 4 bus which runs through Consett to Shotley Bridge... :drinks:


Nice Idea must say...

Edited by Slartibartfast

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Tch - Slartibartfast, are you living in that town? Did you read the rules?? :rtfm::banned:

You won't get nothing for Christmas!


PS: ...and it's not Consett.

Edited by Olham

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Tch - Slartibartfast, are you living in that town? Did you read the rules?? :rtfm::banned:

You won't get nothing for Christmas!


PS: ...and it's not Consett.


My apologies I will go and throw myself out in the snow... :suicide2:

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Welll - but go out without the gun, please, and really only salt yourself in the white stuff.

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That looks like a bus headed to Darlington - I suspect that Widowmaker will along shortly...

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Seems I better change the game a little.

An OFF Pilot might be on holidays, and it would take ages, 'till he'd find the pic.

So I will post more, if someone doesn't react.


So, here's our next picture: Whose town is this?

Picture got deleted again: Fort Myers, Florida

County Highway 865 to Fort Myers Beach, crossing 5th Avenue;

looking at Wahoo Willie's & Billfish Bar








Edited by Olham

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I think I've ridden on that bus line in the first picture, but there was a fair amount of good British ale involved at the time so I could be mistaken about that. :grin:



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Hey - seems half of the members of "Planet OFF" know that bus line???

Only the fellow who lives there doesn't seem to notice.

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So, here's our next picture: Who's town is this?


I figure Carrick does. That's SoCal if I ever saw it. Maybe it's Hawaii, but I'm betting on SoCal,


BTTW, I'm sure my bailiwick will be a dead giveaway. Nothing but jungle :).

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This is either tougher than I thought, or the two OFFers haven't seen it yet.

Maybe that not everybody knows single buildings from a photo?

Me, I'm an "eyes person", I remember interesting spots and buildings, but maybe not everyone?

If they don't solve it, I will tell where it is, tomorrow evening.

I will post two more pictures later on today.

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I knaa where the top picture is bonny lad!.


Its a place also known to most in Britain as the "Toon."


I can occasionally be found in the Hotspur pub (about 150 yards up the road) on match days!

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I don't know if that's Naples but it certainly could be; looks flat enough. Resembles areas of "Old Naples." Looks like part of Fort Myers and Cape Coral, too--hell, it looks like many coastal communities round here.

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Yes, Dave, I have seen the HOTSPUR on my way, near Haymarket.


Alright, here comes No. 3 - this one should be easy (I hope) and there may be two or three pilots recognising it.




Hmm - wasn't easy? This is Johannesburg, South Africa - home of Winder and JimAttrill.

Edited by Olham

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may i suggest that you rename the pics before loading it up? because if you look into this thread as a guest you don't see the pic but only the name of the jpeg, and it tells the name of the place like in the case above.

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Ah - I checked that, but didn't know, that it's different for guests. Okay, will do.

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In the first picture the 2 buses in the background could be from my neck of the woods but the one in the foreground definately isn't. Anyway, can't be the UK because that cyclist is wearing a T shirt :grin:

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Is it really too hard?

Maybe some of you don't find this game a good idea?

If you don't want to be in this game, please send me a PM

(but only then - I don't want to get flooded with PMs).

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Oh I find it a good game Olham, and if you posted the following I'd know exactly where you are today:






Ah yes, the upper midwestern US during it's other season; both invigorating and character-building, (and believe me, we have our share of characters here). :grin:



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Here are the solutions for the first two pictures I had posted (they will get deleted to make space):


Town One: Newcastle upon Tyne

Hometown of Widowmaker

Barras Bridge, near Haymarket;

looking at the "Crow's Nest" Pub

Town Two: Fort Myers, Florida

Hometown of UncleAl

County Highway 865 to Fort Myers Beach, crossing 5th Avenue;

looking at Wahoo Willie's & Billfish Bar


And here is the next one - the Google Street View car must have driven through some dusty roads before;

all pictures I got from this town were of a low quality lense. There are beautiful sidestreets surely, but Google

only drove along the main road. And I don't necessarily pick the most famous views, but rather those I find

somehow interesting.


Whose Town is this?










Edited by Olham

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HEE HAW! Why it's Lester Prairie, Minnesota in the summer, looking east down Central Avenue. One of our two lovely night clubs, One Eye'd Willy's, is the first place on the left, next door to one of our two four-star eating establishments, the Central Cafe. Across the street you see one of our three state-of-the-art gas and service stations where they sell both types of fuel; regular and ethyl. And, if you keep going east on the street you are looking down for another half mile and take a right at the stop sign, (one of four we have in town), you'll find Chateau Larson, home of yours truly.


Well done Olham.


BTW, I was kidding, we actually have five stop signs. :grin:



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