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Okay, can anyone understand the following?

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"talkinq to dhe mami (Person 1) nhd dhe uqly basterd mommy (Person 2) married (Person 3) .. bout to hop in dhe shower innah few minutes ! nhd then hop riqht into bed ! (IMMAH MAKE (Person 3) GO BOOM ! BOOM !) hha ! hha ! meh nhd (Person 4) are qonnah make (Person 3) to qo BOOM ! BOOM! HHA ! khant stop thinkinq bout yhu starburst love yhu !"


The (Persons) have been substituted by me to protect...well, somebody. I have to ask, is this the way 12 year old girls talk? Because a mom in our cancer group showed what a friend of her niece FB posted...and I have to ask, are kids really this stupid and lazy?



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"talkinq to dhe mami (Person 1) nhd dhe uqly basterd mommy (Person 2) married (Person 3) .. bout to hop in dhe shower innah few minutes ! nhd then hop riqht into bed ! (IMMAH MAKE (Person 3) GO BOOM ! BOOM !) hha ! hha ! meh nhd (Person 4) are qonnah make (Person 3) to qo BOOM ! BOOM! HHA ! khant stop thinkinq bout yhu starburst love yhu !"


The (Persons) have been substituted by me to protect...well, somebody. I have to ask, is this the way 12 year old girls talk? Because a mom in our cancer group showed what a friend of her niece FB posted...and I have to ask, are kids really this stupid and lazy?





Bro, that's straight up Eubonics right there! Actually, there's a guy in our unit that texts like that exactly and I told him if he can't text to me in a language above what a 6th grader can write, then he can't text to me at all. He got offended, and I told him it serves him right - if you want to be taken seriously and intelligently, then write and talk in a way that shows that.

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Apparently, she and her readers can read it, and write it too. :drinks:


So its not stupid, and probably not lazy so much as lack of motivation to learn in a dis-functional education system. I'm not sure, but kids do things for often hidden reasons.



The Good News: If what the younguns are telling me is straight-up that they hope never to get into debt, then I think, or I hope, they are learning for themselves, by themselves, through seeing the adults "go down" so to speak, about debt being a really bad idea, since (today's) adults don't want to admit debt is a very, very bad thing.



FC now, wozop with that cancer group thing?

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Because a mom in our cancer group showed what a friend of her niece FB posted...and I have to ask, are kids really this stupid and lazy?


Nope, not at all. Looks like someone wanted to send a message to a like minded bud without anyone over 18 understanding. Seem like mission accomplished to me. I gotta show this to my fiancé, she speaks fluent teenaged girl. She has to, she teaches them.

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I can understand folks using shorthand when texting from a cell phone, because it's usually a pain to text, especially so if you're using a phone without a QWERTY keyboard (physical or on-screen), or if they have a legitimate circumstance that limits the speed or ability to type (cognitive or physical impairment, etc).


Barring these, there is no reason a person with a real computer keyboard available should type anything like the garbage that was posted. Even folks for whom English is not their primary language do a MUCH better job making themselves understood.


I swear, if I ever caught my kid doing that crap, they would lose use of every electronic device they had...pen and paper is all you get until you can prove you can actually have some command of the English language.



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Barring these, there is no reason a person with a real computer keyboard...


By that, you mean the IBM Model M or Northgate Omnikey. We give boys and girls cheap mushy foam keyboards, so no wonder many write mush.



I have some friends with kids, I just thought maybe they can try one of my M's out, see what happens. Somebody here try their kid out on a real Model M or a recent manufactured replica or updated replica (Windows keys and all). See if it goes over, or not. Since almost all "adult persons" have mush for boards, kids might have a solid reason to do a Retro thing and start using real computer keyboards. Well, its a thought anyways. I bet somebody makes replicas of the Northgate as well.

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i hate texting period, in proper english or modern abbreviated gibberish. only reason i willingly get text on a cell phone plan is because several people from work (junior and senior) can't say two words vocally, but can wear out a keypad texting. i say willingly beacause my wife thought it would be great to get me a phone with windows and internet neither of which i have used in 5 months of havin em. as to the kids, they will always find a way to speak around adults. my middle daughter was in spanish immersion for the 1st 3 years of school and she was teaching her sisters spanish to have conversations around my wife and i! if they cannot communicate anyother way than that text language then there are serious issues but if they can then they are talking round your head. and finally.... anyone wants to comment on my use of english in here tell me who ee cummings was first!:grin:

Edited by daddyairplanes

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Reminds me of an Advert from my teenage years...




thankfully with subtitles...


Though this I have not got a clue seems anyone under 18 seems to talk like this... we had someone where I worked in the UK who would use our internal IM system and talk like this and she was mid 20's and wondered why no-one responded to her messages until it was pointed out no-one understood what the heck she was talking about...

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"talkinq to dhe mami (Person 1) nhd dhe uqly basterd mommy (Person 2) married (Person 3) .. bout to hop in dhe shower innah few minutes ! nhd then hop riqht into bed ! (IMMAH MAKE (Person 3) GO BOOM ! BOOM !) hha ! hha ! meh nhd (Person 4) are qonnah make (Person 3) to qo BOOM ! BOOM! HHA ! khant stop thinkinq bout yhu starburst love yhu !"


I have seen things better written, and sounding more intelligent too, in anonymous insulting letters, on toilets' walls, and even in conservative newspapers!

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Just because it's on FB don't assume they used a PC. You can easily do it from most smartphones now, which many 12 yr olds have.

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Yes, you're getting old (and so am I):drinks:





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Yes, you're getting old (and so am I):drinks:






We may be getting older but it means that the things we enjoy we enjoy for longer as we have to do them slower...

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Give them Dvorak. :grin:


Ah yes, symphony #9 in E minor... :good:






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By that, you mean the IBM Model M or Northgate Omnikey. We give boys and girls cheap mushy foam keyboards, so no wonder many write mush.



I have some friends with kids, I just thought maybe they can try one of my M's out, see what happens. Somebody here try their kid out on a real Model M or a recent manufactured replica or updated replica (Windows keys and all). See if it goes over, or not. Since almost all "adult persons" have mush for boards, kids might have a solid reason to do a Retro thing and start using real computer keyboards. Well, its a thought anyways. I bet somebody makes replicas of the Northgate as well.


Lexx, now only you would know that!


I'm going to start calling you 'Captain Retro - Lord of the Analog!'. :biggrin:


In fact...



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...and I have to ask, are kids really this stupid and lazy?




I don't know but I'll ask one of my stupid and lazy kids to translate it for us intelligent grown ups. :rofl:

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I'm going to start calling you 'Captain Retro - Lord of the Analog!'


TK @ Thudwire won that title. Recall, the digital watch fad got flushed with Pet Rocks and Cabbage Patch.


Analog watches and cockpit panels, like Barbie and Ken, are forever.


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"talkinq to dhe mami (Person 1) nhd dhe uqly basterd mommy (Person 2) married (Person 3) .. bout to hop in dhe shower innah few minutes ! nhd then hop riqht into bed ! (IMMAH MAKE (Person 3) GO BOOM ! BOOM !) hha ! hha ! meh nhd (Person 4) are qonnah make (Person 3) to qo BOOM ! BOOM! HHA ! khant stop thinkinq bout yhu starburst love yhu !"


The (Persons) have been substituted by me to protect...well, somebody. I have to ask, is this the way 12 year old girls talk? Because a mom in our cancer group showed what a friend of her niece FB posted...and I have to ask, are kids really this stupid and lazy?




Wow, I must be getting old too, this is damn near incomprehensible. At least the shorthand people in my generation use makes sense. Most words are simply condensed phonetically and are actually shorter than typing the propper word.


Try replacing "q" with "g". "dhe" I believe is "the" and "nhd" may be "and" "innah" "in a"


"Immah" means "I'm going to". That comes from the whole urban/mtv/s**t music culture I think as I've heard people talk like that on tv. :boredom: Go boom boom! I think means f***ing. Again we probably have some rapper to thank for that. Khant "can't" and "yhu" is "you"


I'd say half of it is being trashy, the other half may be purposefully screwed so most older people can't understand it. As typing the whole message fully, or with older, more sensible abbreviations would be far shorter.


So I think translated means


I'm talking to the (Person 1)'s mother and the ugly bastard's mommy (Person 2) married (Person 3) I'm about to take a shower in a few minutes and hop right into bed afterwards. I'm going to f*** (Person 3) haha! me and (Person 4) are going to f***(Person 3)! I can't stop thinking about you starburst I love you!


Which is disturbing to say the least. Person 3 is clearly married to person 2 and two people other than them are sleeping with person 3. and whoever sent the message is telling what appears to be a girlfriend/boyfriend that they are not only f***ing someone else, but having a three way. Worse, whoever sent the message and person 4 are probably both underage, so somebody connected to this might want to call the cops.

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this is damn near incomprehensible.


You took the time to read it and think it through, and it makes sense. I recall usually thinking stuff like this is mush and pass it by as a waste of time (for me!!). And that's why it can work. I guess if we have kids, we have to learn a new language.

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The heck with that! Kids will learn our language and like it!


Actually, I don't mind language changing, but it shouldn't be less than a generation to do so. And certainly shouldn't be utterly incomprehensible from one generation to the next.



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Wow, I must be getting old too, this is damn near incomprehensible. At least the shorthand people in my generation use makes sense. Most words are simply condensed phonetically and are actually shorter than typing the propper word.


Try replacing "q" with "g". "dhe" I believe is "the" and "nhd" may be "and" "innah" "in a"


"Immah" means "I'm going to". That comes from the whole urban/mtv/s**t music culture I think as I've heard people talk like that on tv. :boredom: Go boom boom! I think means f***ing. Again we probably have some rapper to thank for that. Khant "can't" and "yhu" is "you"


I'd say half of it is being trashy, the other half may be purposefully screwed so most older people can't understand it. As typing the whole message fully, or with older, more sensible abbreviations would be far shorter.


So I think translated means


I'm talking to the (Person 1)'s mother and the ugly bastard's mommy (Person 2) married (Person 3) I'm about to take a shower in a few minutes and hop right into bed afterwards. I'm going to f*** (Person 3) haha! me and (Person 4) are going to f***(Person 3)! I can't stop thinking about you starburst I love you!


Which is disturbing to say the least. Person 3 is clearly married to person 2 and two people other than them are sleeping with person 3. and whoever sent the message is telling what appears to be a girlfriend/boyfriend that they are not only f***ing someone else, but having a three way. Worse, whoever sent the message and person 4 are probably both underage, so somebody connected to this might want to call the cops.


Holy crap bro, that translates perfectly! Except, I don't think that they mean f*** as in what you think. I think they mean it in a way in which they will be messing with Person 3 in a manner that won't be beneficial for person 3. So this person, with a buddy (Person 4) will be messing with Person 3 because he maried Person 2. I think there's a lot more going on here than what we know of regarding Person 1, Person 2, and Person 3. Obviously the person who wrote this is friends with Person 1. She's being updated on some events from Person 2 in regards to just getting married to Person 3. The writer doesn't like Person 3 (possibly because of an issue between him and Person 1) so the writer is not happy over the marriage. So the writer and Person 4 are going to make an effort to make Person 3's life a bit miserable.

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The heck with that! Kids will learn our language and like it!

If you spend the time and pay attention to kids, sure. If not, they might pay more attention to their friends and make their own way.


My parents ignored us to some extent, but I got lucky by getting into heavy reading at an early age, so I turned out "okay" in regards to language usage, I suppose (but you'd never know it from my having to edit my fast poasts, and TK disabled editing over at the Thudwire :yikes: ).



server I was thinking the same thing. If so, it depends on learning what BOOM means in other contexts I figure, or the contexts may vary too, kinda like ECM vs ECCM vs ECCCM vs... Fc, got more of this stuff?

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...and, I'm sure they know our language, but also develop their own code. We do the same thing, use standard street language when we want to be heard by anybody, and use encryption when we have things to hide.


Budding little cryptographers!!!

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Wow, I must be getting old too, this is damn near incomprehensible. At least the shorthand people in my generation use makes sense. Most words are simply condensed phonetically and are actually shorter than typing the propper word.


Try replacing "q" with "g". "dhe" I believe is "the" and "nhd" may be "and" "innah" "in a"


"Immah" means "I'm going to". That comes from the whole urban/mtv/s**t music culture I think as I've heard people talk like that on tv. :boredom: Go boom boom! I think means f***ing. Again we probably have some rapper to thank for that. Khant "can't" and "yhu" is "you"


I'd say half of it is being trashy, the other half may be purposefully screwed so most older people can't understand it. As typing the whole message fully, or with older, more sensible abbreviations would be far shorter.


So I think translated means


I'm talking to the (Person 1)'s mother and the ugly bastard's mommy (Person 2) married (Person 3) I'm about to take a shower in a few minutes and hop right into bed afterwards. I'm going to f*** (Person 3) haha! me and (Person 4) are going to f***(Person 3)! I can't stop thinking about you starburst I love you!


Gentlemen, I think we have discovered the heir of Champollion, Chadwick and Ventris. Eraser, when will you edit a dictionnary "Stupid-lazy-kids-typing-worthless-messages-all-day-long / Intelligent-grown-up-old-fossils-complaining-about-the-youth-all-day-long"?

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