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How hard can it be to accept the fact!

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Ever since the 2.gen series have emerged and new mods have been made for this series. One of the first things that happens is people start asking why do this not work in the old series...


This thread is a prime exsample of this. http://combatace.com/topic/61165-mb-339-pan/page__pid__460097#entry460097


And to be quite honest. I thinks it starts to anoy me...


Why can't some people just not accept the fact that stuff released for the 2.gen games REQUIRRES a 2.gen game.. and that some stuff simply cant be backdated since it's physical impossible....



Rant off.....

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"Think of it as evoloution in action ... those that can't adapt, die"


or .. they think SF2 don't work "right" on XP

or any of a thousand other reasons.


What it comes down to:


Almost all the Big Name Modders ™ have adpated and moved on to what is, and will be future of this series. (excpet those PropHead amongst us bemoaning the lack of "working" WW2 flight models)


Not to put to fine a point on it, as my maternal grandmother would say in Russian "toughs**tski"



kevin stein

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Why then even peek in the dusty SF1 forums? ignore it. ;)


Correction: "Backdating" is very much possible (only the the SF2 Exp pack 2 models cannot be ported to WOI 2010)

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Right now even props are slowly going in to 2 gen games like in KAW or Cliff11 for O-2 that works on SF2 also the same for the beta that his made for my Gladiator i now since tested in SF2 i no longer have 1 gen install and all my work his most likely going in to SF2 or be SF2 compatible prophead like and outer also need to move on and little bye litle FM issues are been solve no future 1 gen games his going to hapen very shortly so start saving money to get SF2 guys or you going to be whitout new mods soon.


Edit im still XP and no problem whit SF2 that his a fact

Edited by cocas

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Hey Henrik, thought some days ago about starting a similar threat as you do.

There ask somebody for the L-39.

But I did not do it cause i thought that was just one topic.

But now I´m a bit pi**ed off too.

In my eyes gen1 is dead. there is no more support from thirwire (patches etc.)

And all skilled modders switched completely over.

Why are some people so blind and ask for things that are not makeable?

If a mod is for a sim then it is for a sim and not for another.

To all who do not understand this:

It´s a kind of evolution.

We are straight moving forward! (see the latest add ons for gen 2)

We don´t make steps back.

I don´t want to get in an argue with somebody,

That is just my point of view.

And now I´m going back in my Paintshop.

You´ll see screens later in the SF2 Screenshot threat. :drinks:

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Okay folks, I'm going to step in a bit here.


First, there are some legitimate reasons folks may stick with Gen 1 series sims. One of the biggest of course is multiplayer, as rudimentary as it is. Second is ease of use...Gen 1 sims can be run off a USB stick, Gen 2 can be done that way, but its more involved. Third, for some folks, online buying isn't a player (no Paypal, etc available in their country), but the older series can be bought on physical media.


That being said, Gen 2 sims have more features, many of which are incompatible with the Gen 1 code. It takes time and energy to make multiple versions of mods. It's not just a matter of exporting models, it's things like DDS vs BMP/TGA, AB nodes, FM changes, RWR changes, etc. I could go on, but the list is long and gets longer everytime.


In fact, TK has just said that due to the changes that will be required in the Dec2010C patch to fix the odd 'shadow' issues (what most people have seen as square props), that a new exporter will be required AND that he is going to reexport the ThirdWire models and they will NOT be backwards compatible. In other words, any future models exported to take advantage of the new shadow effects will not be compatible with any Gen 1 sim, not even the WOI expansion pack.


This doesn't even include what SF2:T will bring to the table...and I guarantee THAT won't be compatible with the SF1 series.


Mods take time and energy...great mods take LOTS of time and energy. At some point, it all adds up, and even the supposed 'little' bit of energy and time required to make a model fully Gen 1 compatible becomes too much.


For me, I still work in BMP and TGA, so swapping out the exporter to reexport the model is easy. I use the older LODs as lowel level models. Maybe after I switch to the DDS format, that folks who decide to use the model in Gen 1 sims will find that LOD HEX editing will still work for them. But I'm not going to expend one erg of energy in making a separate Gen 1 release...I just am not interested in that series anymore except in very limited circumstance.


One more note...there have been some who are thinking of leaving modding because the sim has not changed enough. There are some that leave because the sim changes too much. Both viewpoints are legitimate concerns. I know that I have expressed frustration at both ends of the spectrum.


In short, everyone is in it for different reasons, and they get different things out of it. But it is all a choice...no one forces you to download or buy anything. If a modder supports Gen 1, great! If he doesn't, that's fine too. Fairness is relative to each person. And quite frankly, in the big scheme of things, it is a trivial matter.



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And now I´m going back in my Paintshop


you and me both.... I got buttloads of decals to make, and more research for the Oz Mirages, fiddling with some bits for the Airacobra, and s**tloads of terrain work. Enough (terrain stuff) to last for at least 3-4 months.


But seriously, tho....if folks want to keep trying, let them. We'll just have a standard post, or statement in the readmes (which I've been adding to my most recent ones)


"I'm no longer modding 1stGen games, so any/all issues you have with the mod when trying to install in a non-reccomended way, you're on your own. No support is/will be available. Consult the CA Knowledge Base for information on attempting this"



kevin stein

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I haven't gotten my PONY YET! in either series!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I haven't gotten my PONY YET! in either series!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


And some people ask him Why the Long Face ??? :lol:

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I know exactly what you are talking about....

Ive never seen this on Arma II forum (hey your Arma 2 mod dont work with my Arma I... do something!!! because Im bored)

yeah it is that type of message I want to get after six months of work for free!

Monty CZ

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And some people ask him Why the Long Face ??? :lol:



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To Gen1 Guys, easy.


It's really that simple: You get mods for free, as someone others hard work, made in his/her free time. For own enjoyment, for fame and bunnys, for good of mankind. Pick your own. FC in his great post listed reasons many stick with Gen1, for some it's really hard to buy new series as digital download, some have old systems etc. BUT sticking to Series1 and bitching about lack of backward compatibility (which sometimes is really hard) is just mean. Sorry. It's modder's decision and kind of mod released if it can be used in both series. As example -my recent terrain mods around still should work in Gen1, as I stick with BMP and TGA formats for various reasons -backward compatibility isn't my top priority- so making them usable in Gen1 is really simple and goes down to simple Ctrl+C Ctrl+V 5 min of work.

But as time goes by and the series evolves, it's for good of all of us afficionados, among other reasons, to support TK by buying his new titles.


It's really pointless to stop evolution. You can't. All you can achieve is to annoy or offend someone who spend sometimes months doing something brilliant for you, as Monty CZ pointed out.



I've read whole topic Henrik linked, and I find it disgusting...

To make some DDS conspiracy theories..? Why isn't it yet starred and flagged on beforeitsnews or abovetopsecret? :rofl: jeeez guys.

Edited by Stary

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or wikileaks!!! :yikes:



kevin stein

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I 've just seen this topic...A day after I expressed in this forum that I was still happy with my 2006 desktop (and a few hours after the MB339PAN topic was ...deleted), I was attacked. HD dead (I managed to recover) + my graphics card + sound card. So, I had to buy a new system. Like it or not, I tasted SF2 series in a windows 7 system.


Apparently running dx10 for XP is not an ideal solution. Now is smooth. But apart from that, nothing more that I did not already knew: The SF2 graphics engine, way better than gen1, but for the rest, I am not convinced that had any sense to change the game structure. It has in one sense: I cannot just copy-paste my old object folder to the new one. So I had to start all-over again and instead of enjoying the virtual flights, to waste my hours trying to make old mods SF2 compatible. You know, we had to live real lives. So I had to stick in my SF1 sims. When you have a 180GB installation you don't throw it to the recycle bin so easily (someone wrote in fact that he did...). So I did the obvious: Downloading the ...missing parts from DX11 to make my good, old, WOE working again.

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