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OFF's Haunting theme

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The question is...Will P4 keep it's original Haunting, melancholy filled composition..that makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up. everytime I play the game?

Or Will our own Musical Maestro Matt Milne be composing something else?


The Soundtrack to a great game like OFF is vitally important to get right!


The theme to Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean, the Battle of Britain etc...are forever a part of those films!


And the Music for OFF will, for me at least..be forever tied with it.

(I have also requested the theme to be played at my funeral...morbid I know..but there ya go!!) :salute:


(and I'll be sent off wearing my Flying Helmet and Goggles too!) :lol:

Edited by UK_Widowmaker

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Dambusters need I say anymore...


But you are right the music can make or break a game imho...

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I know what you mean Widowmaker. I was always partial to the theme from the movie "Kelly's Hero's".



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Matt wrote an outstanding score for Between Heaven and Hell, and I think we can post that we are lucky enough to have him write another great one for P4 too :)

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Exactly those thoughts have been on my mind too.

The title is SO good, that it must be incredibly hard to top it; and: it has already got burnt into our memory.

For Matt, it would of course be more interesting to make a new theme, I suppose - at least financially.

But perhaps one option would be to have a selection in "Workshops" to choose the old or the new theme.

Another option would be a random choice made by the sim at start.

A third option would be, to keep this theme, and vary it's arrangement - but I'm afraid one would always prefer the "original".


And the Music for OFF will, for me at least..be forever tied with it.

(I have also requested the theme to be played at my funeral...morbid I know..but there ya go!!)

This is not morbid, Widowmaker. We all know one thing for absolutely certain: that we will sooner or later have to end the show.

And why not with a music of our choice, that we love? It has all a great momentum needs.

(I'd think again about the googles and gloves though - you can't seriously expect anyone to laugh about the sight of that).

Edited by Olham

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This is not morbid, Widowmaker. We all know one thing for absolutely certain: that we will sooner or later have to end the show.

And why not with a music of our choice, that we love? It has all a great momentum needs.

(I'd think again about the googles and gloves though - you can't seriously expect anyone to laugh about the sight of that).


I kinda hope they would have a chuckle!...then all off to the local pub to toast me with a Pint of old Speckled! :grin:

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Good idea, old boy (I don't mean old, but just olde)!

Should I survive you, please send me an invitation with the location, date and time, and I'll be there!

I'll even have my first real beer on you then, since I stopped drinking.

(soberism is much overrated anyway!)

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It's indeed a masterpiece. I hope this score will be included in P4 too. There's no rule that says a sim can only have one great theme, is there? I remember RB3D also had some excellent music that added to the immersion.


Going to the grave wearing goggles and a helmet? Well, that will certainly give the archaelogists of the future something to think about when they dig around the cemetery a thousand years after our time! :grin:

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It's indeed a masterpiece. I hope this score will be included in P4 too. There's no rule that says a sim can only have one great theme, is there? I remember RB3D also had some excellent music that added to the immersion.


Going to the grave wearing goggles and a helmet? Well, that will certainly give the archaelogists of the future something to think about when they dig around the cemetery a thousand years after our time! :grin:


All of the tracks in P3 will be in P4 - the only change is that the current main theme will become a 'track' and Matt's new theme will be the opening one....





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Me I want to be buried in my Biker gear with the a rotary Engine at my feet but hey as to the music well... I have a whole list I would like played just got to work out which one I want but I know this much I want people laughing when I go...

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All of the tracks in P3 will be in P4 - the only change is that the current main theme will become a 'track' and Matt's new theme will be the opening one....






Great news WM...another thing to look forward to!! :drinks:

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All of the tracks in P3 will be in P4 - the only change is that the current main theme will become a 'track' and Matt's new theme will be the opening one....






I'm glad to hear that. I frequently listen to the whole theme before playing. Somewhat to the surprise of a CFS3 playing friend of mine to whom I recently gave an OFF demonstration. I kind of got caught up in the music and suddenly realised he was waiting to start, with a politely puzzled look on his face!

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I'm glad to hear that. I frequently listen to the whole theme before playing. Somewhat to the surprise of a CFS3 playing friend of mine to whom I recently gave an OFF demonstration. I kind of got caught up in the music and suddenly realised he was waiting to start, with a politely puzzled look on his face!


Class!....You need to get 'Into the Zone'...and the music does just that

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I do enjoy the OFF theme, it seems so fitting. The best movie theme I like is the theme from the movie "The Blue Max". We used this music during the WW I dogfight reenactment routine when our Club Air show Team " Oklahoma Barnstormers" performed at Air Shows. All of our routines were performed to music, it added to the performance.





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Sometimes I just turn OFF on in the background and listen to the music as I go about my business. Great theme.

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The P4 score is planned in full, as a full score. At present only the first of the new tracks is completed, the rest to follow end of the month/february.


P3 players have been catered to as the p3 theme features as a sub-theme of the p4 score, you'll have to listen out for its many appearances.







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The P4 score is planned in full, as a full score. At present only the first of the new tracks is completed, the rest to follow end of the month/february.


P3 players have been catered to as the p3 theme features as a sub-theme of the p4 score, you'll have to listen out for its many appearances.


Looking forward to that as much as P4 itself... well, almost. :grin:


I have the track off SoundClick on my mp3 player and take it with when working away. I quite often listen to it before going to sleep... although it does make me wish to be at home and playing OFF. :good:

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That is great news Matt. I will also be looking forward to hearing your new scores. What you did for P3 is stellar!



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The super patch for Redbaron3D, 'Full canvas Jacket II" had some beautiful music created by it's main modder, Kess. I asked asked if I could record the music for my own personal CD's and he allowed this. I've had comments about the music from friends and family when I've had it in the background. It's still on my play list occaisionally.

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You don't say? I sure would love to hear that. I missed out completely on FCJ due to a crappy computer. By the time I acquired a real gaming computer google searches for FCJ led me to Over Flanders Fields!

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You don't say? I sure would love to hear that. I missed out completely on FCJ due to a crappy computer. By the time I acquired a real gaming computer google searches for FCJ led me to Over Flanders Fields!


I don't think it's available anymore, 'tis a shame as the old crew at the Prospero forums were helpful. Most of the skins used in FCJ ended up in WFPII, I'm not certain if Kess' music made it though. Shredward, Greybeard and Polovski all migrated to OFF, times change.


All for the better,



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Someone ought to be contacted about that music theme though. It's a shame for such things to be lost to the internet mist.

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Well, over at "Wings of Honour" are tons of patches and mods, it seems.

Didn't try it out, but should still be downloadable.

And perhaps the music you wanted, is among that stuff?




I saw the "Hell's Angels" stuff by James "OvS" Romano there, who is now "our" famous skinner here at "OFF".

I envy you guys - I must have missed a lot of early fun.

Edited by Olham

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