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OT: The Delicate Art of Making Ourselves Understood

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After the earlier discussion in another thread this morning I felt the need to make a brief post about how some days it can be hard to make ourselves understood in a written comment. While I was not meaning to offend in any way, it seems I initially did, and again apologies if such was the case. Few if any of us have actually met face-to-face, so it is difficult to know what the other person is truly like, and this makes it all the more tricky to understand another’s true intentions in a posted comment. For instance, I am one of the most easy-going and unflappable people you will likely ever run across, and I tend to find humor in nearly everything, (which in and of itself can cause misunderstandings). I perhaps should make more use of smilies and emoticons to better indicate when I am joking or giving another forum member a bit of a wind up, but I tend to assume you all know me already and know when I am posting with tongue in cheek, (it is not fair of me to assume such). Also, please know that when I do so it is with the friendliest of intentions and the truest respect for each of you. I just feel as if we are rather like the collection of characters that populated those Great War squadrons and jastas we so dearly love to claim virtual membership of. There was a lot of lively banter in those outfits, and a fair amount of good-intended humor at our own and others expense. But at the end of the day we are all part of the same experiences at this idealized front. That’s not to say we don’t each bring our own RL experiences here every day: we do, and we should. It all helps to build the camaraderie and esprit de corps that are an honest part of these forums. Let’s face it; this is a fun place to hang around!


I’m rambling, so I will stop myself now; just felt I should elaborate a bit. One final note though to offer a little more insight into my character: for health reasons I haven’t had a drink since 1984. But I have so many fond memories of those delicious elixirs that they tend to seep into some of my posts to you lot, (and yes, my choice of the word "some" was meant as a ridiculous understatement).




Cheers my Friends!





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So Lou,


What you're saying in essence is, you only became a horribly obnoxious and spiteful human being AFTER you stopped drinking??? ;)


Cheers Mate,



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Must admit somedays I cannot understand me let so what chance have others got... but Lou don't take it to heart remember some people do not understand Sarcasm or tongue in cheek as they have never been introduced properly... as to the comment you made this morning made sense to me... ROF in OFF...




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Lou,I really don't understand why you have the impression that I was offended earlier... :dntknw:

I knew about the controvercial nature of my post...and asked moderators to delete if necessary.

No offence taken whatsoever!

Let's have some virtual drinks!



Edited by elephant

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Lou, I don't remember ever, seen a comment on your part that could offend anyone.

You're always so polite and friendly...

I felt different after stoping smoking. I've give up 6 years ago. But, sometimes, I still wish for a cigarette. With the process, I've never touched again in any alchol drink, except beer. I've always sensed that the drinking process is related to the act of smoking. So because this is a struggle within myself, I never touched again in a scotch or a bourbon. Jesus! what I would give for a smoke and a straight bourbon.

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Elephant, I'm sorry...what...I ah...I don't...quite...understand Sir. :biggrin:


I am very glad to know I didn't step on any toes, Elephant. So then, drinks it is, name your poison.




Slarti...HEE HAW! :rofl:




Kind of you to say VP. And oh how I feel your pain some days, Sir. A really fine cigar and two fingers of Tullamore Dew with a nice red ale to follow. Man!





Edited by RAF_Louvert

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Lou, that declaration was a bit long - we all know meanwhile how you are, Sir (and we'll have to live with it! Mmuahahahahahaaa!!!!)


Oh, and as for the drinking: you beat me by 20 years then exactly - I have stopped on my birthday 2004.

My reason was: if I really like something a lot, I have the tendency to spend too much time with it.

With OFF, I have found something MUCH healthier.

But people keep saying: when you drank beer, you were much more fun to be with.

(Funny - the same people told me then: don't drink too much. And I only wanted to be even funnier)


Elephant, I don't mind a virtual drink, Sir - cheers!

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hee, hee...Olham, back in the day the people who told me how much more fun I was when I drank were the same ones I was spotting to free rounds. Of course, I was so much more fun then that I didn't tend to notice the connection. :wink:



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Yeah, fun can cost a fortune! :rofl:

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Just to chime in:



I found your use of "comportment" spot on appropriate. It addressed the "gestalt", on several different levels, of the intent of elephant's post and where the discussion(s) could have possibly led.


By that I mean that I was (am) curious about elephant's observations regarding "user unfriendly externals" and "complex engine management" and "visual awesomeness".



The discussion, from my perspective, would have touched on areas where tradition and roots combined with technological advancements leads to a whole new gaming experience. Where the differences in assigning controls in game take a back seat to scripting them using software supplied by different HOTAS mfg's. Where "visual awesomeness" differs from "visual freshness" when trying to emulate the look of varnish, nitrate dope and not shellac as seen through the eyes of 32-bit color pallet.


Maybe another day.



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After the earlier discussion in another thread this morning I felt the need to make a brief post about how some days it can be hard to make ourselves understood in a written comment. While I was not meaning to offend in any way, it seems I initially did, and again apologies if such was the case. Few if any of us have actually met face-to-face, so it is difficult to know what the other person is truly like, and this makes it all the more tricky to understand another’s true intentions in a posted comment. For instance, I am one of the most easy-going and unflappable people you will likely ever run across, and I tend to find humor in nearly everything, (which in and of itself can cause misunderstandings). I perhaps should make more use of smilies and emoticons to better indicate when I am joking or giving another forum member a bit of a wind up, but I tend to assume you all know me already and know when I am posting with tongue in cheek, (it is not fair of me to assume such). Also, please know that when I do so it is with the friendliest of intentions and the truest respect for each of you. I just feel as if we are rather like the collection of characters that populated those Great War squadrons and jastas we so dearly love to claim virtual membership of. There was a lot of lively banter in those outfits, and a fair amount of good-intended humor at our own and others expense. But at the end of the day we are all part of the same experiences at this idealized front. That’s not to say we don’t each bring our own RL experiences here every day: we do, and we should. It all helps to build the camaraderie and esprit de corps that are an honest part of these forums. Let’s face it; this is a fun place to hang around!


I’m rambling, so I will stop myself now; just felt I should elaborate a bit. One final note though to offer a little more insight into my character: for health reasons I haven’t had a drink since 1984. But I have so many fond memories of those delicious elixirs that they tend to seep into some of my posts to you lot, (and yes, my choice of the word "some" was meant as a ridiculous understatement).




Cheers my Friends!






Too long, you rambled too much, didn't read...:no:


( I'm joking...)

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Lewie, I've been accused of being many things over the years, but short-winded is not on the list. Allow me to elaborate, if I may, by giving a brief overview of the aforementioned list...


(Lou drones on incessantly as, unnoticed by him, his audience hastily leaves the room.)



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(Lou drones on incessantly as, unnoticed by him, his audience hastily leaves the room.)

Haha! That reminds me of one scene in "Analyse This", when de Niro keeps talking,

while the psychiatrist behind him leaves the room, only to come back in a bit later, still chewing.

Sneaks back in, sits down quietly, and when de Niro finally says "What do you say to that?",

Billy Crystal wipes off some bredcrumbs from his mouth and says "Well, we will look at that

next time, okay? Your time for today is over."

Edited by Olham

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Lewie, I've been accused of being many things over the years, but short-winded is not on the list. Allow me to elaborate, if I may, by giving a brief overview of the aforementioned list...


(Lou drones on incessantly as, unnoticed by him, his audience hastily leaves the room.)




Get to the point man! We're going to have to send you off to the Hugh, "Boom" Trenchard school of Public Speaking if this vacillating and vexatious need to pontificate continues.

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Lou I find all the people on this forum to be Gentlemen of high character and uncommon knowledge. It is with joy I log on to read the discussions that you and olham and others provide. I found nothing offensive in your remark as well as nothing offensive with Elephant. I look forward to your continued wisdom Gentlemen. Thanks to all of you!


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I am very glad to know I didn't step on any toes, Elephant. So then, drinks it is, name your poison.





just tried to imagine, how to step on elephant's toes. can be dangerous me thinks :rofl:

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I turned that phrase for just such imagining, Creaghorn. Was wonder who might swing at it. :grin:



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I was just finishing cleaning up mountain of good strong Wisconsin snow and read the aforementioned thread and this one. My thoughts:


A) Elephant, I rather enjoyed seeing the screenshots of your little RoF adventure. I also have it and enjoyed my time with it, though unlike Parky I -don't- have enough room on my hard drive for -both- WW1 flight sims + other PC games I play, so I only keep OFF installed on a permanent basis. As an old RB3D hand I adore OFF, though I admit in the past six weeks I've spent much more time on this forum than actually furthering my RFC campaign. This is mainly because I've been console gaming like a madman recently.


B) Lou, you are a gentleman and a scholar old chap but you've got nothing to be so worried about! There was nothing at all offensive in your initial post though I suppose I understand you have cause for concern, the internet being the way it is. Still I think we can safely say that everything is fine and dandy.


I have spoken! These proceedings are now closed, all parties are excused and you may step out. drinks.gif

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I have spoken! These proceedings are now closed, all parties are excused and you may step out. drinks.gif


I read that as "all parties are executed" and was puzzled for a while. That's one (rather permanent) way of dealing with troublemakers. :grin:

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I read that as "all parties are executed" and was puzzled for a while. That's one (rather permanent) way of dealing with troublemakers. :grin:


I sort of like 'the beatings will continue until morale improves" kind of solutions.


A window into my own sordid-ness.

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I am in agreement with Mr Dirt. I enjoy the comments of my fellow OFF er s:salute::good:

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I turned that phrase for just such imagining, Creaghorn. Was wonder who might swing at it. :grin:




Always a Gentleman with a poetic sense of humor... :ok:

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May I make the observation that, unlike other some other ernestly healthly individuals here, I still drink alcohol (regularly) and smoke (occasionally).


HOWEVER, I gave up being offended by anything anyone says ten years ago, when my daughter became a teenager! Unlike the other two aforementioned poisons - the cessation of which can lead to unpleasant cravings - I have found that turning a deaf ear to offensive remarks, accidental or deliberate, has no ill-effects at all!


I would therefore recommend this course of action - being as we are ALL gentlemen here - and the assumption adopted that no one of us ever means to give offence. And anyone suspected of such should be viewed as a bit 'under the weather' and treated kindly until they recover :grin:

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