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SAS trooper stabbed by a shoplifter...

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An SAS trooper collecting toys for children was stabbed when he helpedstop a suspected shoplifter.


The 'Toys-R-Us' Store Manager said that a man was seen onsurveillance cameras last Friday putting a laptop under his jacket at the store.When confronted, the man became irate, knocked down an employee, pulled a knife and ran toward the door.Outside were four SAS Troopers collecting toys for the "Toys For Tots" program.


Smith said the Troopers stopped the man, but he stabbed one of them, in the back.


The cut did not appear to be severe.


The suspect was transported by ambulance to the Hospital with two broken arms, a broken leg, possible broken ribs, multiple contusions and assorted lacerations including a broken nose and jaw...


Injuries he apparently sustained when he tripped whilst trying to run after the stabbing.


One of the Troopers said, "He was a clumsy bar steward."

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It doesn't matter who he stabbed..there should be a mandatory Jail Sentence for ANYONE caught with a Knife in public

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When I work as loss-prevention at a prominent electronics store in the early 90s our policy was to not engage any shoplifter who became physical and or elected to run (read: don't pursue)


... I apparently had excellent "luck" as every one of my apprehensions came as a result of a "slip and fall" by the shoplifter. :dntknw:


Apparently the SAS fellas have excellent luck and or the shoplifter had exceptionally poor luck dependent upon ones perspective.


Regardles, Good-on-them! :drinks:

Edited by Zurawski

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It doesn't matter who he stabbed..there should be a mandatory Jail Sentence for ANYONE caught with a Knife in public

I disagree. I carry one everywhere I go. It's not the weapon that's dangerous. Its the bloody wanker holding it.

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An SAS trooper collecting toys for children was stabbed when he helpedstop a suspected shoplifter.


The 'Toys-R-Us' Store Manager said that a man was seen onsurveillance cameras last Friday putting a laptop under his jacket at the store.When confronted, the man became irate, knocked down an employee, pulled a knife and ran toward the door.Outside were four SAS Troopers collecting toys for the "Toys For Tots" program.


Smith said the Troopers stopped the man, but he stabbed one of them, in the back.


The cut did not appear to be severe.


The suspect was transported by ambulance to the Hospital with two broken arms, a broken leg, possible broken ribs, multiple contusions and assorted lacerations including a broken nose and jaw...


Injuries he apparently sustained when he tripped whilst trying to run after the stabbing.


One of the Troopers said, "He was a clumsy bar steward."


Oh man that's funny stuff...I'm sending this to someone

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Dave, its said that over in the UK, they can only carry spoons in public. Or have their spoons been "restricted" as well? How far they have fallen.


There's a reason the Blade Comparative Evaluation (B.C.E.) scene in that Croc Dundee movie was so popular.

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have to agree wuth dave. Ya need self-protection at night. Remember the hoody sweatshirt will save your life someday. has when I take the T at night or get my exercise late at night.

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I disagree. I carry one everywhere I go. It's not the weapon that's dangerous. Its the bloody wanker holding it.



"Rule #9, always carry a knife"



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"Rule #9, always carry a knife"





*jots note down on paper*

Got it!


So what's rule number one? Carry a loaded pistol?

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The suspect was transported by ambulance to the Hospital with two broken arms, a broken leg, possible broken ribs, multiple contusions and assorted lacerations including a broken nose and jaw...


Injuries he apparently sustained when he tripped whilst trying to run after the stabbing.


Must have been some fall... good thing the SAS guys were there to "Help him up" =P

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If I lived in America..I wouldn't even go out at night!...You carry your Knives and guns all you want...Lets hope you stay safe :drinks:

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Dave, its said that over in the UK, they can only carry spoons in public. Or have their spoons been "restricted" as well? How far they have fallen.


There's a reason the Blade Comparative Evaluation (B.C.E.) scene in that Croc Dundee movie was so popular.


Thats a silly comment.


I'm kicking 50 yrs old now...I don't know anyone who has been stabbed or shot....The statistics speak for themselves.... I don't consider that as "How far they have fallen"....I call that a Result!...If you consider how many people in the US who have lost their lives, from gunshot wounds a good thing..then pity you

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The most dangerous weapon in the US is the automobile.


Unfortunately, the licensing program is wholly inadequate to weed out the offenders.

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Thats a silly comment.


I'm kicking 50 yrs old now...I don't know anyone who has been stabbed or shot....The statistics speak for themselves.... I don't consider that as "How far they have fallen"....I call that a Result!...If you consider how many people in the US who have lost their lives, from gunshot wounds a good thing..then pity you


50yrs without stabbing or shooting...wow. I've been on this Earth for 25 years and there has been several shootings in my area alone. A father shot is daughter in the face down the road from me some years ago(he mistaked his daughter for his cheating wife) some other punk kids got shot and few blocks away from me not too long ago either. When I was 10 there was a driveby in my area fast foward a few years and somone did a walkby on neighbors house. And I live in a nice peaceful town compared to others that have four or five triple homocides a weekend.


Personally if it gets worse where I am then I'm getting myself an M249 with lots of ammo.


The most dangerous weapon in the US is the automobile.




Would that be with or without a woman behind the wheel?

Edited by Skyviper
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I don't think it matters when there are cellphones or passengers they MUST converse with involved. Or drugs or alcohol.

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UK, don't bring a gun to a knife thread. :drinks:



If you consider how many people in the US who have lost their lives, from gunshot wounds a good thing..then pity you

That's a silly comment, but yea I did poast a silly comment; a popular joke here in USA about Britts restricted to spoons only, which may be wrong. Sorry about that. If I recall, there are blade length restrictions, but short knives are allowed -- or was that another country like NZ or somewhere. I don't recall.

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I don't know anyone who has been stabbed or shot.


You do now, I've been stabbed three times, and shot once :grin:

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You do now, I've been stabbed three times, and shot once :grin:

Wow.Tough luck



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Glad to hear that the SAS guy will be OK.


Side note for Dave-> In NH I believe the bill has passed that no longer requires a permit to carry concealed, don't think it's been signed into law yet though.

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You do now, I've been stabbed three times, and shot once :grin:


Blimey...who the hell have you upset?? :yikes:

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You do now, I've been stabbed three times, and shot once :grin:



:blink: ...is it safe to assume that you are a shareholder in Kevlar?:grin:

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