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Modern/WW2 Carrier Air Group

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What if the Nimitz never came back the present day at the end of The Final Countdown and stayed in WW2?






There where no F-18s in the fleet back then...and by back then, I meant in 1980 when the film was released.

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There where no F-18s in the fleet back then...and by back then, I meant in 1980 when the film was released.


F-18 was new in 1980 but Operational since 1978.

Check out photos of actual aircraft painted in historical color schemes at Centennial of Naval Aviation web site and also on Navy Newstand site.

Fly Navy!

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The F/A-18 went operational in 1983 not 1980 I should know I was in the Fleet at the time. During the 1981 NAE Lakehurst Air Show a prototype YF-18 in PAX River testing colors was on static display.


As for the SH-60, the SH-60B was sent first to HSL squadrons and the SH-3E's stayed aboard the larger Nimitz,Forestal and Kitty Hawk class CV's. The Seahawks went operational in 1983 as LAMPS birds assigned to destroyer and frigate type ships.


That said, it would be nice to have the CoNA paint jobs in both generations of SF/WO.

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F-18 was new in 1980 but Operational since 1978.

Check out photos of actual aircraft painted in historical color schemes at Centennial of Naval Aviation web site and also on Navy Newstand site.

Fly Navy!


I have an issue of Proceedings from 1981 that argues against that. There were no Hornets operational in the fleet in November of 1981.

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I've seen the movie many times and have both the DVD and novel, so know the Nimitz air wing in the movie was the 'Classic' F-14/A-6/A-7 mix, with EA-6B, E-2C and SH-3 in support. Don't they launch an RF-8 too?


I just saw the decal sheet on the latest Hannants newsletter and thought it might give some inspiration to our what-if skinners.


But what if they had a protoype F/A-18 aboard for testing and evaluation. And the technical expertise and data held aboard a carrier that went back to WW2 might be enough to enable some sort of facsimile to be manufactured in 1940's factories, leapfrogging the generations from P-80/F-86/F-4 etc. I know it's fanciful but John Birmingham explored a similar scenario in his Axis of Time trilogy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Birmingham#Axis_of_Time_Trilogy

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I KNEW you'd read those!!


defending London with a single destroyer armed with Metalstorm launchers ... oh, yeah!



kevin stein

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If they'd made the movie a few years earlier they would've sent an RA-5C instead of an RF-8 :(

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Actually, in the book it is a Vigilante!

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I was on Nimitz from 83-87 and NO hornets and NO H-60's.


A-7E,A-6E,H-3,F-14B,EA-6B,E-2C,S-3B,During deployment A-3


Just an FYI :good:

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What if the Nimitz never came back the present day at the end of The Final Countdown and stayed in WW2?






hmm lets see...IF, we would have been the "UCA" United Continents of America..best of all no economic crisis right now :salute::good:

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I've seen the movie many times and have both the DVD and novel, so know the Nimitz air wing in the movie was the 'Classic' F-14/A-6/A-7 mix, with EA-6B, E-2C and SH-3 in support. Don't they launch an RF-8 too?


I just saw the decal sheet on the latest Hannants newsletter and thought it might give some inspiration to our what-if skinners.


But what if they had a protoype F/A-18 aboard for testing and evaluation. And the technical expertise and data held aboard a carrier that went back to WW2 might be enough to enable some sort of facsimile to be manufactured in 1940's factories, leapfrogging the generations from P-80/F-86/F-4 etc. I know it's fanciful but John Birmingham explored a similar scenario in his Axis of Time trilogy http://en.wikipedia....of_Time_Trilogy



If you look closely there's also an F-4 of some description on one of the landing shots. :cool:


No way a Bug could be built with the level of technology back then. Ok, you've got the original, but no way to duplicate it. IIRC from the Axis of Time it took them 2-3 years to come up with an A-4 copy, and yes they had all the plans on file. A-4 first flew around mid-54 so not too fanciful at all. They also had F-86's with Sidewinders (again doable) and the next planned jet was going to be their first supersonic bird, an F-5 copy. And that was stretching it I think was the quote. So certainly not leaping straight to electric jets or plastic bugs.


For a nutjob Birmingham kept this series of books at least on the level as he could.


But I agree, Bugs in the 40's would be cool, so why not? In SF anything is possible.



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I agree but just have to point out no one has an issue with the whole time travel thing but a hornet in 1980 now thats weird. ;)

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If they'd made the movie a few years earlier they would've sent an RA-5C instead of an RF-8 :(

But if you look closely there is an RA-5C Vigilante at the beginning of the movie, when Mr. Laskey is boarding the SH-3 and when it is taking off. Is this the only screen time the Vigilante received?

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